
UT3 360 cancelled?

More and more is Unreal Tournament III looking like a PS3 exclusive. For example: Mike Capps (President of Epic Games) states in the following video that "We´re Just on PlayStation 3, so we get to focus on that platform." Adding to that, on the GameTrailers site itself UT3 shows as PS3 and PC only. Even more evidence shows on the official UT3 site which displays the boxart for the PS3 and PC versions, no 360 boxart in sight. Could all this lead to a final word by Epic that they are in fact releasing UT3 as a PS3 exclusive? Only time will tell.

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Jdash246223d ago

i just downloaded the demo and tried it out...........my laptop cant really handle it that well.........so pc version is out.........i guess ima try the ps3 version when it comes out

UnasFortuna6223d ago

I doubt that Epic won't release a 360 version; however, it is strange that they used to openly say it was a timed exclusive and now you don't hear anything about it unless that is part of the deal of being a timed exclusive...that you can't advertise for the other system while in this time frame. If this isn't the case and Sony is working to have it really an exclusive... it will do much to rally all the PS2 Sony fans to move up to the next piece of hardware. Have played the online MP demo for PC already and it is amazing. Can't wait to pick up for my PS3.

osirisomeomi6223d ago

It's for 360 sometime in 2008. The devs have stated that over and over again. sorry, this is something that I know for sure, i'm not just speculating.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI6223d ago

Agreed speculation only. Like the MGS4 and FF13 thing. None of those are multi except ut3.

nomad1176223d ago

wanted to get as close to the top as possible to tell ppl to watch the video before posting it will make things easier for you to actually understand what this is about

SofaKingReetodded6223d ago

running the demo at 1920 x 1200 with all graphical settings maxed out, not even a blip of lag. Then again my rig is three times as powerful as the 360 but only one third as powerful as the PS3.

JsonHenry6223d ago

I hope it is true. Unreal Tournament games on consoles is simply blasphemous!

DruePhoenix6223d ago

how many times are people with just one system going to post biased reports out of nowhere just because they can for eff's sake!?!?

I is very likely the game will be out on 360, PS3, and PC, as that would make them the most money, regardless of the quality of ports, or anything else

all they need are TV ads saying "from the makers of Gears of War and the engine used by Bioshock and Stranglehold"

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 6223d ago
TheMART6223d ago (Edited 6223d ago )

So who is making up his own news here?

After Gears of War sold over 5 million copies on the 360, do you really think Epic wouldn't release their next game based on the Unreal 3 engine on the 360? Jees. They'll make more money on the 360 with UT3 then the PS3.

THis story needs to be reported, because it has no source at all but an old trailer.

@ Stray_Wulf you should get reported over making up news which is not news actually. Not even a rumor. Those approving this story are just as bad as the poster.

ash_divine6223d ago (Edited 6223d ago )

First off, not everything is about money. That may be the way Microsoft rolls but not everyone. Secondly, "relax dude" this isn't even confirmed. It's not like they flat said it was cancelled so there's is no need to get all defensive bro.

THC CELL6223d ago

the point is mart this game cant handle 360 and let a lone disk space

iceice1236223d ago (Edited 6223d ago )

How about some proof from a legit source? If not leave little lemming.

See cell, you're an idiot. No proof so you go by your gut. What is it like being so damn deluded?

TheMART6223d ago

THC Cell

Dude how dumb are you. It's running on the Unreal 3 engine, Gears of War was running on the 360, and it's just a beefed up version of Gears with some other gameplay (no hiding etc.).

If it could run on any hardware, it would be the 360 first, because several devs have stated that Unreal 3 engine is having problems on the PS3. Seen all the jaggies and framerate problems on the PS3, I guess UT3 will have the less version on the PS3 also. And the 360 even will have more time to optimalize. Hhhmmmm well I guess you can always pop in a BetaBluRay movie like Casino Royal for the 15847th time!

THC CELL6223d ago (Edited 6223d ago )

mate are u really telling me ass creed is bigger than unreal Really!

If ass creed is having trouble and Gta Fitting on a dvd

Think about it....

like all other future next gen game

better yet i bet haze wont even fit

I might be wrong i might be

Sky Lazarus6223d ago

what are you talking about, you are the xboxKing of making stories up. This guy has more merrit to his story than most of yours.

harv0526223d ago

And the 360 even will have more time to OPTIMALIZE.

Where did you pull this word from?? You're A**???

sticky doja6223d ago

Everything is about money in any company, other than a non profit organization. Money is #1 on any buisnesses plan, even if they have good intentions with the business.

