
The World Needs a Spiritual Successor to God Hand. Will Asura's Wrath Deliver?

Jeffrey Matulef writes, "What made God Hand so special was that much like Shinji Mikami's previous effort, Resident Evil 4, God Hand limited your movement to make sure you were always in an oppressive scenario. Where RE4 didn't let you move and shoot at the same time, God Hand kept the camera close behind the player's back and there was no way to strafe. Its stodgy movement actually felt pretty similar to RE4's, only instead of methodically shooting, you were beating the stuffing out of enemies."

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HardcoreGamer4900d ago

god hand was awesome fun, but i always thought it was like a low budget test for nero in dmc4. i dont know.

it was awesome game i hope a new one is got full blockbuster qualtity

sasuke994900d ago (Edited 4900d ago )

Asura's Wrath is going to be the best in its genre!
plus, i really hope they make a Clover studio's HD game collection Okami, Viewtiful Joe2 and of course God Hand

4900d ago
Vandamme214900d ago

It will defenetly will. Why is it everytime there's an article about a Capcom game,there is always haters here hating on Capcom.

whydoyouask4900d ago

if it is, let's hope they don't make it as ugly...

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10 PS2 Games Way Ahead Of Their Time

These are the games that championed ideas, mechanics and systems that would ultimately be a much bigger part of the gaming space in the future.

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TheNamelessOne17d ago

FF12 is still my favorite in the series; followed by 7 and 9.

Abnor_Mal17d ago

Same, but I like the original version more than the zodiac age.

Escamotage16d ago

What's the difference between FF12 and Zodiac Age? I've only beaten FF12.

Abnor_Mal16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

@Escamotage The job system mainly, and how you can set up your party. For me in the original late stage of the game I would give my A team the same skills but nerfed. Vaan was my tank/bruiser/soilder, Penelo was my healer white mage, and Fran was my black mage of course. But I gave Vaan the ability to use both white mage and black mage skills but nerfed a few levels under the true mages. Penelo could use a bit of dark magic and Fran could use a bit of white. So if either mate ran out the other could step in, same with Vaan, with the gambit system it was easy to set up that they would complement each other in battle when needed.

My B team was set up similar but a few levels below my A team. Then when my A team got new weapons and armor, their old gear was passed down to the B team.

In Zodiac age you could not do that, in such a degree as I had it in the original.

Relientk7717d ago

Kill Switch is one of my fav shooters from that generation, highly underrated in my opinion.

Green-Smurf16d ago

EA needs to bring back Army of Two

DefenderOfDoom217d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Red Faction 2001, brought Minecraft .

90sGamingWasBetter17d ago

I'm one of the few people who preferred the original Red Faction to the first Half Life.

DefenderOfDoom216d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Red Faction came out in May 2001 on PS2 and Half Life came out on PS2 in November 2001 . So I played Red Faction 1st .

SimpleSlave17d ago

1. Indigo Prophecy - No
2. God Hand - Hell yeah. Still is. What a game. But Adaptive Difficulty sucks.
3. Metal Gear Solid 2 - Gameplay-wise, sometimes it was and sometimes it wasn't. The AI stuff was already Cyberpunk fair and Political Miss-information was old stuff as well. Furthermore, these themes don't really play out during the gameplay portions of the game. So they might as well have been a movie spliced into a game. Which is my main criticism of the MGS series. A lot of Talk and hardly any of it is part of the gameplay or affects it in any meaningful way.
4. Dark Cloud - Couldn't say. But Procedural stuff sucks 99% of the time.
5. Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow - The Xbox version sure was and kinda still is. The PS2? Not even close. The Asymmetrical MP was cool though.
6. The thing - The system was kinda cool in theory. In practice? Meh. But it should've been brought back for other games for sure, and expanded upon. At least some type of variation of this mechanic.
7. Final Fantasy XII - While the System was kinda cool. It did lends to your party playing on Automatic. Became monotonous after a while.
8. Kill Switch - Kinda. But Metal Gear, Splinter Cell and Winback already had it first. Then there was Time Crisis.
9. Mercenaries: PoD - You spelled Monster Attack way wrong.
10. Mortal Kombat: Deception: Tobal No. 1 or Ehrgeiz.

Ristul17d ago

I have to agree on Splinter Cell, Xbox version was much better, even the Gamecube version performed better than the PS2 version. But the Xbox version was on another level.

Iceball200017d ago

What was the differences that made the Xbox version the superior version?

Ristul17d ago

Iceball2000: There are plenty of comparisons on youtube, I would suggest you watch them to find out.

The Xbox verison is basically the pc version in terms of graphics, so it looks and runs amazing compared to PS2, and handles lighning/shadows very well (important in Splinter Cell as you use the dark for stealth). The levels are complete and are not devided into sections like in the PS2 and Gamecube versions. Lastly, the PS2 has longer loading times. That's some of the differences for you, there's probably more that I'm forgetting.

That said, the Splinter Cell games are great on any platform.

Venoxn4g17d ago

Good list, I would include Okami (brush mechanics), Viewtiful Joe (time & zoom mechanics)

purple10117d ago

whoever downvoted these two, isn't a gamer

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Shinji Mikami Wants to Bring Back God Hand Over Any Other Franchise

During a Gamescom 2024 interview with Wccftech, Shinji Mikami confirmed he would bring back the God Hand series over other franchises he worked on

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isarai26d ago


Cacabunga26d ago

strange choice.. game was good but not great.
i'd prefer to hear him say Vanquish 2.

CrimsonWing6926d ago

If they do, you know it’ll be censored.

isarai26d ago

Half the script would not fly today 😅

CrimsonWing6926d ago

lol it’s so true. Man, I miss the days when people could just joke around and not have a care in the world. Nobody took any of this stuff seriously… where did we go astray?

Venoxn4g26d ago

That would be my dream come true: God Hand remake and a sequel

MehmetAlperTR26d ago

Just make a zombie game... Stubborn man.. Do it. Because you are very good at it.

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6 Games That Make You Feel Overpowered As Hell

While some video games overwhelm you with sheer scale, titles like Asura's Wrath and Doom Eternal make you the boss player right upfront.

solideagle123d ago (Edited 123d ago )

where is GOW (original trilogy)?