
The 5 Most Overrated Experiences in Gaming

GameDynamo - "Let’s face it, cheerleaders can be worth the price of admission, parking, food, and a program to say the very least. There are calendars and Christmas tree ornaments, not to mention the magazines that feature these beauties. While they have no real bearing on the outcome of any game, they are an intrinsic part of the sports they cheer for. So, I ask the makers of Madden and NBA 2K11... What the hell, man?!?!"

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Red_Phoenix4832d ago

Cheerleaders are the most important aspect of all sport games, of course. /s

Soldierone4832d ago

Would I rather look at girls dancing around pretending to be hot...or Tom Brady stick his hand underneath a 300 pound center in tights? And then smack him on the ass thirty seconds later....

I choose Hockey.

Red_Phoenix4832d ago

You do realize I was being sarcastic, right? lol
Like who would pay 60 bucks just to stare at some cheerleaders that you can easily look up online or just see on tv?

Soldierone4832d ago

I was helping your sarcasm lol

Blacktric4832d ago

"4. All Too Brief Stints of Nudity"

So you were expecting a 10 minutes long steamy sex scene with full frontal nudity and different positions? Try a pornsite or something geez.

Kurt Russell4832d ago (Edited 4832d ago )

I could go for that. It would beat the shit out of other 10 minute cut scenes I've sat through in the past!

banjadude4832d ago

The Gamestop one is so true. Especially the "Trade in 3 games" thing.

Lamarthedancer4832d ago

Nudity.....game nudity

This guy obviously hasn't heard the Rule 34 rule has he

"If it exists there is porn of it"

InLaLaLand4832d ago

Surprise that Trophies/Achievements is not on the list. The system is good to check what type of games your friends are playing however some people just buy/rent games to get easy trophies/achievements. Also it's just bragging rights at the end of it. You may say it gives replay value but doesn't some games have in game achievements to unlock additional content, this leads to another annoying issue DLC.

Some DLC is just fucking stupid, one is where some companies let you unlock all the content by buying it for a price (Hustle Kings) and there is Capcom (disc locked content).

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Fallout London crashes hit fans but early impressions are positive regardless

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Let’s School review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "Well, this is uncanny. This school management sim bears a startling resemblance to Two Point Campus, especially when it comes to planning and decorating rooms. Be sure to add a window and a radiator, along with a plant or rubbish bin. Indeed, certain aspects are almost identical – it’s just like revisiting Two Point Campus, only something is…off. It’s the visual style that leads to the uncanny valley feeling, using a low-poly PlayStation/Saturn aesthetic. An odd choice, considering the 32-bit consoles didn’t have a great amount of management sims. The PS1 did have Theme Hospital though – with Two Point Hospital being Campus’ predecessor, so we guess we can give it a pass on its artistic intent."

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montebristo1h ago

I almost bought this yesterday lol. Then I remembered I have 1000 games I need to play and I would probably touch this once.


"Can we get a redeploy option? Or a killzone?" Helldivers 2 players want this change

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