Timesplitter146223d ago

hey did anyone notice they don't even have the X360 logo on the official site? And they don't even talk about it?

gamesR4fun6223d ago

face it the xbox hit the wall with gears if they could've done this on the 360 they would've.

Makroyale6223d ago

"THis story needs to be reported, because it has no source at all but an old trailer."

Your last piece of news was just a trailer for Lost Odyessey, yeah some real news there.

"They'll make more money on the 360 with UT3 then the PS3."

Hmm... Then why aren't they releasing it on the 360 first then?!?! huh genius?

demolitionX6223d ago

u just dont get it!!!! epic won't release it on 360. Epic always said "we don't release a game unless we're sure it working 100%". Another proof it won't be on 360 for just a BIG reason, u can check gametrailers on that, mark rein said that sony already helped epic to make UE3 run effeciently on PS3, and he added "Sony worked with us to enhance the UE3 too" that proved to me it's over, no UT3 for M$.
Already epic is working with sony on a new IP using UE4, still rumours, but that won't surprise me.

RBlaze6223d ago

...How impressed I am at how many agrees/disagrees TheMART's comment got! 76 overall!! I don't think ive ever seen anything like it!!

godofthunder106219d ago

first of all people don't know what the h*ll they are talking about when they said that it want be on the 360 because it can't handle it because it's bullsh*t.
if fanboys would read the whole damn article instead of reading the headlines they would see that under the picture it says update
UT3 is coming to 360, Epic reaffirms
so if people would stop saying that ut3 want be on the 360 and listen to what people say instead of the president of epic then they need help because he reaffirmed it again so instead of acting like damn 10 year olds,just enjoy the game and stop worring if it's coming out on the 360 because it is and if it does it's good news because everyone can enjoy it and if the fanboys had any sence then they will use their heads and realize that gears of war sold millions of copies and made a bundle of money for epic and there is no way that they wouldn't put it on the 360 because they know that it's has more units sold all ready and that they will make more money on the 360 version and with the ps3 they will make more,so all of the fanboys better stop worring about if a game is on a certain system because

1st-it doesn't hurt them if it is
2nd-sony or microsoft don't care about them all they care about is themself
3rd-they will not make a dime on it so they could stop acting like they do because they look stupid fighting of a kids game system
4th-they better realize now that exclusives will be less and less because it cost a lot more now with nextgen games and they will have to release games on both systems to make money
5th-you will need both system to enjoy all the best games and that's a fact and i don't care what any fanboy says because it's the truth even if they want admit it and try to put a spin on it

so stop fighting over it because it's just stupid because it will be on the 360 and it still will be on the ps3 so everybody wins,so stop acting and fighting like kids over a kids game system and just enjoy the game because they will never see a dime from sony or microsoft for acting like that, all it does is make them sound stupid worring about other systems

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 6219d ago
HeavyweightInTheGame6223d ago

Last I heard, the 360 version was put on hold until the PS3 version was complete. So I guess you can say they are PS3 only for the time being. Not too sure though. I don't see it being cancelled. At least I hope not.

Quickstrike6222d ago

even i think this is a bad move. UT needs to be played by every one. for this one time i will say this...LET THE UT 3 GAME COME TO THE X-BOX 360. Also find a way to make it so that the PS3 owners can fight the 360 owners so the sony fanboys and 360 fanboys can see who is the better gamer.

power of Green 6223d ago

If Epic can't release this game soon enough on the 360 they'll be wasting their time and money if URT crosses Huxley's path/release window.

Pain706223d ago

truth be told, UT is solely multiplayer. hell, i have a pretty cool game called H3 for deathmatches with crazy weapons and huge boards. i'm guessing they know with over 5,000,000 copies of H3 sold as of right now, they really have no chance of competing on the 360 platform, if and whenever they decide to release it. PS3 currently has no fresh deathmatch game. of course it will sell a few hundred thousand copies like Resistance and WarHawk. this will certainly give the "other" side something to hold their chins up with. btw, how 'bout that Transformers movie coming out!!! my HD-DVD player is all juiced for some HD arse kicking!!!! out...

rsebes6223d ago (Edited 6223d ago )

