
Joystiq: UFC Trainer preview: Grappling with danger

Joystiq writes: "THQ is, apparently, quite interested in making a big impact with its upcoming Kinect exercise game, UFC Trainer. In a large loft in New York City's Chelsea neighborhood a few weeks back, the publisher had nearly a dozen folks -- some from the game's developer, Heavy Iron Studios, some from THQ, some from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and even one actual UFC fighter -- to show off the game. To be clear, that's about three times the number of people normally showing off a single game to the press. And during my demonstration, I was the only member of the press in attendance".


Fantastic Neighborhood 52: Happy Birthday to Us

Fifty-two weeks, without missing a ingle show. The Fantastic Neighborhood crew celebrates by drinking bourbon and beer, then feeding the show notes into Random.org.

The show covers, in no particular order, Dead Space 3, Fire Emblem, Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter, All Superheros Must Die, Analogue: A Hate Story, the current Aliens: Colonial Marine Debacle, UFC Trainer, and a look at what could have been.

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saberharpon4237d ago (Edited 4237d ago )

so how it's been going-on this days, still not missing a single ingle? if so, then that's good to know. i guess i can be part of the celebrations then.


FantasticHood4233d ago

Thanks. We've managed to not miss a single week.


THQ Publisher Sale On Xbox Live From October 16th - 22nd, 2012 Detailed

If you're a fan of all things THQ, take notice because they have placed a lot of games and DLC on sale this week.

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Relientk774358d ago

The games prices will "drop by 50%"

awesome hope so


TrendyGamers4358d ago

They already announced that Metro 2033 would be 50% off so it would make sense for everything to follow suit.

TitanUp4358d ago

so 50% is supposed to be a good thing? 75% is what im used to

TrendyGamers4358d ago

Some content is cut up to 75%.

MasterD9194358d ago

Is metro worth picking up? I'm leaning towards yes...but I hear it's got very little replay value and is quite linear.

Rivitur4358d ago

Yes, It's atmosphere is great, story is good, and why the heck would you skip a single player game based on replay value isn't the point to experience the game at least once? (though that's why achievments are there for replay value also there are two different endings)

MasterD9194358d ago

I've heard good things about it too so between what I know, what I like and what you said I'll definitely be grabbing it on sale.

$9.99 is a steal and I haven't seen the retail hard-copy go down that low yet (which I was waiting for). Picked up Crysis 1 on sale, looks like Metro has a new home on my HD now.


TrendyGamers4358d ago

It's definitely worth $10.


Free game w/ Ghost Recon, $25 off Xbox 360 and B2G1F deal at Best Buy this week

XMNR: Best Buy is running another buy 2, get 1 free offer on pre-owned games for the week of June 17, 2012 along with $25 discounts on the 4GB Xbox 360 Kinect bundle and the 250GB bundle. You can also get Assassin's Creed Revelations for free with the purchase of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. The retailer continues to run its 100% bonus trade-in credit for as well.

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