
The Most Overrated Games of Recent Memory

The Masses: “Dude! You’ve got to get this game it is so f$^king awesome!”
You: “Sweet man, I’ll go get it right now.”
[Later that day]
You: “What the f*^k?! Why, oh, why did I buy this?”
You: [possible sobbing]

We’ve all been there, we listened to the glorified reviews of a game and it didn’t live up to the hype. Well here is my list of some of the most overrated games of recent memory:

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DragonWarrior4874d ago

Personally, I think 99% of the games that come out are totally overrated. But the fact is that we just take what we can get.

Brash_Attack4874d ago

I'm going to agree and disagree. I agree that most games now a days are overrated, but, personally, I don't "just take what [I] can get". I'm choosy. I'm putting myself through college and still trying to live a life. I can't just buy every game that comes out. I have to be careful when buying games as to not waste precious cash-moniez. I don't take what I can get.

fossilfern4874d ago

Im with Brash. I used to buy most games when they came out but i realised I was wasting my money and I needed that money for other things and iv come to realise how much I value the money I earn. So now I pick games that I know I'll like

Eyeco4874d ago

the word overrated is overrated.

StanLatMarveldotCom4874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )

I don't think Halo: ODST was overrated. It had a great campaign and introduced Firefight mode to the series. If you weren't a fan of Halo it wouldn't have made you a convert. I don't think Black Ops was overrate either, the single player was standard FPS fare and I play the game on XBL so I've never experienced connectivity issues having 9 days of gameplay. I think Modern Warfare 2 was the low point of the Call of Duty series having poor weapon and perk balance but Black Ops does a better job of balancing both. To say guns have no recoil is ridiculous or the writer hasn't played Modern Warfare 2.

kancerkid4874d ago

So I guess it is against the rules anymore to say a PS3 exclusive is over-rated, right?

I would go with Oblivion, though, either way.

I am not a Morrowind purist though (which hasn't aged well itself), I just cannot play Oblivion for how long it should be played because there are so many broken mechanics.

I have played Borderlands for 4+ days in one save, whereas I have only put 60 hours into Oblivion in the past 3 years.

Maybe I should get the fixed (PC) version of Oblivion

Eyeco4874d ago


i don't know why you got so many disagrees for being right , mw2 was the worst in the series i mean LMAO @ the killstreaks, your gonna give somone on 25 killstreak the ability to end the game in 2seconds , lol talk about unbalanced , BO was more balanced and more polished, how many patches were released for MW2 and its still buggy, that game was a travesty goty my ass

Rumor4873d ago

"epically" made me lol "Epicly" is much more internet-acceptable.

OT: yea, i didn't even purchase cod:BO, don't plan to and will not on any further cod games. not spilling haterade here, but ps3 has waaaaaay too many exclusives coming and battlefield 3 is looking phenomenal.

MaxXAttaxX4873d ago

Put Modern Warfare 2 instead of Black Ops.

And Halo 3 instead of ODST.

I still agree with the list, but there were better choices.

RedSky4872d ago

Just like movie blockbusters, games nowadays are so big budget they have to stoop to the lowest common denominator to make back their budget. Everyone understands explosions. Not everyone understand complex storylines or cares about developing characters.

Guess where the money goes.

Also buying reviewers with exclusive pre-release version offers. Remember the last time a pre-release review for a big budget game was negative? Neither do I.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4872d ago
lelo2play4874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )

From the list... Limbo was a great game, but short.

Halo's... they are good games, but way overrated.

COD... well... every year it's... same sh*t, different smell.

Assassin's Creed... OK game.

Probably be hammered here in N4G but... but there are a few PS3 exclusives that are way overrated... mainly due to the fan-boys. Good or bad, PS3 fan-boys do tend to overate their exclusives to the death.

... and there are quite a few games that are underrated mainly because they are multiplatform games.

DragonWarrior4874d ago

what ps3 games are overrated?

evrfighter4874d ago

Killzone, gt5, heavy rain was ok but here at N4g it was "best game evar!!!!111!!!!!", gow3 was a borefest

My opinion btw

Echo3074874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )

"there are a few PS3 exclusives that are way overrated..."

Oh man, I can already feel the animosity starting to build just based on this comment.

A PS3 game that's overrated? Preposterous!

EDIT @evrfighter

I'll agree that if you read nothing but N4G comments, Killzone 3 and GT5 are 'mildly' overrated. But that's only because the SDF boys here counter every piece of non-PS3 news with a PS3 game so no matter what article you're reading, you hear about PS3 exclusives.