You said let truth be told so don't lie. UT3 has an extensive campaign, do a little research before you flame upon something you know nothing about. Halo 3 ? why even bring this into this topic, since you have however anyone that has any thought knows that it's sales have been blown out of proportion. Yes, they have sold a lot. A world wide launch can generate 2 million sales. However that is how everyone is justifying the purchase of their 360. Lets move on to that "already obsolete at launch" HD DVD player you are so excited about. Wow, you have ONE good movie. Too bad that it can't output as high as a blue ray player. Thats a shame. Just for the record so everyone here knows, Total Max bitrates: HD DVD = 36.55 Mbit/s Blue-ray = 53.95 Mbit/s thats a large difference not too mention the space available on each disk. Normal dvd's max bitrate is 11.08 Mbit/s just for a reference. In all, you are obviously easily misinformed my friend, which is obviously why they got you sold on the xbox 360 to begin with.

rsebes6223d ago (Edited 6223d ago )

You said let truth be told so don't lie. UT3 has an extensive campaign, do a little research before you flame upon something you know nothing about. Halo 3 ? why even bring this into this topic, since you have however anyone that has any thought knows that it's sales have been blown out of proportion. Yes, they have sold a lot. A world wide launch can generate 2 million sales. However that is how everyone is justifying the purchase of their 360. Lets move on to that "already obsolete at launch" HD DVD player you are so excited about. Wow, you have ONE good movie. Too bad that it can't output as high as a blue ray player. Thats a shame. Just for the record so everyone here knows, Total Max bitrates: HD DVD = 36.55 Mbit/s Blue-ray = 53.95 Mbit/s thats a large difference not too mention the space available on each disk. Normal dvd's max bitrate is 11.08 Mbit/s just for a reference. In all, you are obviously easily misinformed my friend, which is obviously why they got you sold on the xbox 360 to begin with.

Update: Oops... Sorry for the double post. Computer was being slow and dumb. After all, The operating system (vista) is made by Microsoft.
p.s. I'm not a M$ hater, I do like halo. Its just the flame has to stop.

Phaqutomb6223d ago (Edited 6223d ago )

if you listen at around 1:48 he says were just on the PS3. but who knows if this was before they went from Sony only to Xbox also

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Tech Focus - Motion Blur: Is It Good For Gaming Graphics?

Opinion is divided on this one for sure! Is motion blur good for gaming? Why do developers include it?

TheOptimist2316d ago

I hate any game that has motion blur and the first thing I do is switch off the motion blur in games. It just makes me nauseous.

XentaJones2315d ago

motion blur makes me sick... so its off.

OpenGL2315d ago

I agree with Alex here, many implementations are terrible but when it is done right it improves the experience.

2315d ago
TheSplooge2315d ago

I always turn it off. Along with depth of field.

Mr_Wilson2315d ago

Those plus vignetting, chromatic aberration, and film grain.

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Let’s be Honest, DOOM Looks like the Best First Person Shooter We’ve Seen in Ages

Alex from GamersFTW writes:

“In all seriousness though, I feel like DOOM’s success will be measured by how much the game has to offer. Graphically it’s looking spectacular, and I’m sure the latest multiplayer trailer caught all of our attention. Personally, the game is beginning to remind me of those late nights playing Unreal Tournament 3, which is totally a good thing. This, in addition to the promise of user-generated content, is making DOOM look like the best first-person shooter I’ve seen in ages.”

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Shillmeister3146d ago (Edited 3146d ago )

The campaign looks brilliant, like a true nostalgia trip to the original DOOM titles of old! The multiplayer equally looks like a trip down memory lane to fast-paced and frantic arena games a-la Quake, and honestly the MP REALLY makes me want to the get game at launch to capitalise on the hype. Problem is I'm not overly fussed with multiplayer typically in games, they can get weary after a while, and buying a game solely for its MP is risky - especially on console - as it's heavily dependant on the community!

Rock to my left, hard place to my right..

EDIT: On the MP note, does anyone know if it'll have bots available, similar to Unreal Tournament 3? I still give that a quick play time to time with bots (and all the mad mutators).

c00lvilKid693146d ago

I’m exactly the same, usually multiplayer games are of no interest to me. But DOOM has sparked my curiosity, especially as someone who used to enjoy multiplayer first person shooters like Quake/Unreal. Totally understand your concerns about it being heavily dependant on the community, too. Which is just another reason they should include bots, in case the numbers need to be made up. I’m hoping the community will be good, considering the creative freedoms they’re handing over with the SnapMap thing.

3146d ago
esmittystud1013146d ago (Edited 3146d ago )

Its basically a "console" ahead, in terms of graphics, of another shooter called Homefront thats getting ready to release. LOL

wakeNbake3146d ago

Well thats just a low budget turd, no comparison at all.

mezati993146d ago

i am gonna have to agree with this

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Game Music Daily Week 54

Great selections as always and they are...
Final Fantasy
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