
Neptune Mk-II Screenshots

Andriasang: A high res look at the PS3 sequel. (Total 13 images)

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frjoethesecond4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

Hurayyy!!! Loved the first game so I am stoked. Looking like the environments in this game will be way more varied.

StbI9904904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

Fap fap fap, moa rpgs YEIH


Weekly Sales Analysis, 20 August 2011 - PlayStation 3 Price Cut

"Overview - 3DS hardware sales remain above 300,000 in its first full week of the price cut and the PlayStation 3 received a $50 price cut at the beginning of the week which saw sales rise a little over 50,000. For the first time all year, total hardware sales are up year on year. Despite the increase in hardware sales, software sales are down both week on week and year on year. There are two debuts in the top 40, which is down from three last week. Software milestones this week: Mario Kart Wii passes the 28 million mark; Just Dance 2 (Wii) crosses the eight million mark; Pokémon Black / White Version (DS) crosses the 12 million mark; and Wii Sports crosses the 77 million mark. No games sold over 100,000, which is down from one last week, and the top eight sold over 50,000, down from nine last week."

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CaptainMarvelQ84776d ago (Edited 4776d ago )

The PS3 gained quite a moderate boost for all the pendejo's claiming sales will be over the top.The 3DS on the other hand has picked up the pace.

DarkCharizard_4776d ago (Edited 4776d ago )

Still, I don't see 3DS doing very well until the Mario games come out. I am really disappointed in the way 3DS has been marketed by Nintendo...

PS3 on the other hand, is doing really on the hardware side. Software side, its still staggering compared to Wii.

Speaking of which, it will be interesting to see how the Wii performs next week in Europe with the release of the best RPG of this generation, Xenoblade Chronicles...

Kee4775d ago

Hey, not just mario... Pokemon, too. They will sell millions. Not kidding. A zelda remake isn't really enough to sell a lot of systems right now.

That said, the price drop obviously was enough as I, myself bought one just because I wanted it.

wumster4775d ago

I don't understand your statement. You say you don't see the 3DS doing well until Mario hits, but it outsold the PS3 and that is doing well?

Istanbull4775d ago

"For this week the gap between the three home consoles has grown, with the PlayStation 3 with a 43 percent market share, the Wii with a 29 percent, and the Xbox 360 with a 28 percent. The PlayStation 3 has been in sole position of first for the last seven weeks and been ahead of the Xbox 360 for ten weeks now."

LOL! It seems that rather you are the little pendejo!

WillGuitarGuy4775d ago

*Sees what console has better stats* ...*Waits for fanboys to troll*

GamersRulz4775d ago

that a really good numbers for PS3 considering it is still the most expensive console.

imagine if it was $199, man, I can't imagine what would have happened then.

Bobets4775d ago

Hey look! 360 fanclub no where to be seen in a WORLD WIDE sales news still wetting their pants on NPD(USA ONLY) numbers cause it makes them feel better.

kingslayer10004775d ago

give it time, the 360 fanclub will be here shortly

LOGICWINS4775d ago (Edited 4775d ago )

They're probably busy playing games.

...btw, did VgChartz magically become reliable over night?

GamersRulz4775d ago

maybe, but those game magically disappear when 360 outsell PS3(usually in the US, rarely WW)

testerg354775d ago (Edited 4775d ago )

It could be because this is vgchartz? Even most ps3 fans know vgchartz is crap, but you go ahead and believe what you want.

You do know why ms, Sony, and nintendo comment on npd figures and not vgchartz right?

death2smoochie4775d ago

And just when you thought Vgchartz were unreliable...now they become reliable when it suits...
Oh N4G.COM...You got to love it...

Anon19744775d ago

No one who's informed considers VGChartz reliable. It's understandable that some who don't know any better would look at VGChartz and might be fooled into believing it was reliable. It's all presented very well - but at it's heart it's still ioi's best guesses from calling a few retail shops and extrapolating from there that got him banned from neogaf, and history shows that he's usually off by about 20% - but in the past he used to make adjustments when official numbers were out. I don't believe they do that anymore, and for over a year they were millions off on PS3 numbers.

Didn't trust them then, don't trust them now. It's not like they're suddenly going to become accurate overnight.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4775d ago
browngamer44775d ago

Damn the 3ds is really taking off!I even got a couple of street passes s couple of days ago..my first ones (on the street) since buying the system at launch!I think holiday sales for the 3ds are gonna be through the roof!

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New Neptune mk2 Scans

Neocrisis: Here are new scans for Neptune mk2 coming to PS3.

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Neptune Mk-2 Screenshots With Inafune Sword

Andriasang writes "Warning: these full res shots of Keiji Inafune in Neptune Mk-2 will make you throw up. (Total 33 images)"

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agentxk4854d ago

This is the worst thing ever. I am sad to see we get to deal with another Neptunia title.

radphil4854d ago (Edited 4854d ago )

And I'm sad to see a company charge for features which shouldn't be charged for and the game rehashed over again here in the West. So it evens itself out.

And yes i'm talking about CoD.

Newtype4854d ago

This is actually in the game???

BubbleSniper4854d ago

only the japanese would be brave enough to do this.