Personally, I loved Heavy Rain. And God of War 3 is definitely NOT boring. One of the best games this gen, IMO.


He said something that negatively reflects the PS3... so yes, there will be fireworks. Did you forget where we are? ;-)

Silly gameAr4874d ago


You think his comment holds that much weight? It's his opinion. Everyone is entitled to one.

zootang4874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )

I think it's the other way round, nearly every xbox360 exclusive is over rated in my opinion. What 360 exclusive is a 10/10? The reason why I sold my 360. PS3 on the other hand had LBP, Demon Souls, Flower, GT5, Uncharted.

TKCMuzzer4874d ago

I don't understand. I have a 360 as well and there are many games on there that are overrated. So your point is useless as many 360 fanboys overrate 360 games. See the pattern.

dgonza404873d ago

i thought Red Dead Redemption was overrated.
dont get me wrong, it was good, but not amazing.
The ending felt very forced, quick, and unsatisfying
when John walks out of the barn to die, there's no send-off music, no one is talking, and john doesnt say anything. He just breaths deeply for like 20 seconds, then the officer lights his cigar, and the bad guys walk away. how f*ing lame is that?
The real ending where his son kills Ross isnt as cinematic either. Music does amplify emotion, so idk why they wouldnt include music in two of the most important scenes in Red Dead. Again, the game is good, but like a book, the ending is important

spektical4873d ago


i felt exactly the same way. It was as if Rockstar needed a quick ending to a very long, yet interesting narrative. Seems like they either didnt have time or ran out of ideas to form a nice flowing conclusion.

Iroquois_Pliskin4873d ago


You´ve never played them.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4873d ago
NanoSoldier4873d ago

And the fanboy war goes on in here. what I can tell you is that a Uncharted, Killzone or God of War is very far from being overrated.

Vherostar4873d ago

That list is BANG ON. Never heard of Limbo but the other 3 are top 3 in my book. ODST only because it was an overpriced expansion pack.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4872d ago
4874d ago Replies(3)
Dart894874d ago

Cod has been getting over hyped every year after cod 4.I member last year everyone saying blk ops was going to b the best it's a freakin snore fest it's not fun to play like mw1 is.

metsgaming4874d ago

GTA4 for sure, and all the cods. Those are at the top and just after those i would say halo.

HeavenlySnipes4874d ago

But only 2. Now please don't bubble rape me lol, but I found 2 almost the same as the first. The only real fun was doing the main missions or the catacomb ones. Finding feathers and shit was too boring for me, and was a pain especially because Ezio loved climbing the wrong way or jumping off a ledge when I CLEARLY did not press anything to do that.I ended up just stopping about 3/5's along the way and haven't touched it for about 5 months.

ODST wasn't really overrated because we all say it should of been DLC. When have you heard someone defend it going full retail?

COD has always been the most barebones FPS. Only casual FPS players claim its the best FPs ever. While the majority of us hardcore gamers would agree that several FPSs are better.

QuodEratDemonstrandm4874d ago

You don't even remember the first Assassin's Creed... a testament to how overrated it was. Go to Damascus (or Acre, or Jerusalem), climb the towers, save the civilians, listen to a conversation, give someone a beat down, pick a pocket, then kill the target, rinse, repeat.
Then Came AC2. I didn't catch any of the hype, I just knew it was coming, so I can't really comment on whether or not it was overrated, or whether or not it deserved the praise it got, but I did enjoy it, much more than the first. I can understand if you didn't, I had some of the same issues you mentioned, the tedium of finding feathers, and the missed jumps, but... another agree.... the main story and the Assassin tombs were a lot of fun. I also have to admit, I liked the glyph puzzles.

Overrated? Maybe, but overrated doesn't necessarily mean BAD, just like popular doesn't necessarily mean good. A good game can be over hyped by critics and players (GTA4 is an example, so is Final Fantasy XIII), and a game that doesn't even rate being called shovelware can become wildly popular (A hyperbolic statement, but you get the drift).

HeavenlySnipes4874d ago

but I do think its overrated. I'd give the game an 8-8.5. I did play and complete AC however (yeah I know I'm weird) but it was probably because it was one of my first next gen games so I didn't really give a shit on the gameplay. lol

QuodEratDemonstrandm4874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )

I don't think it's weird. I finished the story. I just didn't get to all the Templar knights and flags.

