
Good Game: DC Universe Online review

Good Game: What a great concept and story idea for this game. Flying around Gotham city, doing missions for Batman himself, making a character in his image, fighting alongside the justice league, OH! It's a game that a DC fanboy like myself can't help but wee a little about. All the voices and art resonated with me in a way that few games do... and yet - I had very little fun here. Very little.

(If the youtube video isn't available in your area, you can watch a working video at the source)

Danielmccue4791d ago

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"


RankFTW4791d ago

You can view it on the page.

newn4gguy4791d ago

I find it strange that someone wouldn't like this game. It's so fun!

undercovrr4791d ago

Are you still playing this game? I've been playing since the game came out (I stopped last month), and I can safely say the game was really fun. However, the problem was that after February, the population dropped so low, it was near impossible to find a group for an Alert, let alone a Raid in my server. And according to the forums, the issue was even worse in the European servers, where people have stated it was like a ghost town.

IT was a fun game, but really bugged at the beginning, and people were frustrated and left quickly. Too bad, the game had potential, but it will probably die by the end of the year.

newn4gguy4791d ago

I still play. I understand that a game not PVP-based is hard to go free-to-play on. It costs SOE so much to keep it running. I'd love to see it go free though.


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