
PS3 Passes Xbox 360 in Global Active Devices

Sony’s PS3 games console passed Microsoft’s Xbox 360 to become the number two TV console worldwide by the end of 2010, according to the latest research published by Strategy Analytics’ Connected Home Devices service. According to the report, “Global TV Games Console Forecast: Will New Sensor Technology Revive the Demand?”, the active installed base of PS3s reached 43.4 million by the end of 2010, compared to 42.9 million Xbox 360s. Nintendo’s Wii remained the number one global TV console with 75.5 million active devices.

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SnakeMustDie4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

I wonder how they were able to get those "active install base"

Octo14815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

I agree. I always wonder where data comes from and if its at all accurate? Then again how many articles/report have we read stating that the PS3 will either match or surpass the 360 eventually? I am however impressed that if the PS3 does catch up or even surpass the install base of the 360 worldwide.The 360 had a year head start and the PS3 was damn expensive at launch.|Also it took a while for real good games to come out for the PS3.
Anyway. Enough of these data talks! Bring on InFamous 2 and The Last Guardian already :)

ksense4815d ago Show
malamdra4815d ago Show
darthv724815d ago

nothing but a first place loser.


maybe by active they mean always on because my ps3 is on even when its not. Unless i turn the switch off in the back.

Vherostar4815d ago

They get these stats by the address(ya know what MS ban if caught pirating software?) of consoles connected to the internet in the last 6 months or something along those lines. If you never connect your console to the internet they consider it dead. Thats what the stat here is Global ACTIVE devices. Even if it does only include online devices there is probably an even number of offline as online devices out there.

DarkTower8054815d ago

This report (if true) shall make for an interesting Sony keynote address @ this years E3.

zootang4814d ago


Wouldn't a first place loser be last?

Just_The_Truth4814d ago

yeah they had a horrible headstart but at least it resulted in a quality machine i know so many people who have bought 3 plus xbox because of poor hardware and the rrod that's why i'll never be getting one their company model needs to change. I love my PS3 and i'm glad they have competition though.

afterMoth4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

Well there are lot of broken 360's out there and that is being conservative. Some broken PS3's and Wii's as well but nowhere near the epidemic that the 360 has encountered.

You can't be active if you are RROD, can you?

zag4814d ago

They get the data by paying for the data.

Once they have the data they'll do stats based on the data they have been given.

shadow27974814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

^Except none of this argument really matters because there's no way there are 43.4 million PS3's online. That's over 95% of the total PS3's sold. Factor in the number that have broken or go unused, and you have no margin for the tons of people who don't connect their PS3's to the internet.

I don't have any way of knowing how accurate these numbers are, but I can assure you they aren't counting the number of PS3's connected to the internet.

Edit: Whoops. Meant to reply down there V

YodaCracker4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

LOL, these are the same guys that predicted the PS3 would sell 127 million units in its lifetime, versus 103 million for the Wii.


Take this with a grain of salt. Imagine if these same analysts were saying something in favor of the 360. They would immediately be bashed, this article would be placed under the rumor section, and would be voted as "Doubtful".

But if we do want to pretend this article is true, then the PS3 software sales must be worse than we could have ever imagined. You're telling me the PS3 has more active users than the 360 yet 360 multiplatform games almost always sell more - sometimes 2X more? Wow. That would be REALLY pathetic.

stevenhiggster4814d ago


The saying is actually
"Second place is just the first loser."

Ryo-Hazuki4814d ago

i think xbox360 numbers are inflated due to the fact alot of ppl purchased more than one xbox due to the issues it had (5 360s in my lifetime). So i do believe this is an accurate report

colombiankilla014814d ago

@ Yodacracker Why you think the PS3 has a bigger attach rate? it has exclusives and multiplats! Xbox only has multiplats! Its not so difficult to understand just think about it!

ComboBreaker4814d ago

And they said this will never happen.

They also said BluRay will never win.
3D will never take on.
The PS3 will be doom.
Forza 3 wil beat GT5 in sales.
And pigs will fly.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4814d ago
FACTUAL evidence4815d ago

Hmm..IDK if this is accurate, but if it is I'm not surprised. Sony Always will have a spot in the generation of consoles, and first place is it's home.

oohWii4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

"Global Active Devices (GAD)"

Haha, that's some funny shit!

