
Could ‘Dragon Age 2′ Complaints Bring Changes To ‘Mass Effect 3′?

Game Rant's Andrew Dyce writes, "There is a fine line between an artistic expression and a commercial property, and the difference is one that video game designers must struggle with on a daily basis. With the constant development cycles that major developers and publishers eventually get into, feedback from fans and critical reception is easy to come by only days after a game hits retail shelves. In the case of Dragon Age 2, fans and critics alike made it clear to developer BioWare that many of the changes in direction the team had implemented with the sequel were not what they had hoped.

So with Mass Effect 3 still in development for a rumored November release, we’ve started to wonder if the sea of complaints and wealth of shots taken at their most recent property will encourage ME3‘s developers to re-examine, or change their own plans for the third installment. It’s never too late to make a game better, after all."

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NYC_Gamer4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

this game might be my last title from the bioware, if they ruin it and make it too mainstream.

RustInPeace4912d ago

I liked the original DA (aside from the slightly cumbersome U.I.) But haven't played DA2 yet. What are all the complaints people are bringing up? Was what they changed make that radical of a difference?

banjadude4912d ago

I haven't played the console version, but people say DA 2 was too much of a "button-masher".
Another common complaint (across all platforms) was the overuse of the same environments.

undercovrr4912d ago

DA2 is awesome. Not as great as the first one in terms of story and environments, but it beats it in gameplay, graphics, and overall character development. If you loved DA1, play DA2, don't listen to the haters.

OhMyGandhi4912d ago

did you try the demo?
I disliked the demo just because of wonky combat and animations, bland level design and frustrating u.i (as RustInPeace said)

but I've never played the full game, so it may be completely different.

iceman28854912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

Main reason why I didn't like DA2 and much as DA:O

1) The scale of the story is not as epic. In origins you felt like you were changing the world. In DA2 its more like you're just going through one guys story on his way to being well known.

2) Inability to customize the armor and/or weapons of your team mates. You have full customization of yourself, but can only change the accessories and weapons of your party members (although you can't change some of the party members weapons).

3) The use the conversation wheel as used in ME rather than just picking from a list of dialogue. I might be in the minority here, but I don't need some wheel with different symbols telling me what each conversation branch will lead too, I'd rather just find out myself by picking a line of dialogue I like best.

4) If you play on the console, you will be doing a lot of smashing of the x button to attack. It's not so bad, but I didn't mind just hitting it once and letting it go.

5) Small complaint, you have to be human. I liked that I could be dwarf, elf or human and each having different beginning stories from DA.

Don't get me wrong. DA2 is a fun game, I just liked DAO much better.

jeseth4912d ago

I LOVED Origins, first of all.

I played the DA2 demo and was torn about it . . . just had an overall different feel you know. Combat is more hack and slash and a lot of the characters look "modernized" I guess you could say.

So I bought DA2 because the demo was pretty good despite some changes I didn't like but improvements in other areas made up for it. When I started DA2 I couldn't get right into it but after a short while the game really shines on its own away from Origins. THe game isn't as "Open" as most of it takes place in all the various locations inside Kirkwall and only a few outlying areas.

But DA2 is great. I'm about 30hrs in now and I'm loving it. I have made some decisions I wish I could take back, but I'll save them for the next playthrough.

If you liked DA Origins, you'll wind up liking DA2 as well.

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DOMination4912d ago

The combat was more or less the same as the first game, so I never really understood where the hack n' slash complaints came from.

The main problem with it was that you only have one city to visit and because of that, it gets a bir boring and doesn't feel epic enough. Also, because it's set on a different continent with entirely different characters, it feels like it's not really a continuation of what happened in the first game.

iceman28854912d ago

I agree, the lack of "epic-ness" in DA2 is the biggest difference from DA:O.

As for the hack n slash complaints, I think it has more to do with you having to repeatedly tap the attack button to continue attacking whereas in DA:O you could target an enemy and press the attack button and let it be (although you probably didn't do that much if you were a rogue or mage).

Christopher4912d ago

We're in an age where game developers are reacting, many say overreacting, to the community. Killzone 3 should be a perfect example of this with the changes made to controls based on the reviews of Killzone 2.

I think most of the changes in ME3 will be from complaints of ME2, though, not necessarily DA2. Biggest complaints were about the removal of RPG elements (such as weapon modification and improved skill options), exploration, and a bigger focus on the main storyline without too much side story distraction.

soundslike4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

Developers should not listen to the public AT ALL imo. At least if they want to be taken seriously as talented artists and engineers. Make the game they want to make or else it all turns to a grey drivel.

Chock up BLOPS to that list as well, they based all their balance and gameplay changes off what the community "wanted" except they don't actually know what they want...IMAGINE THAT.

I think they actually need more side story stuff in ME3, though, because the "side missions" were mostly mandatory meet new members, gain their trust, which seems, when you're done with it, more like a prologue than anything else.

