
Shift 2: Unleashed (PS360) Review - gamrReview

gamrReview: "If you loved the first title then that should be enough to pique your interest in Shift 2, which is a great racer in its own right, but if more of the same sounds like a standstill, or even a step backwards, then you might want to sit this iteration out."

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naznatips4784d ago

All these racing games look the same to me. They just blur together. Oh yeah, I went there.

O-D-C4784d ago

Same here. Good review though.

BeardedGamerShow4784d ago

I've been really curious about this franchise with the helmet cams. Sold. I'm putting this on my Gamefly cue.

Boody-Bandit4784d ago (Edited 4784d ago )

This game supports most gaming wheels but doesn't work well with any. For that reason alone this was an extremely disappointing sequel considering the last game handled much better on wheels. SMS still has yet to patch it and I doubt they ever will.

I am sorry I wasted my coin on this poorly coded game.

Knushwood Butt4783d ago


Support for the last game was ass too. It's still buggy to this day because they never patched it.

I'm not buying this one.

Boody-Bandit4783d ago (Edited 4783d ago )

I know the last game had issues Knushwood but it handled so much better than this one on a wheel. This one is horrible on a wheel. It's not too bad with low class cars but once you hit top level B class on up? You can barely keep the cars on the road. There is so much wobble on straight aways that I have literally rolled my car trying to keep the wheel from shaking.

It is horrible. I don't understand how the media does not ask or let these issues be known to the public to possibly force SMS to get off their asses and try to fix this broken game. I definitely wont ever purchase another title from Slightly Mad Studios unless they address and fix this problem.

The worse part is they offer you so much customization and calibration options for wheel support but no matter how you dial it in this game has poor handling. Even on a controller there is input lag. It's a shame because I really like the layout, tracks, cars and camera angles this game has to offer.

Knushwood Butt4782d ago

Thanks for the info Brutallyhonest. Bubble up vote added.

I think the first one is OK for what it is, but as you probably know there are critical bugs in it to this day as the problems have never been addressed. One involves the whole game running in slow-mo, and the only way you can clear it is to kill the game. That's on the PS3 version, not sure about the 360 version.

I have a G25 and although I've not played it for a while I seem to remember the first game having that straight line wobble thing too. I've never driven a full on racing car, but surely it can't be that difficult just to keep them going in a straight line!!

As for your question about the media, well, it's my opinion that gaming media (game reviews) is an almost total waste of time these days. Almost none of them know what they are talking about, and are more interested in some alternative agenda or trying to get hits for their worthless site. There are a few exceptions though.


Top 10 Racing Games For PS3

A breakdown of the best PS3 racing games according to Rantgaming.com. Games are rated based on replay value, graphics, gameplay, and controls

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INC NATE21314246d ago ShowReplies(1)
Larry L4245d ago

I'm not impressed with much in terms of racing this gen. Graphics have been really raised racently, and it wasn't by the "two kings" (GT and Forza) in racing. Shift 2 and the upcoming Project Cars are now DOMINATING racing games graphically, GT5 and Forza 4/H do not even compare. But physics and gameplay-wise, most everything's been "off" aside from a select few. My short list would be.

#1 GT5. It's still rocking everybody in terms of gameplay and variety. It's got every kind of 4 wheeled racing almost from Karts to F1 and everything in between. GT needs to step it up graphically now though. Forza is the LEAST of their worries there.

#2 Motorstorm Pacific Rift. Just the #1 most fun and intense arcade/off-road racer ever made or ever will be made. SOOOOOO much variety compared to the bare bones (but great) first game, and a way better racing game than the 3rd game which was more like Split-Second than MotorStorm in THIS Motorstorm Fan's opinion.

#3 F1 Championship Edition. This PS3 exclusive launch game is imho still the best F1 game this gen in terms of the racing.

#4 FerrariChallenge/SuperCar Challenge. Alot of people havn't heard about these, they got VERY little attention. They sucked because not alot of cars, but it's a fact that System 3 put into these PS3 exclusives (they were on Wii too, but they weren't as advanced) the most advanced, realistic physics to ever be in a console racer. The same physics they put into their PC sim. Good graphics for the time too. Very under-rated.

#5 Shift 2. This is only here because I think graphically, it's a sneak peek at the next level in racing sim graphics. Project Cars is improving on that. But Shift 2 has HORRIBLE physics and I disliked playing it. If Project Cars can get the physics more in line than Shift 2, and have enough of a garage to have the variety in the racing while keeping the online field fairly even like GT5 does, it will truly be the next level of racing sims, and something may actually pull me away from GT5, which nothing has based on gameplay.

Also: WipeOut HD- awesome game, awesome value, it's expansion makes it an even better value, top notch quality.


Crysis 2 50% off and more in Week 2 of Origin's Best of 2011 Sale.

Origin have released a new set of 50% off game in week 2 of it's Best of 2011 Sale.

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