
Stepto's Blog Handed Over To Hacker - Irony Ensues - Hacker Boasts on YouTube

Bryce Wilson of RipTen; "Xbox LIVE is made up of some pretty amazing and awesome personalities, Stephen 'Stepto' Toulouse being one of those. Through a series of unseen events however his personal blog and website 'www.stepto.com' was handed over to an anonymous hacker..."

Delriach4863d ago

I don't see the glory in the whole hacking thing. That dude in the YouTube video was quite excited though... Maybe I'm missing out...

Drjft4863d ago

I'm the same - I don't see the whole big deal in 'hacking' Xbox LIVE accounts but this is pretty lulzy.

mjolliffe4863d ago

Same here. I just don't understand why you'd do it. Oh well.

CrzyFooL4863d ago

Apparently nobody is safe from this kid.

Batmau54863d ago

Those darned internet hacker gangs!

Alexrubens4863d ago

"oh man......*BLOWS INTO MIC* I'm so shaky....." I think that this kid had a hacking orgasm during that video.

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gold_drake5d ago

ff 16 cid is pretty hot.

also ff7 rebirth cid is pretty hot haha

4d ago
anast4d ago

'Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare'

Sounds like the writer needs more life experience.