Of course the final missions seemed a bit "wait...this is really the final mission" after that, but only because of the team-assembling nature of the side-missions. If there was space for more free-form missions like more NPC given action-based quests, the story wouldn't have seemed so rushed, but who is to know you're actually progressing through the game when you decide to gain a members trust?

Christopher4912d ago

***Developers should not listen to the public AT ALL imo. At least if they want to be taken seriously as talented artists and engineers. Make the game they want to make or else it all turns to a grey drivel.***

This is an age old argument for me. Going back to the first year of Ultima Online. MMOs really introduced a change in how gamers took part and felt more of a voice in how their games were made, and this was continued throughout the years to what we have now with massive gaming communities like IGN.

And, I've come to the conclusion that it's like most things in life, the extremes are never the right answer and it ends up being something where you should aim for somewhere in the middle.

What I mean is that they should accept community feedback, but it should be moderated and tailored to fit their goals as best as necessary. The developers are definitely making their game, but ignoring your fanbase and what they find important can definitely lead to some downsides. DA2 got lucky that it didn't affect their sales this time, but I guarantee it would definitely have an effect if they didn't learn from DA2 when they put out DA3 (or DA2: Rude Awakening for Your Wallet Expansion).

Just like how I can use KZ3 as an example of how a game is perceived as worse than the former for listening to the community, I can use Alpha Protocol for an example of a team that really needed a lot more feedback from the community to help them determine what they were and weren't doing right. Alpha Protocol, IMHO, is also a great test case on how to tell that your game producer shouldn't be in charge of game design.

soundslike4912d ago

In most things I would agree that the moderate approach is best..

..but if we are to classify games as art I still would have to take the "extreme" stance. Compromising is self sabotage for any art, technologically based or not. If you have a vision, having to meet the public halfway to get it released too often just destroys the original value it had. Games should not be run like politics.

Christopher4912d ago

***Games should not be run like politics.***

I definitely agree with that.

And, my comments didn't mean to say in all instances should the approach above be used. But, many of them fall into that category of relying upon community desires.

I think most Indie games fall under the umbrella of fulfilling an extreme use of creating what you think is right.

tigertron4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

I hope from each game that a developer makes, that they take onboard, the critisms and compliments from their audiences, and then build upon that in the next installments.

Hopefully, Bioware have learned from ME2 and DA2 and will make ME3 and DA3 even better.

Lucreto4912d ago

My only complaints I have are the reuse of the same environments over and over and the import glitch from awakening not working and will still be broken after next weeks patch.

Simon_Brezhnev4912d ago

Yeah that was extremely lazy reusing the same level environments. You can tell the game was rushed. I actually like the gameplay more then DAO. A lot of peole might as well get use to the change future RPGs will all be action RPGs.

BabyTownFrolics4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

yes, no, maybe, who knows

bioware knows, maybe ask them instead of asking people who for sure dont know the answer.

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Dragon Age Director Says Anthem Taught BioWare To Focus Only On "What You're Good At"

Dragon Age: The Veilguard's creative director has recently claimed in an interview that Anthem taught BioWare to focus only on its strengths.

TheNamelessOne43d ago

Let's hope so, because I'm pretty sure they're one more stinker away from being canned by EA.

RaidenBlack42d ago

2 stinkers
They are already working in the next Mass Effect.
And both Dragon Age and Mass Effect are valuable IPs ... EA aint selling those IPs. So, if EA cans Bioware, who'll make those after?
Yes, if EA outsources, like Dragon Age to Larian, then that's justifiable but keeping an internal RPG studio is more viable.

Willbo4742d ago

Sad thing is, EA was the beginning of Bioware's woes. When EA made Bioware move away from it's traditional rpg model towards an action/adventure model, it hurt Bioware as a developer, and let's not even get started on how EA rushes releases. They've wrecked EVERY developer they have touched

Lightning7743d ago

y'all were good at Jade Empire 2 back then. More Jade Empire please. Though it'll probably be a LS. At this point IDC just bring it back.

TricksterArrow42d ago

Too bad most of the talent that made BioWare’s strengths, already left.

anast42d ago

Brought to us by the same people that said it was exciting to only focus on gameplay while they were hyping up Anthem. So, this could mean that they dropped the ball on Dragon Age. I mean, the art looks like Fortnite and the quick banter of a Disney action movie doesn't really say "Dragon Age."


The thing about Anthem is the game had a good foundation. To this day I haven’t played a mech suit game with better flying mechanics. It’s everything else in Anthem that sucked.

Michiel198942d ago

thank god they released that EA access thing at the time for anthem, so we only had to waste 3.50 for the game instead of 60, good guy EA thinking of their consumers for once.

The flying/combat was actually really fun, but as you said everything else was really bad. the gameplay loop, the gear, loading, the open world was empty and that story hub was one of the most terrible hubs I have ever seen.

