
Battlefront III in the making? – Again

LucasArts has hired an old friend, Tim Lingo. Lingo worked on previous Star Wars titles such as the Starfighter series, Jar Jar’s Revenge, and Republic Commando. He then left the studio and went off to help make the Tomb Raider games.

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theonlylolking4926d ago

SWBF3 should use the cryengine 3, have bot battles, and no playable jedi's like battlefront 1.

metsgaming4926d ago

if they do this they have to keep the game types from the past games. When i say that i mean the ability to play locol coop. Keep the set up of having a a number of troops in reserves etc. With the regualer mp im not sure it would work well that way. They definitly need to have online coop with the ability to play the way you could in the old ones.

Wenis4926d ago

Jedi Assault was the best game mode IMO. Although it was only on Mos Eisley (the ps2 version at least), for some reason it just never got old for me.

KDubyah4926d ago (Edited 4926d ago )

No no, in my opinion, I prefer they keep Jedi's in the game ..
The Jedi's are cool, they add a new dimension to the games.

antz11044925d ago

a LOL, um...the Jedi's were from Battlefront 2, and the best level in the game was the Cantina on Tatooine where you could have JUST heroes as playable characters.

This would be awesome if its true, bring back my favorite Star Wars series!

Jio4926d ago

I agree with most of what you said, though I really love playing as a jedi. If it uses new technology, it would be fun killing dozens of soldiers with a jedi.

Eiffel4926d ago

I'd rather keep the Jedi, one addition that made SWBF2 so great.

tigertron4926d ago

I agreed with what you said, but then you said no Jedi...I loved playing as the Jedi/Sith, except for the constant force grabbing.

theonlylolking4926d ago

It is really fun playing as a jedi/sith but up against one is not fun.

DeadlyFire4926d ago

They need to make Jedi more like Jedi in Moviebattles 2 mod. Balanced so they can take hits and die. What the modders have done with that mod is amazing.

xyxzor4926d ago

The force choke was the worst lol

CrimsonEngage4926d ago

Why use Cryengine 3? Why not Frostbite 2? :D

KDubyah4926d ago (Edited 4926d ago )

Ya know.. destruction in the Battlefront games would be awesome!
Or, so I think, anyway. Just imagine the possibilities!

Like, in Battlefront 2, when you could tie up those walkers..
I forget there names, but they are tall and walk on two legs ..
Imagine roping one up, having it fall over on a building, and..
It collapsing the building onto the heads of enemy soldiers! :D

Vherostar4926d ago

I wonder if Crytek can still pick the deal up for this since they own FR now who were working on the game before they went bottom up.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4925d ago
clarick014926d ago

Doesn't sound too promising, but god I hope its true. Battlefront is one of my favorite Star Wars titles.

xyxzor4926d ago

I think everyone knows it's being made. The question is whether it's all being developed in-house by Lucas Arts, or if Free Radical is still creating it. Hard to tell at this point.

DarkSpawnClone4925d ago

"or if Free Radical is still creating it" free rad is no more,so no there not making it,not a chance..i just hope if they are making it they don't screw it up :/ i miss SWBF

xyxzor4925d ago

Well they technically got bought out by Crytek. So your partially right.

DarkSpawnClone4925d ago

nah man there gone,and the game that we seen the leaked footage was scrapped when Lucas arts pulled the project what was left of it went in to that psp game that rebellion made,it left a bad taste in there mouths so i don't think they will work together and when it was bought out most who worked there left or laid off apparently ,i wouldn't count on crytek picking it up but who knows,there are so many legal issues involved in that situation it would probably be easier for them to use a different dev personally it would be my dream for dice to pick it up Battlefield and battlefront are similar enough with vehicles and classes ect i think it would work out well imo.

Mucudadada4926d ago

I am dying for some Battlefront 3, but he could be working on anything. I hope it is BF3, but it's far-fetched based on this information.

xyxzor4926d ago

I wouldn't say it's far-fetched considering his history.

Jio4926d ago

The story of Battlefront III just makes me angry at Lucasarts. How can they keep shelling out money on the Force Unleashed franchise when this game clearly deserves it more.

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Star Wars Battlefront 3: Is There Still Hope For A New Game?

Is Star Wars Battlefront 3 coming? Well, the correct answer is yes, no and maybe. It’s been six years since the second instalment, and fans are still waiting for confirmation of another sequel.

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anast287d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

287d ago
shadowknight203287d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


Canceled Star Wars Battlefront III for PSP Images Leaked

Someone has just revealed images proving that there was supposed to be a Star Wars Battlefront III for PSP.

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Duke19874d ago

"Images of Gameplay" noted in the article.

Proceeds to only show Menu screens

GoodGuy09874d ago

Oh yea battlefront games were on the psp weren't they? And force unleashed as well. Great "handheld" versions those were.

plmkoh873d ago

Battlefront III in PSP is just Elite Squadron, was never cancelled. The start up menu is even the same same with X1 and X2.


Battlefront 3's Opening Leaked - Star Wars Fans At It Again

Clever Star Wars fans have uncovered yet another piece of Free Radical's Star Wars: Battlefront 3, exploring the game's tutorial level.

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Urrakia34971d ago

After all these years, Free Radical's SWBF2 is still the best overall Star Wars game to me. It had everything you could want in big fun team battles, Jedi vs Sith and the space battles were extremely well done giving you the ability to land inside a capital ship's hangar to sabotage and take it down from within.

Sciurus_vulgaris971d ago

Free Radical didn’t make Star Wars Battlefront 2. The long defunct Pandemic Games developed the original Battlefront 2.

Urrakia34971d ago

Thank you sir, I appreciate the correction. Pandemic also developed Mercenaries I believe, right? That game too is a classic!

Sciurus_vulgaris971d ago

Yes, Pandemic did indeed develop Mercenaries.

ZeekQuattro971d ago

I wish that IP would make a return. The original was better but its the second one had its moments. You could pretty much level anything in those games if you had the right armaments.

971d ago
plmkoh971d ago

This is just Battlefront Elite Squadron. Cancelling it was the right move, very few changes to Battlefront 3 except for a new forgettable campaign.