
GDN - CrimeCraft Bleedout Season Review

GDN - Whenever I play CrimeCraft, I get sad, almost depressed. This isn’t because the game sucks, it’s far from that. It’s not its well crafted (pun unintended) story, a story that deals with a bleak future where there is almost no oil left. It’s the playerbase. Or the lack thereof.

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Kahvipannu4938d ago

Downloading, might give it a go, since it's free to get and play.


Top 10 Free to Play Shooters 2012

First-Person and Third-Person Shooters quickly became one of the most appreciated subgenres in the free to play segment, offering the great quality usually seen in some triple-A titles. Better still, some of those triple-A games are gradually becoming free, such as Team Fortress 2 or APB: Reloaded.

Here is a great Top 10 of Free to Play Shooters for 2012.

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A life of Crime. Review of the now FTP CrimeCraft: Bleedout

MMORPGs, these days there are plenty of them. You get to be a Dwarf, Elf, Human, Celestial, Demon, Goblin, Wizard, Rogue, Warrior, Barbarian, Druid, Soldier, Mercenary, Necromancer, Warlock, a hybrid of a few classes, a monster (of some sort) and so, and so forth. Now, we are looking at CrimeCraft: Bleedout. Is it yet another Warcraft clone? Another generic MMORPG which will bore the tears out of you? Will you be forced to farm for gold? A thousand hides for a quest? Read on.

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CrimeCraft: Bleedout. Gone in the Steam. Promotion Extended and new Servers coming this week.

CrimeCraft: Bleedout is going through a bit of a crisis with Steam users migrating to its two servers, clogging them up, causing crashes and long waiting lines after the game has gone FTP (Free to Play). The CrimeCraft team reassures that new servers are coming this week and ontop of that the Steam Promotion is extended another week (until the 5th of September).

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