
Crazy Taxi And Afterburner Climax Half Off On XBLM

Crazy Taxi and Afterburner Climax are half off from March 28th through April 1st. Both of these Sega titles are now 5$(400MSP) instead of the normal 10$(800MSP). Question is….are either of these worth the time and money.

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Raichu504826d ago

I love Ctazy Taxim but no Pizza hut is dissapoint

NJShadow4826d ago

And no KFC, or Tower Records, or Levis store!

But yeah, both of those games are great, absolutely love Afterburner Climax.

plb4826d ago

Steam has the whole Dreamcast collection on sale right now for $14.99...

metsgaming4826d ago

is it the real games and not the versions that was messed with?

plb4826d ago (Edited 4826d ago )

No idea TBH but here is a link and I'm out of bubbles :(

B1663r4826d ago

Is Crazy taxi a remastered version?

SilverSlug4825d ago

Its a Port of the PC version that supported widescreen. Not remastered.

They also took out the original music and adverts.


Sega's Classics Are About To Return, And I Can't Be More Excited

Amidst the thrilling TGA 2023, Sega landed with a bang, bringing not one, not two, but five classics, including Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio.

Fist4achin157d ago

Sega rocks and I'm excited that these classics are getting attention. Bring it on! Sega!

Yi-Long157d ago

I’m just happy that some suits at Sega have finally woken up to realize they have literal gold in their library well worth bringing back to a modern audience.

I’m hoping they can also bring back Virtua Tennis (doesn’t need licenses), Sega Rally, etc.

Fist4achin157d ago

I'm right there with you. Now I just need more time to play all that I want to play. My backlog is killing me.


I'm playing Shinobi arcade thanks to happy Chick APK


After Burner Climax - The High Point of an Aging Series

After Burner Climax launched on home consoles and PC back in 2010, and we've seen very little of the series since.

darthv72342d ago

Fantastic game. I only wish it were bc for xb one. I keep my 360 hooked up specifically to play this and other delisted games like outrun and sega rally.

Yi-Long342d ago

If Sega is smart (they're not; We've established this a long long time ago, sadly), they'd release a nice collection for current-gen with the best versions of these old arcade-console classics, like Outrun, Crazy Taxi, Sega Rally, Virtua Tennis, Afterburner, etc etc, as well as some of their JP-only releases, like Initial D.

purple101340d ago

I'm with you.

I want project justice (rival schools in Europe).

I want powerstone both from capcom.

And of course every game you mentioned.

I specifically think sega rally is under utilised. It made people who didn't even like racing games have-a-go and I thought it was great back in the arcades and Dreamcast era. Crazy taxi I never laughed so hard before or since..it was pure gold on dreamcast also

gamerz342d ago

You may also like Chorus from Deep Silver if you like these type of games.


Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio reboot hopes emerge after new survey

Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio reboot rumours are heating up again as a new SEGA survey points toward a next-gen makeover for these iconic franchises.

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SullysCigar471d ago

Crazy Taxi + PSVR2 + racing set up = Dream come true!

Number1TailzFan471d ago

I want to see a new ESPN Extreme Games, that first game on PS1 was so funny, and the video segments with that woman mocking you.