
Valve: "If you want a mobile engine, call Epic"

Develop-Online: Washington studio says it has no existing smartphone strategy for Source, Steam or games

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jony_dols4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

Does this mean that we won't be seeing Source on the NGP?
Or is does it only apply to to Android and Apple platforms?

Portal 2 would work great on the NGP. Test Chambers on the go, would fit Sony's mobile platform, Steamworks co-op and the dual analogues perfectly.

MintBerryCrunch4889d ago

the NGP isnt a smartphone...i think there is a reason Valve made that distinction between a portable game console, to a mobile smartphone

jony_dols4889d ago

Valve are one of the few developers not to have pledged themselves to developing on the NGP yet.

Their reluctance to develop on smartphones might mean that they have no intention on working on any other mobile platform a.k.a the NGP....

GamingBuddha094889d ago

ngp is considered portable console. vale is refering to iOS and Android smartphones/tablets

gamingdroid4889d ago

The jump from NGP (or portable consoles) to smart phones/tablets isn't so big except the latter likely has a much larger market.

rabidpancakeburglar4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )


Portal 2 would be awful on the NGP because of the terribly awkward tiny analogue buttons. Other games would no doubt work but it would be hard to accurately move portal gun

Elimin84889d ago

They're actually Analog Sticks instead of disks.. I think it will work just fine!

MintBerryCrunch4889d ago

exactly, Sony finally figured it out...now even more games will be enjoyable on the NGP

jony_dols4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

All you need for a NGP Portal is 2 analogue sticks, 2 shoulder buttons and the XO buttons (or the trackpad on the back of the NGP) for jumping & pressing buttons. All of which the NGP has. And Source is technically not a demanding graphics engine, so it could probably be easily translated over

The NGP's analogues are similar to the 360's analogues and are perfect for FPS games.

Puzzle games such as Mercury & Lumines were perfect games for the original PSP, for when on the go. Portal (with the NGP's FPS functionality) would work great.

Johnny Jiron4889d ago

So why couldn't they take advantage of the touch screen?

CandyCaptain4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

Well tbh we don't yet know how accurate the ngp joysticks are, if they are like they psp they yeah I would agree with you, but if the have a finer sense of control like the ds3 then eh, I don't see why not.(Though I would still rather have portal on console/pc anyways.) ^.^'

ATiElite4890d ago

...Because we are way too dam busy making Half Life 2 Episode 3 too worry about the mobile market".

I hope that's what Gabe was meaning to say.

PS360PCROCKS4889d ago

lol. They have to do it at some point right?!

MGRogue20174889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

Indeed.. Can't wait to see more of Epic's Unreal Engine on Sony's NGP


Already looking pretty good

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