Let's make up another one for tomorrow, lets try Digital United Media Broadcasting And Servicing Systems (DUMBASS)

It's amazing the shit people come up with the make themselves feel better.

GLOBAL ACTIVE DEVICES....what a fckin Joke!

Also BTW, the 100M plus PS2s sold are simply voided because the are no longer "GAD" for because they are not "GAD" they never were sold.

@VHEROSTAR the incredible(below) - How do you recon they could tell the number of consoles being online when they are behind a router with NAT. Some game playing store have 15 consoles in them behind a firewall using the same internet IP. Are they using the MAC addresses? and does that mean, they can tell a consoles MAC from a PCs or an IPADS?

livinwitbias4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

Excellent points oohwii!

You got lil trollers like SDTARM talking smack but he couldn't refute your point. He wasted his lone bubble to troll and made no counter points. I've noticed a lot of that lately on N4G plenty of disagrees without counter points. This place is slipping deeper and deeper into the abyss...lol I also noticed that you also had 12 disagrees. Do fret, disagrees when you are taking thunder away from the PS3 actually translate to "Yeah you got a point, but we're too immature so say so."

haha, global active devices...lol that shit is funny. Talking about grasping for straws...lol

illizit4814d ago

@oohWii lol you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. First, yes they are counting the MAC addresses. How can they distinguish them between other devices? I'm glad you asked. The first half of a MAC address is known as the manufacturer ID which is unique for each company that produces them (Sony, microsoft, Intel, etc. All have one) the next few numbers identify the model and serial number so yes, they can tell. And they can even tell when it was manufactured as they have a database of all MAC addresses.

ARBitrator4814d ago

@illizit - Although you sound intelligent, you still don't quite have it figured out either while you're calling oohwii out, you totally missed his point. Especially after your quick visit to wiki or an IP dictionary.

Although the organizationally unique identifier (first 3 octets) will identify the organization that issued the identifier that could be either the manufacturer of the network card/device or in some cases the buyers (MS) administrator. They can issue them however they please as long as they are unique.

With that being said, MS could override the burning identifier and perform the id process locally, HOWEVER, they could have issued part of the same series of numbers to their Zune and other products as well. Being they are only required to make sure the devices are unique.

IMO, there is no way, these people were able to capture EVERY single MAC address of every active device and chart it with any consistent accuracy, chart the data, and without error determine the device type. Besides, what's to say MS even did localized identifiers, perhaps they left the burnin MACs in tact from linksys or whom ever made the network card/adapter.

What if I used and third party network adapter on my older 360, now what? What if I did network sharing with my laptop?

Besides, even if oohwii doesn't understand the full concept of MACs, his/her point was taken and valid, and his/her point about "GAD" being a joke is equally valid.

Funny thing is you saw a flaw in his/her MAC analysis and attacked, rather than adding something intelligent to an otherwise bullshit article. That truly mean ABSOLUTELY noting.

KageMonkey4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

ARBitrator - it sounds like you read about MAC addresses in a textbook, added your own interpretation of it, and try to pass off that false information as fact.

I have purchased tens of thousands of MAC addresses for network hardware for numerous embedded systems, and I can tell you that you CANNOT arbitrary create MAC addresses of your own.

The buyer of the addresses are assigned a BLOCK, there is no such thing as an "ID process" that allows you to assign any number you want as that would conflict with others' assigned block. In other words, illizit was perfectly correct, and in you trying to call him out to show-off, not only were you completely wrong, all you've done is show off your lack of understanding.

This is a perfect example of how people who use and work with Microsoft products usually have no clue what they are talking about, but always try to pass their false technical understanding as fact.

You have a complete false notion of how MAC addresses work and you should NOT be trying to pass off your lack of knowledge as the truth. In other words, everything you have said is invalid.

suicidalblues4814d ago


+1 for not only sounding smart, but actually being smart(there's a difference).

kopicha4814d ago


+1 to you too. why waste time with that moron. look at what he commented on my replies further down. he dont even know what is he talking and just try to take his own points and think the world evolves around him. fanboy are stupid period

Kurt Russell4814d ago

Wow, there is some serious nerd rage going on!

Nobody actually cares about GADS, MACS, BLOCKS or any of the other points you all capitalised... Instead they wake up and get on with their lives. I suggest you all start doing the same.


3XP4814d ago

@KageMonkey - Even though I don't believe that you (you personally) have bought tens of thousands of MAC addresses...blah blah blah.

