
Orion Prelude Preview | VGNetwork.it

If there's one game genre that has explored almost all events (actual or fictitious) is certainly that FPS: from the Second World War to the Vietnam conflict, from the wars in the Middle East to the futuristic battles with multinational ready to fight for everything and everywhere. Orion Prelude is one of this and, as for any FPS, the quality of detail marks the boundary between a title with excellent prospects and one that gets little attention and poor sales.

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ORION: Prelude Will No Longer Be Free-To-Play

ORION: Prelude will no longer be free-to-play from October 24th onwards, and it will cost US$ 0.99 instead.

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ORION developer admits game ripping weapon art content from Call of Duty, fires 3D artist

Developer David James has issued a new statement about the battle between Activision and Spiral Games regarding the unauthorised/illegal use of weapon art content from Call of Duty games. According to James, Spiral Games’ 3D artist did actually rip some content from the Call of Duty games, and a resolution has been reached.

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Null19803008d ago

Do they actually think they're going to get away with it? What was the point?

ninsigma3008d ago

Well duh. That was blatantly obvious.

Relientk773008d ago (Edited 3008d ago )

Why would you steal from another developer? So stupid.

SamPao3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

Well shitty for the people that were working without copying blatantly...


Let's Play - Orion Prelude

The AH Crew continue their goal of total dinosaur extinction by hunting dinos in Orion Prelude!

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