
Rockstars Bully revamped for 360 and Wii but not for PS3

In spite of all the critical acclaim, most people glossed right over Rockstar Games' Bully; it even received a coveted 10 in the pages of EGM. Rockstar isn't giving up on the new IP just yet, however, as they've announced Bully: Scholarship Edition for both Xbox 360 and Wii, complete with tweaked visuals and additional content.
Other than that, we're in the dark, but Rockstar says the revamped Bully is coming to both platforms this "winter." This could be the perfect game to cool down from the fall gaming season with in early 08 -- keep watching as we learn more -- but here's a question: where's the PlayStation 3 version?

toughNAME6122d ago (Edited 6122d ago )

we should just assume the PS3 version of multiplatforms will be lacking

but luckily the PS3 exclusives are better than 360 exclusives

I mean,(in order of most recent) Bioshock/Halo 3/PGR4 vs. Lair/Warhawk/HS

no chance!

Jdash246122d ago (Edited 6122d ago )

oh ya

but how bout this

viva pinata/scene it/beautiful katamari vs. haze/uncharted/mgs4

real nice comparison

@tough, lol.....i know......i like being sarcastic.........but that was the point :P

an actual fair list would be

halo 3/ bioshock/mass effect vs. killzone2/ mgs4/ FF13

ahh i see that.....well im listing the heavy hitters that people will think of when they hear the consoles name

toughNAME6122d ago (Edited 6122d ago )

but i like your avatar...so ill let you give it another shot

go on, try again


uuhh...future games?
chnaces r killzone will flop...so use like singstar instead

wait! no im comparing recently released games

DeadIIIRed6122d ago

I'll give you some credit that HS and Lair were tremendous, and I do mean tremendous let downs. To be truthful, they're steaming piles of sh*t. However, Warhawk has a much more immersive multiplayer experience than Halo 3. Once UT3 comes out in December followed by MGS4, Final Fantasy XIII, and Killzone 2, we'll start to see a tremendous shift in power.

Besides, this game (Bully) is old news to anyone with a PS2 or PS3.

TheSadTruth6121d ago

Something Xbox and PS3 owners can all agree on is that the titles on the site need to be chosen better. Instead of "Rockstars Bully revamped for 360 and Wii but not for PS3" how about "Rockstar's Bully remake confirmed for Xbox 360 and Wii."

brothersimon6121d ago

You're a retard. GTFO of teh webz and play on ur PS3 XD

But other than that, reason it aint on PS3 is because if you have no noticed, PS3 sucks.

Ri0tSquad6121d ago

if 360's 1st year exclusives were compared with ps3's first year exclusives.

mesh16121d ago

SON i think u miss read there is no ps3 version.

EXPLICIT216121d ago

Why would I need a ps3 version? wii and 360 owners are just getting sloppy seconds.

marinelife96121d ago

Why would wii and 360 owners want a hand me down? This is just like lost planet.

AngryTypingGuy6121d ago

"but luckily the PS3 exclusives are better than 360 exclusives" -- Yeah, maybe in Bizarro World. Two words: Mass Effect. But you're right about the 360 version of games being better.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 6121d ago
Rooftrellen6122d ago

There are reasons to look the other way on the PS3.

It's hard and expensive to develop for, and the install base isn't too high.

I don't consider it "using" the Sony any more than I think Square "used" Nintendo. If there are characteristics of a console you don't like, you don't develop some games for it.

If you want someone turning their back on someone else, look at MS turning their back on Sony with the Dreamcast, or the deal Sony tried to make with Nintendo to make Nintendo characters their property.

sticky doja6122d ago

1) Didnt sell well on PS2

2) Most people that have a PS3 had a PS2 so they are either the ones that didn't buy it or already have it

3) PS3 owners can always get the original to play (unless of course the buy the new SKU)

ShiftyLookingCow6122d ago

The 3rd point also probably indicates that the 360 version's "graphical enhancements" is not really that much

Darkiewonder6122d ago

You lose one, then you gain one [If the two version sell] means funds to develop the next game.

zslash6122d ago

This is old... look at the article date on 1UP, July!

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Bully: Scholarship Edition - Desperately in Need of a Sequel

Bully: Scholarship Edition was an Xbox 360 & Wii re-release of the PS2 classic. Still playable on modern consoles, it'll make you long for a sequel.

TheBrainZ150d ago

A sequel? More likely a remake as is the current trend? No point, everyone wants GTA VI.

kevco33150d ago

It's a shame that basically all of Rockstar's catalogue apart from GTA and Red Dead is now, well, dead.

Redgrave150d ago

The R☆ of today is extremely unlikely to put out any project that isn't GTA because of the gaming climate and because GTA is stupidly self sustaining.

Gone are the days of a mainline title and a portable tie-in/standalone title of the same name just like publishers putting out multiple fighters at once.

Costs are too high and mainline titles have become too gargantuan to allow for "risks" on lesser titles that may not take off or sell.

Take Capcom for example, and SF6. We are unlikely to ever see a new installment of their other fighters like Rival School or Darkstalkers because SF6 is more popular, recognized and costly. A new Darkstalkers in the RE Engine would look sick as f*ck, and would visually be unlike any other fighter if done right. Sadly though, it's not as recognizable as SF and Capcom is unlikely to put so much on the line for something that might not catch.

Rebel_Scum150d ago

If there’s to be a sequel it should be at the college/university level. Otherwise its just going to be a rehash of the same progression and story.

ThichQuangDuck528d ago

To think of all the characters we have been asked to kill since No Russian

528d ago

Xbox 360/PS3 Ports That Would Be Great on Nintendo Switch

Here's a list of Xbox 360/PS3 games that would be great on the Nintendo Switch (at a modest, reasonable price of course). These games could really flourish if given a new lease on life, introducing a new generation to their greatness.

Read Full Story >>
MichaelKnight83746d ago (Edited 746d ago )

I'm sure R* knows the Nintendo Switch install base and probably dont really care to port over more R* games to the Nintendo Switch tho i gotta say playing GTA4 & RDR1 on the go on the Nintendo Switch would be dope

Knightofelemia745d ago

I would buy Lollipop Chainsaw, Alice Madness Returns, Enslaved, Splatter House, Brutal Legends, Dante's Inferno, and Dead Space for sure if they were ported to the Switch.

Mobis-New-Nest745d ago

Deus Ex Human Revolution would be a great title to The Holy Grail of All Consoles aka The Nintendo Switch*. Also Haze Remastered, Grand Theft Auto 4 and 5 Remastered, Silent Hill HD Collection, Max Payne 3 Remastered, Call of Duty World At War Remastered, The Orange Box Remastered, Halo Master Chief Collection, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 Remastered, Metal Gear Solid 4 Remastered, Afro Samurai Remastered, Demons Souls Remastered, Xmen Destiny Remastered, Jack and Daxter Collection, Def Jam Icon Remake, Folklore Remastered, Spiderman Edge of Time Remastered, Persona 5 remastered, the list goes on. (*Best Selling Console of All Time)

MontyeKristo745d ago (Edited 745d ago )

Can we just get a Bully 2? 😒

iplay1up2745d ago

Seriously? Isn't it time Nintendo make a Switch successor? I mean they have the sales and money.

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