
Project Director of ORION: Prelude, David Prassel, Leaving His Employees High and Dry?

Allen Park writes "You may not have ever heard of Spiral Game Studios, or their upcoming UDK-based game called ORION: Prelude. It’s a sci-fi shooter with jetpacks, mechs, and dinosaurs, and the numerous screenshots I’ve seen looked very very promising. It didn’t hurt that head of Spiral Game Studios and “big boss” David Prassel made regular rounds in the online community, making himself a welcome presence in the bigger online forums on the Interwebs. I myself have seen him on the IGN PC Boards promoting this game and answering any questions the users had, and in true indie fashion, it seemed like a great community relationship..."

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mau644945d ago

Adding dinosaurs to any game can only be a good thing.

Ninferno4945d ago

sounds like hes doing the right thing with his community building.

JoelT4945d ago

It's all about the community!

thevokillist4945d ago

This is kind of reminding me of Turok meets Halo a bit. Maybe I'm blind.

GOODKyle4944d ago

It's very interesting that Mr. Prassel commented on the original article.

Praz4944d ago

Official statement has been released by myself / Spiral Game Studios:

SOURCE: http://spiralgamestudios.co...

"I would like to take the time to publicly address an extremely urgent matter. There has been falsified information released recently about both Spiral Game Studios as well as me personally.

First, let me provide you with some background information on my company and my vision. Over the past 10 years I have been working on creating and developing a brand new game series that I have become extremely passionate about. I have worked towards creating a company that sets to be the best in all aspects of game development and we are constantly striving towards excellence.

Over the past week there have been multiple posts on various websites making claims about Spiral Game Studios and questioning my integrity. This stemmed from some recently dismissed employees. We sometimes need to part ways with individuals based on inadequate decisions or not meeting deadlines or other agreed criteria. I will not be listing names of these employees or specific reasons why they were removed. I will not put them through the same public humiliation. I encourage anyone interested in finding out more to contact me privately - in which I will discuss it in more depth.

I am extremely passionate towards ORION and I sometimes fail to show the patience and understanding that some of these talented developers deserve. I’m sorry for this and I have learned a valuable lesson.

There are currently claims going around stating that I am a fraud and that I raised $20,000 on KickStarter to simply run away with it and fire the entire team.

I can assure you I didn’t take $20,000 and fire the entire company. We actually only raised just shy of $16,000 after the fees. We are paying 9 developers over $4,000 USD for the GDC game build. Another $10,000 is budgeted for content over the course of the summer as we build up the Multiplayer Beta. The other funds were attributed towards things like GDC preparation (documents, materials, flyers, hand outs), GDC attendance (tickets, hotel, etc) as well as ordering and shipping the actual KickStarter gifts.

I’ve spent the last decade fine tuning, outlining and designing the game series. I’ve spent the last year trying to grow a business which will create jobs for hard working and like-minded individuals as well as trying to change the industry for the better (free DLC and competitions that reward fans and include them in the development).

It would be absolutely insane of me to steal the money I’ve worked so hard to raise and to kill the dream I have worked endlessly to create. This company and this game have been my life. I am saddened at the damage a few people can cause not only to me but to a young and talented group of individuals doing what they love. We as a company will keep working towards maintaining the best talent and working towards our goals.

Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]&quo t;
-David Prassel


ORION: Prelude Will No Longer Be Free-To-Play

ORION: Prelude will no longer be free-to-play from October 24th onwards, and it will cost US$ 0.99 instead.

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ORION developer admits game ripping weapon art content from Call of Duty, fires 3D artist

Developer David James has issued a new statement about the battle between Activision and Spiral Games regarding the unauthorised/illegal use of weapon art content from Call of Duty games. According to James, Spiral Games’ 3D artist did actually rip some content from the Call of Duty games, and a resolution has been reached.

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Null19803010d ago

Do they actually think they're going to get away with it? What was the point?

ninsigma3010d ago

Well duh. That was blatantly obvious.

Relientk773010d ago (Edited 3010d ago )

Why would you steal from another developer? So stupid.

SamPao3009d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

Well shitty for the people that were working without copying blatantly...


Let's Play - Orion Prelude

The AH Crew continue their goal of total dinosaur extinction by hunting dinos in Orion Prelude!

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