
Homefront Controversial Video and Screenshot Gallery (HD 720p)

Lens of Truth writes "In this First Look we bring you the controversial opening to THQ's Homefront. As you can see this game is not for the faint at heart, so make sure you slap on a fresh pair before you click the link to witness one of the most insane and brutal battles since the "No Russian" Air Port scene. Enjoy!"

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RudeSole Devil4883d ago

Now that some brutal stuff. Makes me want to kill them bastards.

just_the_tip4883d ago

Sick video, though I could have played better with my eyes closed. Also why the report? Just the other day I saw five of the same videos of Uncharted 3 approved on this site. Unless the title has SONY in it N4G user don't care.

xer04883d ago

This game is now on my radar.

4882d ago

An intro to Biomutant

Alex & Mike talk Biomutant, a game from Experiment 101/THQ Nordiq you likely have not heard of. While the AAA side of the industry tends to homogenization and imitative, cinematic presentation, “AA” games remain creative and innovative in 2021. Drawing on inspirations as varied as Dark Souls, third person shooters & kung fu cinema, Biomutant is Ratchet & Clank on acid, developed by a team of 20 people.

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Looking back to 2011 and the arrival of Homefront

Jack writes: "Back in March 2011, the first-person action shooter Homefront arrived on the Xbox 360 from THQ, along with a storm of publicity which included a really cool live-action trailer"

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matt1391229d ago

Fantastic game, shame about the terrible sequel.

LucasRuinedChildhood1229d ago

The multiplayer in Homefront was actually really fun.


THQ's Golden Wii, Meant for the Queen of England, has been Found

Remember THQ? They published such games as Avatar: The Last Airbender, Darksiders I & II, the Destroy All Humans series, Homefront, the Red Faction series, and Saint's Row 1-3. Almost as famous as their games were the THQ marketing stunts, including a Golden Wii.

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Segata2012d ago

yeah ok but can someone find what happened to the Swordquest items on Atari?