
Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII trademark allowed to expire

Square Enix has let its trademark for Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII lapse, apparently confirming the demise of the rumoured Fabula Nova Crystallis entry.
The latest status report on the oft-forgotten trademark reveals Square Enix has not responded to notifications of its impending expiration, suggesting the publisher is willing to let it slide.

Kurisu4876d ago

I forgot about this trademark. Maybe the "game" / concept for the game still exist, but they decided to let the trademark lapse because it's no longer in the XIII branch of games, but it could still be party of the Fabula Nova Crytallis mythology, just like Type-0.

sinncross4876d ago (Edited 4876d ago )

^That or its one of their cancelled projects.

Emilio_Estevez4876d ago

Or it could have been a decoy trademark like GTA does.

X-Zone4875d ago

Shame, i heard it was going to be a game that focuses on summons :(

BaneWilliams4875d ago (Edited 4875d ago )

Duplicate article, see report.


Cablephish4875d ago

Whatever happened to Final Fantasy Agito XIII?


Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII is no more

Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII, perhaps the most intruiging game in the Fabula Nova Crystallis series. In 2006 Square Enix trademarked FF Haeresis resulting in a seemingly endless discussion about what this title really was and if it was real.

Today the US Patent & Trademark Office updated this trademark with the Notice of Abandonment.

Speaking of patents, the European patent for Final Fantasy Type-0 got approved last week, it was submitted back in December 2010. Square Enix also patented “SE masterpieces” last week. The patent is still under examination and while nothing is known about it, it fairly sounds like this could be a HD versions of Kingdom Hearts I/II & Final Fantasy X/XII for PS2.

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RedDead4875d ago

Thought this was FFXIV(renamed)....guess not

gaffyh4875d ago

Wada is an idiot.

Nothing to do with the topic, but I feel it should be said in anything to do with Square Enix.

On topic - This is probably just one of those games that had to get canned because of the financial problems. They better announce Final Fantasy VII remake at E3, it is the only thing that could redeem their financials.

Tony P4875d ago

That's fine. Never knew anything about it.

Nothing gained. Nothing lost.

Nate-Dog4875d ago

Tbh they should just focus on getting out those games that they have already told us about, I think one of them is almost 7 YEARS in development and still isn't anywhere in sight?


koehler834875d ago

I think at this point, if Versus comes out and isn't the second coming of Cloud, Wada knows it will pretty much shatter Square Enix' fragile reputation. After pulling the trigger far too soon on FFXIV, his head is already on the chopping block. Another triple A bomb is the axe. It will get another 5 years if it needs it; So long as the company can sustain itself that long.

4875d ago
-Gespenst-4875d ago

I take it that picture is unofficial? I'd never seen a logo for this game with an illustration.

Sort of disappointed, although I shouldn't be because this was never anything more than a cool name.

Tony P4875d ago

Yeah, the logo is a fan thing made by someone on deviantArt.

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In a great interview made by the french website FINAL FANTASY DREAM, Shinji Hashimoto (Producer of Fabula Nova Crystallis), revealed that Haeresis XIII isn't a project at all.
See more information on the website, with an interview video.

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5026d ago Replies(1)
Mahmoud_Algeria5026d ago

Fabula Nova Crystallis is just a thing to pay a lot of money.
We wanted a FINAL FANTASY VII Remake, and Shinji Hashimoto respond, He haven't the time to produce it ! Change your way to thought DAMN SQUARE ENIX, and please listen to the fans and journalists !
We want the remake of FF VII !!!

Lolita575026d ago

Shut up with FF VII... I don't care about it !

5026d ago Replies(1)
SonyNGP5026d ago

Screw VII!

I want a remake of VI and IX instead!

5026d ago
Eamon5026d ago

FFIX doesn't need a remake. It's perfect how it is.

FFVI and FFVII need remakes though.

blumatt5026d ago (Edited 5026d ago )

Well, I want a remake of FF 8. I liked it the best of all of them. Squall and Rinoa ftw. Best love story ever.

SnakeMustDie5026d ago

Seriously, SE needs to show more detail about the game. They are going downhill and VS is their last hope.

Stunt5026d ago

Wait, people actually believed Haeresis XIII was a real game?

Black-Helghast5026d ago

No, but i rather play that unreal game, than FF13...What a dissapointmen... :\

Optical_Matrix5026d ago

I thought this rumor was debunked years ago. Anyway its a good thing. Unless SE get Versus XIII right then I couldn't care less about this potential flop, had it actually been real.

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