
Jade Empire 2 was on PS3, and True Crime 4 also cancelled?

SystemLink: "CV repository Linkedin has thrown up some intriguing information regarding the potential platforms that the much desired Jade Empire 2 may appear on, as well erstwhile developer Luxoflux's plans for the True Crime series."

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Antholex4816d ago

Hopefully BioWare will still one day release Jade Empire on PS3, love to see the franchise there!

PhilipLarkin4816d ago

Same. Would love to see a sequel at some point.

GodofwarGoty4816d ago (Edited 4816d ago )

I heard jade empire the first one was one of the best RPG on the xbox back then it got 99.9 on ign and they even called even said Clear the way for the greatest RPG on Xbox.
i hope they will release it the second one on the PS3

BeckyLikesChocolate4816d ago

even i played it and beat it. i dont even like rpgs all that much. jade empire and ff7 are the only rpgs ive played long enough to beat

_Empath_4816d ago

I want Jade Empire. Mass Effect and Dragon Age are lame to me.

cochise3134816d ago (Edited 4816d ago )

Jade Empire was one of the most underrated games on the original Xbox. I loved that game. That was one of bioware's finest games. That's my favorite bioware game after ME series.


It was a great game that deserved more recognition than it recieved.

BlackTar1874816d ago

it definatley was a great game.

badboy8084816d ago

would sell way better on the PS3

Raven_Nomad4816d ago

Ya like Dragon age and Mass effect right? lol

undercovrr4816d ago

Dragon age sold marginally less on Ps3, mostly because people thought it would be like the first one - lower quality than the 360 counterpart. Mass effect sold less because it was out for a whole year on 360 and PC, so most people who wanted to play it got to play it.

Actually, most of the time, shooters only sell more on 360 because the majority of the 360 install base are teenagers who mainly follow the mainstream.

Raven_Nomad4816d ago

Shooter huh? So no other types of games sell better on 360? Like Assassins Creed, GTA, Red Dead,Madden football, Dead Rising 2, Oblivion and the list goes on and on.

So it's clear it isn't just shooters on the 360, also if by "Marginally" you mean hundreds of thousands of copies then I agree, but Mass Effect 2 sold and will continue to sell better on the 360.

Simple reason is, if you haven't played the first one, the second one wouldn't interest you and if you cant import your game, why bother with the series?

I started My Mass Effect journey in 2007 and I'll be importing that same character with all my choices, some major and some minor into ME3.

IMHO, Bioware type of games are meant for the 360. They were all on the original Xbox and seem to flow better to that crowd.

JRPG's seem to appeal more to the PS3 crowd. I hope it stays that way.

lochdoun4816d ago ShowReplies(2)
digger184816d ago


News flash: No they don't, only a few games like COD do, the rest don't.

So get your facts right please

Nac4816d ago

What!?!? Its western made with mythical setting inspired by ancient China. It's not turn-based and not "anime" looking. Lets face it, JRPGss don't sell well on western consoles, and WRPGs don't sell well on Eastern consoles.

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Mike Laidlaw on How Dragon Age is Made and the Probability of Jade Empire 2

On this week's episode of The 1099 Podcast, the creative director of Dragon Age, Mike Laidlaw, joins host Josiah Renaudin to discuss how the team at BioWare creates such massive open worlds. Mike explains the different roles he's played at BioWare, the struggles of even starting a five-year AAA project, what a linear Dragon Age (similar to Uncharted) would look like, how he deals with Dragon Age reviews, and the possibility of a Jade Empire 2.

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Bigpappy2549d ago

Jade Empire would make me very happy if it retains it's identity

Summons752549d ago

Yes, but with how Bioware is today...it wouldn't. They couldn't even keep Mass Effect or Dragon Age consistent for more than 1 game.

SirBradders2549d ago

I thought inquisition was a step back in the right direction.

bluefox7552549d ago

I thought Inquisition was the worst game in the series. Don't have a lot of hope for the next one.

2549d ago
bluefox7552549d ago

@Cupofjoe I played it for hours. I don't think it's terrible, but compared to the previous work of the developer, it's a big step backwards. Certainly wouldn't call it amazing. The characters are boring and forgettable, unlike the previous games in the series.

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AZRoboto2549d ago

Even if doesn't - it's been 12 years. It would be more than a teenager by the time a sequel could come out. I'd just be happy to see Bioware do something single player outside of Space or Dragons again.

joab7772549d ago

The new game Absolver looks so damn good, and makes me want a Jade Empire 2 very badly!

343_Guilty_Spark2549d ago

Microsoft needs to lock up at the very least timed exclusivity for Jade Empire 2 if its something Bioware is interested in.

Dark_Knightmare22549d ago

Yeah because let's screw gamers out of getting to play it so fanboys can brag about it being a timed exclusive then not buy it like they did with rotr

343_Guilty_Spark2548d ago

Sony has its share of exclusives don't see you complaining about those

Dark_Knightmare22548d ago (Edited 2548d ago )

Yeah first f**king party were talking third party here let's try to keep up

343_Guilty_Spark2548d ago

They have 3rd party exclusives too. Keep up

phoenixwing2549d ago

Jade empire 2 would be awesome news. I don't have much faith in it happening though.

