
PSN exclusive Under Siege takes "maximum advantage" of PS3 feature set, says producer

PSU writes, "During a recent discussion with PlayStation Universe, Under Siege Producer Filipe Pina said Seed Studio's upcoming PSN-bound real-time strategy game takes "maximum advantage" of the PlayStation 3.

'So, since Under Siege is exclusive to PS3, it was tailored made to take maximum advantage of all its strong points, including a design based on the DualShock 3," said Pina, a 28 year-old resident of Porto, Portugal. "We thought that this was the perfect title to take advantage of all the new cool stuff current consoles have to offer, not only 1080p resolution and Dolby Digital 5.1 audio, but also video recording, video chat, screenshot [capturing], and custom music.'

Bundled with PlayStation Move support, an extensive 'Editor' feature, and a platinum trophy, this $20 PSN exclusive RTS seems more like a full retail title than a downloadable release. "

Read the full article after the jump.

swiftshot934810d ago

I guess 3D isn't a PS3 feature.

dangert124810d ago

looks good is it online 2? i may get it

snaz274810d ago

yeah devs talk so much shit to be honest... They're just trying to advertise and big up their game, i've nothing against marketing the strengths of your product. But making up pure crap is just not on, in my opinion.

dangert124810d ago

well they can't say it does this his this and when you buy it it does no such things,and it seems good

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4810d ago

It may not have every ps3 feature but tell me another ps3 game that has in game video chat, video recording, picture taking, move support, ugc AND runs at 1080p 60fps.

Mr Exclusive4810d ago

I guess mouse and keyboard isn't a feature.

mt4810d ago

when first saw the lady in grey/blue hair .. i suddenly though of final fantasy 9.

rather than that it looks good.

spicelicka4810d ago

lemme guess...only possible on the ps3 lol.....

RememberThe3574810d ago

That got me thinking; I wonder how you would do an RTS with Kinect?

SlickShoes4810d ago

You wouldn't.

It would really need to properly and consistenly recognize hand gestures to do it properly.

RTS are best with some sort of pointing device, a mouse is best then PS Move works too, but without a controller it would be very difficult.

porgep4810d ago

Video chat, aye? Sounds odd, but definitely worth checking out.


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