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Insulting Its Own Legacy To Promote Dragon Age: The Veilguard, BioWare's Lost It

Hanzala from eXputer inquires, "If Dragon Age: The Veilguard needs BioWare to degrade its own works just to promote it, what does that tell you about the game's quality?"

Daeloki57d ago

Damn, people really need to calm down. Every Dragon Age game has been wildly different from each other, there is no singular version of what it used to be... Back when DA2 came out, people complained and compared to DAO, but still played the game. When DAI came out, they complained and compared to DAO and DA2, and still played the game. I know, I've been there. I complained about DA2 and DAI, but I still played them and I still enjoyed them. All 3 first games were vastly different, and I count them all among some of my favourite games. We've seen very little so far, it's much too early to be this dramatic about it.

just_looken56d ago

What we know/seen is dragon age 4 for through over 3 overhauls have entire teams leave all the original bioware member's leave and now we have a game that decided to redo all the known designs of every enemy.

This thing its going to be saints row reboot and or anthem/redfall/me4

You should watch the netflix dragon age that made it cannon da3 ending is that inquisition gone everyone split up and or is dead why? we need that dei clipboard paycheck.




Daeloki56d ago

I watched the netflix show, not that I see what it has to do with anything? We already know we get to set our own world order for our game. There is an "official" canon that is separate from each players personal canon. This is nothing new.

As for the rest of your comment, that is purely speculation (I think, consider proofreading before hitting send).

just_looken56d ago


" watched the netflix show, not that I see what it has to do with anything?"

If you actually watched the show you would know at the end the item they have is in vanguard gameplay the part they climb the steps.

Also in the anime da3 charecters appear it shows one of the end of the games dlc which is cannon because again da4 starts after the anime.

Not to mention your talking about dragon age keep that has not worked for 8 years on pc and sits dead not updated sense da 3.

Just like mass effect 4 they have not shown any interest in porting over old data from the keep.

Now everyone mass down vote yell i am a liar with 0 evidence sense no doubt no one on here has ever played the games or used the keep in the last 5 years.

Daeloki56d ago

"If you actually watched the show you would know at the end the item they have is in vanguard gameplay the part they climb the steps."

Ok, so that item will be relevant to the plot. I still don't see what that has to do with my original comment?

"Also in the anime da3 charecters appear it shows one of the end of the games dlc which is cannon because again da4 starts after the anime."

So? You realize Dragon age has had books and comics before too? There is an official established canon for publishewd media like that, and then there is the canon we players determine in the game. These are separate canons.

"Not to mention your talking about dragon age keep that has not worked for 8 years on pc and sits dead not updated sense da 3."

Nowhere did I mention Keep, I said we get to set our own world order, they've confirmed that this is part of the character creation. But since you brought up keep not working, it worked just fine for console less than a month ago when I started a new Inquisition playtrough. Can't say for PC though.

jznrpg56d ago

2 was janky. I enjoyed 3 buts it’s failed MMO roots showed. 1 is still the best

just_looken56d ago

I prefer number 3 combat but number one had the best character's choices its to bad that game is abandon ware now.

Its a pain to get running without crashing has 0 controller support and the mouse/keyboard controls are barbaric.

We need a collection like they did with mass effect.

bababooiy57d ago

Similar thing happened with SaintsRow and look how that turned out. To be fair we are seeing this happen in other industries as well. This is what diversity hiring gets you, people that hate gaming and only ended up in the industry for the money.

swedishMeatwad56d ago

Wow, everything can be blamed on diversity hiring... "the problem with the world today"

just_looken56d ago

wow 12 dislikes on a comment that actual devs of the game agreed on

But the mega cult is getting trump into power again so i should not be surprised saint row reboot has a fanbase.

EternalTitan57d ago

I can hear the fans being insulted and being told that this is no longer a product for their audience.

RiseNShine57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

I can't think of anything more dumb than insulting past games legacy to promote your new game, even more when they were among the best CRPGs ever. The game has to be in really bad shape if they want to promote it that way.

CrimsonWing6957d ago (Edited 57d ago )

So, he insulted the legacy by stating better combat in this than previous entries, better story telling with a bigger focus on narrative than prior entries, more intricate character designs, which he claims were limited in the past to make cosplay “easier,” is “insulting” the legacy?

Ive seen so much sh*t talking about DA2 and Inquisition that it weirds me out to see people now defending those games. I, personally, thought the gameplay trailer looked great… while the initial teaser, not so much. I’ll wait for the game to come out and see if it’s “better” than the previous entries, but people need to calm the f*ck down over this. He’s just claiming improvements they’ve focused on that I’m pretty sure stemmed from consumer criticism in the first place.

jznrpg56d ago

I liked Inquisition but 2 was not very good. I have no idea about this game yet I haven’t played it

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The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

SimpleSlave172d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan172d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.
