
Fight Night Champion DLC On Way: Adds Bare Knuckle Fighting

Fight Night Champion notably included bare-knuckle fighting during the prison chapters of its narrative mode, but the fighters in the main roster didn't participate in such bouts. Now some will. The game's first DLC extension, due out next Tuesday, adds bare-knuckle "Old School Rules" to online and offline play.

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StrmKyk4839d ago

Sweet I love this freakin game! Been looking forward to the DLC for a bit now.

MagicGamer4839d ago

I have played every one of them so far and I have to agree. The MMA games just don't do it for me.

Legitgamefly4839d ago

The MMA is awesome too. The ground and pound action takes a toll on my fingers trying to submit those bastards though.

StrmKyk4839d ago

I think the MMA games are better

eggbert4839d ago (Edited 4839d ago )

you mind telling me if they fixed the online? FNR4 had a terrible online system that not only lagged, but people would just leave if they were losing the fight and the EA servers never punished them for it.

Also, is body shot spamming still a problem?

@magic, I meant is the online in Champion more stable? I love the FN series, but the online has been terrible so far.

MagicGamer4839d ago

Didn't see update for the game. Just DLC, so not in this particular case I would assume.

stlbeast14839d ago

DLC would not put updates to the existing game other than the DLC i dont think ive seen where any game developer has updated a game with a DLC its like asking ppl to buy a fix for the game

jetlian4839d ago

they get a loss and lag really depends on how far you are. I kept getting peeps from europe even though i'm in chicago.

still a lot of them were lag free

stlbeast14839d ago

i havent gotten all the achievements on any FightNight and with this Dlc will there be more achievements?

jetlian4839d ago

theres more achievements. most just beat xx on default difficulty

StrmKyk4839d ago

I have got most all of them on all of the versions. Although I do like the MMA better as I said earlier. If you haven't tried the game you should.

Legitgamefly4839d ago

I haven't either. I bet there will be more campaign achievements !

SicK_Scope4839d ago

y do u even care if there is any more u have to be good at this game to get stuff dont waste your money.. this games DLC will be the shit it probally will have more achievements..

MagicGamer4839d ago (Edited 4839d ago )

I have gotten all the gamer score for every one but this one so far.

SicK_Scope4839d ago (Edited 4839d ago )

its a great game and with the DLC it will be even better

stlbeast14839d ago

i think the DLC will make it a ton better

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RPG players don't want to pay for DLC, new survey from Obsidian says

PC Aficionado: "Obsidian published a survey in early October, asking for responses from players concerning DLC. Now, 55,000 responses have been noted, and the final results are out."

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bigmalky2417d ago (Edited 2417d ago )

Nobody wants to pay for DLC... Tell that to the idiots who are killing gaming by buying into the current microtransactiin trend without a fight.

I'm willing to pay for expansions. Those things we used to get that were of proportionate price to the base game's content and was worth the money.

fenome2417d ago

Exactly, I'll happily pay for DLC that actually adds to the base game, new areas, enemies, etc.. Actual chunks of gameplay. I'll support developers that actually put in work to enhance the base game.

This bullshit MT crap that takes no effort from the devs and paying real money for things that are left up to RNGesus just needs to stop.

FPS_D3TH2417d ago

Looking at you... overwatch

2416d ago
Many-hat52417d ago (Edited 2417d ago )

They'll use this to plan future DLC. Yep, lots of small games with loads of DLC is incoming. Just MT's to get them used to now. Nearly, there guys. Way to kill the industry.

GrimReaperGamer2417d ago (Edited 2417d ago )

Fvck DLC. Either put the content in the base game or piss off.

Yeah I'm talking to you EA, Activision, Ubisoft, etc.

Goldby2416d ago

i think you are mistaken, DLc in the forms of expansions are welcome, its the stupid MT that needs to crawl into the corner

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Zelda: Breath of the Wild Champions' Ballad DLC Listed for December

Been wondering where that Champions Ballad DLC is for Breath of the Wild? Well, Nintendo confirmed it's coming December...on the European eShop only.

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derkasan2420d ago

Good timing - other than Xenoblade 2, nothing's really coming out during that time.

2419d ago
Neonridr2419d ago

awesome.. I would expect it to release around the same time in NA too. Can't wait!

wonderfulmonkeyman2419d ago

December, eh?
Guess I'll likely be taking a brief break from Xeno mid-to-late December, then.
No way am I missing out on the very first ever post-game content that the Zelda series has ever had.


Is it Justified for Companies to Charge for DLC today?

Looking at the industry trend of charging for DLC after a game is released and if it is justified for companies to do so

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2430d ago
strayanalog2430d ago

This is tricky. In my opinion, I feel like DLC should be free because we purchased a game, a finished product, for 60+ dollars, so things like Day One DLC shouldn't exist. On the other hand, I understand this is a business and that development is expensive, and expanding a product instead of making another one is good capital.
What I think would help is if the community was met halfway with a reinvention of the downloadable content system. Give the content we purchase certain standards, kind of like Day One DLC isn't permitted. If Season Passes are purchased, then the customer must have an outline of what they are purchasing, and if the individual didn't want everything in the outline then he/she could drop what they didn't like for a cheaper fee.‎ Also, while I'm in the land of never ending possibilities, a rewards incentive is made for a certain amount purchased from all the developer's games released (which can also be carried over from system to system or gen to gen), like buying 10 DLC packs gives you one free. This way we both get what we want: they get some money and we don't feel taken advantage of.‎

blackblades2429d ago

Wish we got some dlc free, at least get some of it free by getting platinum. Wish some dlc was priced good cause costume prices high as hell. If we can get dlc on sale alot like the games then I would buy dlc at that cheap price. At the end of the day it's best just to wait for goty/complete edition or price drop of the ultimate edition to combat them.

strayanalog2429d ago

Completely agree, blackblades. Waiting truly is the best option these days, and speaking with our wallet tends to work. Just wish it worked faster.

datriax2429d ago

Given that companies used to release DLC back in the late 90s and early 2000s for free as "supporting their product" for extended appeal? No, it's not justified, and never was.

Full on expansions are entirely different, but this bite-sized DLC bulls**t became popular with the biggest caner of them all, Call of Duty and their bulls**t map packs.

Once these companies discovered just how stupid the average "gamer" (and I use that term loosely) was, it was straight to the bank. Now look at where that first step has gotten us to today.

Rachel_Alucard2429d ago (Edited 2429d ago )

Microsoft started the bite sized DLC trend. They had a marketing strategy that they pushed back when live was founded and they stated that they believed more money could be made selling things in pieces rather then a full on expansion. The first Xbox live title released had paid DLC and cut up in this exact fashion back in Nov 2002.

2429d ago
SurgicalMenace2429d ago

Of course, as consoles have inched closer and closer to PC, in recent years, it makes since when considering the existence of expansion packs. Why should they not, as it is always an option not a requirement.

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