TheOttomatic912549d ago

My worry if it's made by current Bioware it could be an MMO like TOR

Fearmonkey2549d ago

I would love a new KOTOR and a new Jade Empire, but the last two Bioware games have left me unimpressed due to how great the games were that came before. Bioware is off my must buy list, currently on the wait for a discount list.

RememberThe3572548d ago

I could see both happening, EA has Star Wars and the return of KOTOR would be huge news. The only hurdle I could see is that Disney would probably want it to fit with their timeline. A JE sequel sees necessary, and since I played it I've had the thought, but I also wanted an Okami sequel, so there's that.

As for the state of Bioware, I tend to agree with you. But I recently picked up DA:I and I'm loving it. Makes me want to pick up ME:A when it's discounted.

Fearmonkey2547d ago

DA: I is much better than ME:A, but DA: I cannot compare to DA:O and I even like DA:2 better than DA:I.
ME:A is just a massive disappointment.

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What We Want In Jade Empire 2

For years, there has been a demand for a sequel, but nothing has ever materialized. Now there may be a glimmer of hope for a second game in the future.

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AngelicIceDiamond3356d ago

I don't know what I want. I love JE and love that feudal Japan setting.

Just give me more of what made it great.

DawginTow13355d ago

Completely agree (& I'm guessing u meant China? ;P)

& make it truly open world this time, no loading screens

ScorpiusX3356d ago

A new JE2 , plus a remastered JE so to rekindle the story for those that played the original and to attract new players. Last thing hopefully their Xbox one , PC exclusive.

DawginTow13355d ago

Mmm...I know JE was ofc (og)xbox excl. last time around, that's how I played it. But having moved to ps4 this gen, I hope it's multiplat this time. Really enjoyed the game, hate the idea of not getting to play it again :(

I think it all comes down to who owns the ip, ms or ea?

Ristul3355d ago

I'm in the same boat, played the original on Xbox but now own the PS4. The game will probably be multi-platform now that EA owns Bioware.

Articuno763355d ago

It was on the PC as well. The game's readily available on GOG for around £6. Should run decently on pretty much any rig these days.

WCxAlchemist3355d ago

According bioware ceo who name slips my mind but he said on twitter answering a fan question on JE that "Microsoft still owns the exclusive rites to JE so if JE2 were in the works it would be an Xbox exclusive" he stated on twitter sure you guys can look it up.

DawginTow13355d ago

@WCxAlchemist, man, if that's the case, I guess I may as well give up the ghost on getting to play JE2 :(

& that's a shame, wouldn't u say?

Ristul3355d ago

WCxAlchemist: While Microsoft published the game on Xbox they do not own the IP, Bioware did own the IP and now it's EA. So unless MS can somehow get it exclusive there is still hope for it being multi-plat.

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elninels3355d ago

Why hope for exclusivity? I wish each system got to play bloodborne, halo, and all the rest.

I imagine that it will be a box/pc exclusive, but I definitely hope it isn't.

Grown Folks Talk3356d ago

I want the character I choose to impact the game more than who flirts with me. Make the story actually be different for each to more of a degree.

DougLord3355d ago

Heck yeah game was great. Just needed to be bigger. I'd like another Star Wars RPG too.

Ristul3355d ago

Jade Empire is such a beautiful game, and OMG the music.


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No Hope For True Crime 3 As Activision Abandons Franchise Trademark

"If you're still waiting ever so patiently for True Crime 3 you're in for a disappointment. It's not happening. Activision has seemingly abandoned the franchise after abandoning the True Crime trademark." The Games Cabin

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Snookies123459d ago

*salutes* Rest in peace True Crime, loved the first two games when I was a bit younger...

chrish19903459d ago

*wipes away a single manly tear*

But yeah, such a shame. I still play True Crime: Streets of LA from time to time on the old gamecube. It hasn't aged extremely well but damn it's good fun.

Snookies123459d ago (Edited 3459d ago )

Loved that game. Still have my Gamecube copy as well. I put so many hours into that one... XD

3459d ago
badz1493459d ago

Sleeping Dogs is pretty much True Crime 3 wasn't it?

breakpad3458d ago

Nice Craptivision now abandon Crash Bandicoot also ...it doesnt belong to you

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scark923459d ago

Loved the Smoking Donkey cheat!

3458d ago
Torque_CS_Lewith3459d ago

I thought we knew True Crime was dead and Sleeping Dogs had risen from its ashes.

chrish19903459d ago

Hmm, sort of. Activision cancelled TC 3 but still owned the rights for it, so there was always a chance, albeit slim, that a TC 3 would come. Alas, it seems we are never to see it.

Rimeskeem3459d ago

I'm starting to hate activision

RedDevils3459d ago

What so you just starting to hate them? Isn't that a bit late

illtornworld3459d ago

:( maybe itll be reborn as Sleeping Dogs 2? True Crime was such a great game! i enjoyed it more than GTA wellll idk i likeTrue Crime and Sn Andreas the same. fuck gta iv >_<

isarai3458d ago

Not really, Triad Wars is more a spinoff as it's basically just Sleeping Dogs with a couple tweaks and turned into a f2p game.

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