I'd rate AC2 and AC: Brotherhood about the same 8-8.5... maybe a 9 for Brotherhood. The Romulus Lairs are a lot better than the Assassin Tombs, but the Armor of Brutus is..... I don't like that look. I preferred the Altair Armor in AC2.

and now I'm out of Bubbles....

Baka-akaB4874d ago

I dont see how a 8 or 8.5 title , in your own opinion and wording , can be overrated . Unless you use the scale and rating way too loosely .

I disagree either way .

There isnt anything else that offer what Assassin creed 2 offers , besides well the assassin creed serie .

Games that mix so well actual element of culture and history with fiction arent legion . Heck they are usually only the good old fashioned point and click mystery/pc adventure games .

Their numbers take an even bigger dip , when you add fidel historical architectures .

The story itself was already easily better than most current games .

And even the "cash-in" current sequel Brotherhood , has beaten expectations with its content , and its surprisingly good multiplayer , when most cynicals like myself , expected a tacky tacked on mp experience .

Overall the serie is a very unique experience in every aspects . I dont get how it could be even called overrated .

Another abuse of the word imo .

They becomes even more rare

shuuwai4873d ago

Here's my list.

AC 1
Too Human
Gear of War 2
Warhammer online
Mirror Edge(still good)
Tabula Rasa

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4873d ago
Anderson84874d ago

i agree with creed.. i just cant get over how clunky the parkour is and the fact that is platforming without a jump button!!. holding in x leads to jumping of the top of the highest building when all i wanted to do was turn around..

...ah well

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AC Remakes Can Save Ubisoft Like RE Remakes Saved Capcom

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "If Ubisoft plays its cards right, the Assassin's Creed remakes could achieve what Resident Evil 2 Remake did for Capcom."

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RaidenBlack20d ago

AC1 Reimagining and AC2 Remakes first ... then Black Flag and others.

just_looken19d ago

It was talked about awhile back that the Singapore branch the ones that made skull bones are making a black flag remake. It has at that time 3 months of work put into it.


Terry_B20d ago

You believe something good would come from Ubisoft? Did you sleep the last 10-15 years?

just_looken19d ago

Right ubisoft has been on life support for awhile everyone of there ip's has had huge shift's in population/sales and fan base.

Right now its all about xdefient but that game is still fixing netcode issues 3 years in.

-Foxtrot20d ago

The only time they should be remaking the first game is when they are ready to reboot the series after a long break and want to get back to their roots. Start a new re-freshed timeline which they've convoluted.

just_looken19d ago

Though capcom has had sales for there re games lets not all forget the huge elephant in the room which is mod support.

The first resident evil remake was made by fans taken down by capcom then they stamped there logo on it after that mods came in made the replay factor way better than the original.

But when they made them all in house then came the cuts for the modern audience followed by re4 mt's then they went after the modders even in really old titles trying there best to crush mod support. Then you got the horrible drm crap pc port of village and that dumpster fire online re game.

So capcom has made money on remakes but after awhile there shine is not so bright

I hope ubisoft does not copy capcom as they would turn that dial from a 8 to a 11 add in there own mt's to older titles with time savers live service bs or worse black flag with stamina meter's.

MeteorPanda19d ago

don't you dare touch the first ac game. Your woke team would ruin it's charm

AndrewM19d ago

Woke has nothing to do with anything you fucking weirdo.

MeteorPanda18d ago

They wouldn't understand how to remake the first ac games, they'd ruin them with real life politics. Happy?

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CEO Yves Guillemot on Ubisoft’s Upcoming Portfolio, the Future of Assassin’s Creed

Guillemot discusses his vision for Ubisoft’s upcoming slate, the future of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, the good and bad of the games industry, and more.

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RaidenBlack29d ago

Multiple AC Remakes are on their way

fan_of_gaming28d ago

I'd like an Altair Collection, with Altaïr's Chronicles + Assassin's Creed + Bloodlines. I also wish Discovery would have been included in the Ezio Collection or offered as DLC for it.

Psychonaut8528d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Can’t imagine someone whose opinion I care to hear less. Unless it’s a “AAAA” interview, then that changes everything. /s

Demetrius28d ago

Damn I know we gone be waiting a while for those remakes, 😫 the classic ac games deserve, it would be dope if more devs did this, get the remembered gems closer to a technical level they pictured back then


All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.