I do agree with you in the fact they are bought in unique blocks. Once a company received their block of MACs, they can distribute them as they please i.e to an enbedded system, a sub contractor manufacturing a project for them or whatever. In a lot of cases the manufacturers MAC will remain like in network card an adapter manufacturing and then the item rebranded if necessary.

I'm an network administrator, so I work with MACs a lot, but not to the point of knowing if they can be they can be burned in or re-identified by a company that bought a block. I know that they can be spoofed.

It's also my understanding that when MAC information leaves your computer it has your computer's MAC address, but when it arrives at your router that MAC address is removed. When the information is sent by your router further upstream to your ISP's router, it contains the MAC address of your router. When it moves from the ISPs router to another router on the internet, it contains the MAC address of the ISPs router.

I could be wrong, but this is how I thought MACs work on a network they are used to determine where info is to be sent along with the internal IP.

One thing that arbitrator said that I felt was true was that it would be very difficult to track EAD's based on MACs with external NICs, and other ways of getting connected. I place where you said the other dude was completely right when infact he wasn't.

You didn't address that because you were too busy showing how intelligent you thought you were. An you didn't really address the basis behind the whole argument, It's funny how cocky a person can get when they think they know something isn't it.

You spent more time addressing where he stepped into you field of work, called him out for his wrong and completely ignored the thing he said that were right.

Perhaps that was your INNER FANBOY.

Either way, this article is pointless an the flamebait component in it worked as it was planned.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4814d ago
malamdra4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

while I think that the PS3 install base larger I agree with SnakeMustDie that there's really no way to measure this accurately

there's people with back up consoles stored away on attics, people with two units of the same console one for online, one for piracy, there's people that bought only one console to play offline only and it broke and they didn't replace it so they still count as active, etc

but if you do a calculation with percentages of lifetimes sales and failure rate, and then you factor in consoles replaced for free, etc the PS3 will probably be ahead but the results are at best broad estimates

Vherostar4815d ago

There is no estimation needed and this can be done accurately down to the last console. Soon as you connect your console to the internet they know your ACTIVE. That's what this is showing not how many people own a console how many actively use it to its specifications which internet is 1 one those. So if you console was connected to the net in 2010 your one of those numbers. Even for a second... If you don't connect ever you won't be but in a modern day society there isn't many who don't so its a small percentage and to be fair 360 and PS3 owners would be around the same offline.

malandra4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )


you're wrong, there's millions of people who never connect the console to the internet because of piracy, it has nothing to do with modern society

pretty much every pirated console has to stay offline or they'll brick or a firmware update might overwrite the custom firmware that let's them play back ups

also that's the same reason it also affects the calculation, there's no way to know how many console are out there, but I can tell you that when a popular game first shows up on torrent sites is downloaded millions of times to be played on offline online consoles

NiKK_4194815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

i'm gonna take a guess and say that the consoles that are offline don't necessarily matter because almost everyone who has a ps3 and 360 has had their console connected to the internet at one point, which is what this test is measuring, and for all the offline (but still used) 360s there is probably an equal (or close) number of ps3s, so all the excuses of consoles being offline doesn't really matter because it applies to both ps3 and 360, not just 360.

besides, the reason a lot of 360s are offline is because of RROD, and yes a lot of ps3s are offline because of YLOD, but RROD is a lot more widespread and deadly disease

xAlmostPro4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

There's many ways to figure this stuff out..

You can pay for the stats from sony, microsoft etc to get sales details etc.

Not only that but they can track via MAC addresses im sure(for checking how active the console is, if they've connected to the internet with it) once you connect your MAC is put into a database where it can be monitored and such therefor they can(sony or microsoft) see how many are active(when talking about internet use anyway)

Brianna4814d ago


Piracy on the PS3 started in the last year or so, the 360 has been hacked for almost 5 years

if you buy a modded/flashed 360 you can never connect it to the internet, so in 5 years, that's plenty of consoles that don't count for any calculation

ReBurn4814d ago

So who has the super-awesome technology that watches for every single new device that connects to the whole Internet and catalogs it by type for reporting purposes? Can they tell how often it connects and from where?

I want to know so that I can invest in the company that can simplify such a complicated problem. That data has to be a goldmine.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4814d ago
Solid_Snake-4814d ago ShowReplies(1)
otherZinc4814d ago

See, this is the kind of garbage we have to look forward to when NPD shuts us out! This is no where near accurate.

