
Polytron Corporation's Phil Fish on Fez Design and the Misuse of 3D

In a GameSetWatch exclusive interview, John Polson speaks with Phil Fish about design inspirations, the plight for more 3D games that explore the third dimension, Fez's premises, and the newest mechanic revealed in the latest trailer: the black holes.

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SuperHyperCube EP Review (PS4 PSVR) - GameEnthus

SuperHyperCube EP Review (PS4 PSVR) Lean into the turn. *more important info below* + fun + simple mechanics + really good UI + leaderboards + Really challenging – Really challenging – special abilities take a lot of time to earn – default settings are extremely bright and easily adjustable – … Continue Reading →

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VR Devs Pull Support for Oculus Rift Until Palmer Luckey Steps Down

Will Oculus Rift lose support from game developers because its inventor supports Donald Trump?

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Overload2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

It's not just for Trump, he is backing a white supremacist organization.


"Along with Luckey, Nimble America was founded by two moderators of Reddit’s r/The_Donald, which helped popularize Trump-themed white supremacist and anti-Semitic memes along with 4Chan and 8Chan. A questionnaire to become a moderator at r/The_Donald posted in March had applicants answer the questions “Is there a difference between white nationalism and white supremacy?” and “Was 9/11 an inside job?”

Genuine-User2826d ago ShowReplies(1)
AnotherProGamer2823d ago ShowReplies(4)
Derpy2822d ago ShowReplies(3)
antikbaka2822d ago

everything is called whitesupremacist these days.

Giru0172822d ago

This is correct. They've been trying to spin the issue into a political one when it has NOTHING TO DO with the presidential race. It's about Luckey backing the racist Nimble America organization (with much more than the reported $10,000 if leads are to be believed).

DragonPaw2822d ago (Edited 2822d ago )

Fail. Now that the propaganda laws have expired and not reinstated, the whole media is against facts. There you are citing an article that doesn't even directly reference an action of Trump. I don't see him funding rioters.

Pound the war drums to the beat of Hillary Clinton, puppet of George Soros. All this turmoil in our country right now is orchestrated by this agenda. Ignore facts and listen to proxies to form your opinions. In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.

This is a favor from this flavor of the entertainment industry. I don't care about Occulus anyways, and big business operates within big politics.

Overload2822d ago

You realize what Nimble America is right? And that he is one of the founders.

DragonPaw2822d ago (Edited 2822d ago )

@Overload Milo Yiannopoulos is the only name you can put behind Nimble America, and he is not Donald Trump. You are wrong. I don't think Milo has any authority over Trump, so you are either making assumptions or believing what you were intended to believe.

Side note: Milo is a self proclaimed homosexual who prefers black men. HMMM.

kparks2822d ago (Edited 2822d ago )

Guy can back and do whatever the hell he wants.. hope he tells them to shove it! He's free to live his life how he wants. Wether you agree or not with him does not matter...and if this company refuses to do business that's there choice also.

Overload2822d ago

Of course he can back whatever he wants, but people can also choose to not support him because of it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2822d ago
YinYangGaming2826d ago ShowReplies(3)
2826d ago Replies(2)
2pacalypsenow2826d ago ShowReplies(1)
brianunfried2823d ago

You may be a bigot if you discriminate against someone for their political views, religion, race or sexual preference.

Christopher2823d ago

Typically bigotry is only for those things that you show a bias towards in which someone else has no control over. Politics and religion do not fall in that arena, sexual preference is up for debate. I think you may have meant to use a word such as intolerant instead of bigot.

TFJWM2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

A bigot is merely someone who judges someone else in a group that they do not fall under. It is not contained to just something someone can not change.

Edit: Actually you can be bigoted against a group you even fall under it really just judging a group based on them being members of that group.

mogwaii2823d ago

Sexual preference is a ridiculous term, a gay person doesnt prefer to be gay, they just are so bigitory isnt up for debate at all.

cl19832822d ago

Hypocrite may fit in better.

donthate2822d ago

definition of bigot: a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Sounds like every person condemning Oculus/Palmer in here.

Eonjay2822d ago

Welcome back Chris! Well actually yes you can be bigoted against someone for almost anything that can be used to classify someone into a group. Not just color. It is stupid but true.

Ogygian2822d ago (Edited 2822d ago )

The definition according to the OED: "a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.".

Etymologically, it emerged from the French insinuating that the Normans were religious hypocrites. Having its basis in faith, the word solely refers to people holding different opinions. Intolerant is a bit broader, as it comes from the Latin "tolerare" (to endure), hence it can be used to refer to anyone who refuses to "endure" things they don't like (hence you cannot tolerate things you like - only those you dislike, which for some people can mean race or sexual preferences).

I apologise if I come across as a smart arse (that's not my intention, and I had these definitions very mixed up myself not too long ago!).

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2822d ago
Psychotica2822d ago

Can you be a bigot against bigots?

donthate2822d ago Show
TFJWM2822d ago

@donthate umm no you can't be a bigot to objects...

NicSage2822d ago

Everyone here is a bigot for their opposing views to those who agree with Palmer. Everyone is a bigot in some way. Freedom doesn't stop at feelings.

frostypants2822d ago

Ah yes, the old "being discriminatory against bigots is bigotry" line...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2822d ago
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Our Interview with Allistair Pinsof Part 2 – Relationships in Indie Gaming

A writer and editor turned game developer who has previously worked for websites such as Destructoid and the Escapist, TechRaptor was lucky enough to talk to Allistair Pinsof for a series of interviews about the current state of the gaming media.

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-Foxtrot3423d ago (Edited 3423d ago )

This is a great interview, pretty much reminds you why GamerGate was set up in the first place, to counter "fishy" stuff like this in the industry

I mean this is just Indie stuff can you imagine the situation with big developers and what sites do to get on their good side.

Relientk773423d ago

Not a big fan of Phil Fish

he's honestly just a d*ck

-Foxtrot3423d ago

It's funny how the more his facial hair grew the bigger his ego got.

It's like his ego pushed his hair out quicker and he couldn't be arsed to shave constantly.

elninels3422d ago

In response to that comment phil fish has cancelled yet another project.

003423d ago

those people really are a bunch of scumbags.

garos823422d ago

Totally disgusting that the industry has come to this.

Im not surprised to be honest but let this be a lesson to all those people smearing #gamergate as a hate group and a misogynistic movement. This is what we fight for and this is the sh*t that needs to stop.

Phil Fish is a thief and the reasons as to why Fez 2 will never come to fruition is because he is a talent less hack

The_Mad_Monarch3422d ago

Both of the interviews with Pinsof have been fantastic. Hope this gets all the exposure it can.

garos823422d ago

most publications seem to be ignoring it hoping it disappears

im looking at you giantbomb r/games r/gaming polygon gamasutra and all you corrupt fools

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