
True Gamer of the Week: Michael Hartnett

GamerFitNation places a weekly spotlight on gamer's who are making waves. The goal is to help Non-Gamers see the good in being a Gamer, and to show Gamers like you, how you can grow in the industry. Some of your favorite known people will be spotlighted, and maybe you as well. This week we're featuring Michael Hartnett as the True Gamer of the week.

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xtheownerzx4928d ago

Congrats on a job well done!

bfigaro4928d ago

Congratulations. I loved all your answers and passion for gaming!

NJShadow4928d ago

Twas' an honor! Keep up the great work with the site!


DisneyLand Kinect PlayThrough -GamerFitNation

GamerFitNation's BlackBible gets a chance to play Kinect Disneylands Adventure's. Kinect Disneyland allows you to get the disneyland experience from home.

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I really enjoyed playing this game. An Awesome Kinect title


What do you guys think of this Title?

mendicant4852d ago

It looks like fun. It's something I look forward to playing with my son. Disney is cool no matter how old you are.

I remember when I was a kid going to Disneyworld all the time. I like how they make the park look like it really does.

kma2k4852d ago

This game is giving me the excuse needed to buy the xbox360 i already have a ps3, & i really want to play the 360 for the exclusives, but my wife has pretty much said "why do you need a 360 when you have a ps3" which she is right i dont really need an 360 also but with this disneyland game, its a must have for my 2.5 year old who is in love with Mickey! :)

ColecoVision4852d ago

I'm pretty much a FPS guy these days, but I have to say, this Kinect game looks very entertaining. I grew up going to Disneyland, and my childhood memories of the park are as fresh as can be.

I have a 360, but don't have any plans on getting a Kinect, however... is it wrong or unmanly for me to want this game? LOL!

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GamerFitNation's Sonic Generations E3 Impression

GamerFitNation provides an impression on the new sonic game Sonic Generations that was shown at E3.

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Sonic Gen is going to be awesome! Can' wait to see super Sonic again


What is your Opinion on New Sonic in a Game with old Sonic?

Kte4852d ago

Personally....I can't wait this game is going to be amazing hands down...I think Sega is making a full comeback with the game specially since they also announced more characters.


Kids Finding Health and Fun through Gaming

GamerFitNation Jr Program is now in it's 4th Week. With the help of company's such as Nintendo, 2Kplay, THQ and Disney. GamerFitNation is hoping to reach more kids and parent, in order to show them the bond that can be made through Gaming and Health.

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jaredhart4853d ago

sounds like a good program.

N4GAddict4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

Good to hear kids getting good on the health side of things via gaming.

SpaceSquirrel4853d ago

Looked like the kids were having a blast.

GamingForever4853d ago

I think I would do the same if I was a kid...

gaffyh4853d ago

They look like they're having fun, that's a good sign for this program at least.

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