Thanks NPD for letting s*** like this fill the minds of the stupid!

RedDragan4814d ago

NPD doesn't shut you out, they simply don't have realtime data. If you only understood the magnitude of the task of collecting the data you would then realise why NPD cannot give you data on demand.

This is not the year 2050. Realtime sales data is a long way away.

And I would say this information given in this report is fairly accurate, but we simply do not know what they mean by Active Devices. Is this is reference that has hit Live and PSN just once it's lifetime? We simply do not know. But whatever they are talking about, it is probably accurate but meaningless nonetheless without any further information.

Eyeco4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

couldn't care less if the ps3 was 1st 2nd or 3rd, im still gonna think its the best console this gen

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4814d ago
Dart894815d ago

Holy s**t fanboy storm coming in.

THC CELL4815d ago

Wow like i care about sales
Its about gaming.

LOGICWINS4815d ago

"Wow like i care about sales
Its about gaming."

So why did you bother commenting in a news article entitled "PS3 Passes Xbox 360 in Global Active Devices"?

jadenkorri4815d ago

haven't you noticed that as the amount of sales get closer between the ps3/360, the 360 fanboys are now switching from sales perspective to its about gaming, and the ps3 fanboys switching from gaming to sales argument.

upturned24815d ago

we just can now start saying sales matter ever since our first standpoint, that the ps3 is far more powerful and superior.

So now we're using both perspectives.

kikizoo4814d ago

"the 360 fanboys are now switching from sales perspective to its about gaming, and the ps3 fanboys switching from gaming to sales argument"

no, the ps3 fanboys can play with the 2 arguments now (since more than 3 years)..

Darkseeker4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

It's not about sales, it's about install base here. Obviously, the 360 still has 2-3 millions sales over the PS3, but the 360 sales includes a lot of second or third puchases due to RRoD. Of course, since people bought a second or third 360 due to RRoD, their old ones isn't working anymore and can't be counted as install base.

You could argue that the PS3 also has YLOD, but that wouldn't matter much because the problem is insignificant and anybody who takes minimum care of his machine won't ever get it.

DaTruth4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

Care has nothing to do with it! I took maximum care of mine and the fan died! Shit happens to 3% of PS3 devices; shit happens to 40% of XBOX360 devices, but shit happens regardless!

mendicant4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )


Who are all of these people that had to buy new 360's when Microsoft was repairing them for free(at least here in the states)and paying s&h charges? When my PS3 went out on me I paid $150's.

I don't know a single person who paid for their 360 to get repaired once MS extended their warranty. Even if you did pay, they gave you back your costs.

Yes the whole situation sucked but I'm being honest when I say that at least I didn't have to pay for any problems I had.

Was I upset with my multiple 360 issues? Absolutely. Did MS make good on it and take care of me? Yes they did. I have to give respect where it is do. They made right on the problem. Both in paying for repairs and creating a more streamlined, effect model that isn't prone to issues.

The only time I've ever paid was for the intial console and the new type S. I had multiple issues inbetween and they were all taken care of and paid for. I only had one PS3 go out on me and I paid.

Just saying...

moparful994815d ago

@mendicant Of course microsoft came in like the white knight in shining armor and came out the hero in all of this.. Thats what they wanted.. But what you fail to recognize is that the 360 is the worst example of faulty consumer electronics in history.. That is no an exageration, it was so bad in fact that the government was about to open an investigation and microsoft was facing potential legal issues over it.. That is one and only reason they replaced faulty console.. NOt because it was the right thing to do, but because it would have probably forced them out of the games industry alltogether.. I had my 60 gig launch model finally give out on me this year after 4 1/2 years of service and I paid 150 bucks for a refurb slim and I was all to happy to pay that.. It was MY fault that I didn't purchase the extended warranty and I had to pay.. Ohh and sony paid for the shipping and handling which microsoft no longer does...

mendicant4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )


I don't fail to realize anything. Of couse MS's response was motivated by legalities. I don't care what their motivations were, I just care that they fix it.

I'm not naive enough to believe that multi-national corporations like Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo don't have their reasons for doing what they do outside of making a dollar. Sure they have talented people, all of them, doing what they love to do. But at the end of the day, it's about making money. And I don't think that's a bad thing. I'm paying you for a service. I expect certain things for my money. If you mess up on your end of the agreement, you pay.

