
Wanted Corp - Debut Trailer

Zoo Entertainment released the Debut Trailer of Wanted Corp that coming this Summer to PC and PSN.

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10 PlayStation Vita Gems That Flew Under the Radar

VGCartz's Adam Cartwright: "Throughout the life of any console, certain games come to prominence and are recommended to new owners without reservation. For Vita, these are things like DanganRonpa, Digimon, Killzone, Persona and Tearaway – titles that are recognised for their outstanding quality and universal appeal that I’d say the majority of dedicated Vita gamers will have tried at one time or another.

For every console, there are also a tonne of games that fly under the radar and are only noticed by a tiny subset of fans. Everyone with a Wii knew about Mario Kart and Super Mario Galaxy, for example, but few knew of Battalion Wars 2 or Fragile Dreams. These ‘hidden gems’ can often provide some of the most diverse and exciting experiences in a console’s library, it just might take a little digging to find out about them.

Vita is no exception and this article will be a selection of 10 hidden gems that I’ve come across on Sony’s handheld."

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After10Ben1480d ago (Edited 1480d ago )

I read through the entire list and the game that I think I would like the most is Wanted Corp. Twin stick shooters are always fun on the go. I have to admit, that this game never hit my radar, so this article is great to bring games like this to our attention. I still play my Vita. Playing Final Fantasy X remaster and using the cross save feature with the ps4. Great system even to this day.

isarai1479d ago

Had to import it but UPPERS is a great game, it's so fun and corny, i love it


Review: Wanted Corp. - PS Vita - I Play PS Vita

I Play PS Vita writes: "Wanted Corp. is an enjoyable twin stick shooter but the technical errors hinder the game to get a higher rating."

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PSN Review: Wanted Corp (ATemporaryDistraction.com)

ATemporaryDistraction.com: "If you’ve ever dreamt of a world where you could capture intergalactic fugitive gorillas by tossing electrified hula hoops at them, Wanted Corp might just be the game for you. Unfortunately, goofy set-up aside, it’s yet another serviceable, but forgettable top-down shooter with some interesting mechanics that’re sadly overshadowed by repetitive gameplay."

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