Edited: irrelevant point

livinwitbias4814d ago

@mendicant - Great point, but don't expect a sensible response. I have NEVER see a PS3 user on this site agree to something if it either made MS look good or made Sony look bad.

They just won't do it.

ARBitrator4814d ago (Edited 4814d ago )

Good point LWB, I can honest say that I think that the current generation of the Sony fanboy, is probably the worst ever.

I'm sure lots of people outside of N4G would agree; both amateur and professional; gamer and media.

kopicha4814d ago


you are wrong. yes microsoft does repair or replace the 360 with an international biatch. but i do have friends who had few 360s and thru this generation he is already on his 4th 360. mind you they aint replacement. he buy new one. currently he have 2 360. while another 2 he sold them off. so yes there are repeated purchase of the same console for 360 case. i find 360 fanboy really funny after readhing this article. they shoot at PS2 calling them invalid bacause they aint GAD = not sold. But they themselve never never admit that due to RROD from a same owner can own more than 2 - 3 360 in the same generation which makes M$'s number invalid as a whole. oh before you start calling me ps3 fanboy mind you i have both. i dont particular side any of them. i just play my game

ARBitrator4814d ago

@kopicha - Don't be a moron, if you have a 360 that RROD on you within the 3 year warranty period it is repaired or placed FOR FREE by microsoft. If your friends went out and bought new ones, then perhaps you should have helped them out and told them to get it repaired by MS. Wait, I forgot, you didn't know that.

kopicha4814d ago


you are then the moron. ppl do what they like. he prefer to buy one and just send in the rrod for repair to continue his game as he need to wait for a week before getting back the international biatch. and oh in case you dont know m$ dont repair your freaking machines. they basically replace you with another refurb set you moron. its his choice to rather own a new one than getting back the refurb. i dont have to teach him what to do and thats what he wants to do. before you claim i dunno check if i own a 360 or not first stupid moron fanboy.

to the 2 that disagree me... you make yourself look stupid for trying to disagree with me with something that already happened! thats really pathetic

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4814d ago
BlackTar1874815d ago

Hopefully we can all talk about games now :)

Crystallis4815d ago

Really, lets get this who second and who last out of the way so we can talk real talk...GAMES!

GiggMan4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )


I'm sorry, I pictured a crowd rabid fanboys suddenly getting quiet, and then throwing rocks at you.

GameTavern4815d ago

I'm not even sure what this means?

Does that mean that there are more PS3 people used in the wild? If that's the case, how did they get the number?

Show all comments (190)

How Valve has treated Team Fortress 2 is a disgrace, and its community deserves better

17 years on from release and 5 years into a botting epidemic, Team Fortress 2 is on its knees, and it's high time Valve stepped in to fix it.

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badz14912h ago

Valve can do no wrong, remember?

fsfsxii10h ago

Ah yes, pc gaming aka the bastion of fairness and equity and everlasting online playerbase, all i can say is lmao
Not to mention that these tf2 idiots were the progenitor of mrx in gaming


Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay - 20 Years of the Surprisingly Good Film Adaptation

Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay debuted 20 years ago, and to this day is a surprisingly good film franchise adaptation.

porkChop20h ago

I'd love a remaster of both games with 4K, raytracing, and the ability to have both AA and AO at the same time.

Petebloodyonion15h ago

Remasters were made for Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2009 Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena

porkChop6h ago

It was a remaster of the first game, plus a sequel. The sequel was never remastered though. In the PC version you couldn't even have AA and AO, you had to choose one or the other. You can't buy it anymore either on PC.

MrBaskerville19h ago

MS owns the developer, if only they wanted to bother with the license, could be a nice addition to Series X BC program. These titles and Arx Fatalis.

Petebloodyonion15h ago

Microsoft does not own Starbreeze Studios; it is owned by Digital Bros through its subsidiary, 505 Games.
Tigon Studios, founded by Vin Diesel, primarily develops games featuring him and holds licenses related to these games.

ZwVw11h ago

You're thinking about MachineGames (Wolfenstein) which was formed by several ex Starbreeze staff after Assault on Dark Athena was released (whose owned by Zenimax/Bethesda), now owned by MS.

rlow117h ago

Great games, wish they would make another.


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