
Hyperdimensions Neptunia Review - Gamekult

Gamekult writes : "Able to locate some very good games for Western audiences, NIS America shows us once again with hyperdimensions Neptunia it can also edit RPG we would have preferred restricted to their countries of origin. "

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Suicide4832d ago

Hahaha, what a terrible game.

Izanagi-no-Okami4832d ago

Judging by the reviewers, that are giving horrible scores to this game, this seems pretty bad.

Neckbear4832d ago

Honestly, after playing the game until completion...

I've played actually BAD, HORRIBLE, games. Games UNPLAYABLE, which a score of "2" would be for.

This is, honestly, not one of them. It's not the best game ever, and it's full of flaws, but I can say with certainty I actually enjoyed playing through it. It's not BAD, but it's not GOOD, either.

Pozzle4832d ago

Actually, you bring up a good point Neckbear. For me, a 2/10 game is something that is ugly, buggy and downright unplayable.

I haven't played Hyperdimension Neptunia. But I find it hard to believe it's a 2/10. It might be an average or even boring game, but 2/10 suggests it's impossible for anyone to play, let alone enjoy.

KillaManiac4832d ago

Its completely playable game.
Yes its a niche title with a very niche audience.

It does have a odd battle system, but its not broken at all.

I would say this is a 5 or 6 out of 10 game...not a 2.

insomnium24832d ago (Edited 4832d ago )

Once you level up and get some good moves to make devastating combos from you get addictet to this game. I'm lv 17 and in the last few lv ups I've started getting some great moves to kill my enemies with.

Without the combos this game is kinda bland with only a few different looking caves (so far) but a 2/10 game? Nope. Not in a million years. I'm glad I bought this game imported as the special edition.

@suicide above

Have you actually played this game or do you base your opinion on reviews? The reviewers also call Forza a simulation you know and we all know how that goes.

FailOverHero4832d ago (Edited 4832d ago )

Lol wow, just wow. 2 things, forza, what does it have to do with this? Is this another classic case of attack popular 360 game to get massive agrees and maybe a well said?
2nd thing, lol at having to reach level xx excuse for the game to get fun
Level 40 maybe?

insomnium24832d ago

Yeah just look at those massive agrees. I'm really enjoying the houndreds of bubbles that are flying towards me. You will never hear the end of it -_-

It's true. Reviewers say Forza is a simulation and it's courses are widened to make it easier to overtake. How about that?

Someone was clearly basing his opinion on reviews and I pointed out that in today's world there is nothing a reviewer won't say to get hits. No matter how false or inconsistent it is.

Don't worry Neptunia brings new moves all the time while you level up. At lv 17 I first started looking into it and found out how great it was.

I brought Forza to the table because of the TRUTH of things. Things ARE wrong with it being called a sim and it having one of the most essential elements toned down for accessibility.

You however are now bringing lv 40 (ie GT5) to the table because you are a pathetic fanboy. There is a difference.

Ddouble4832d ago

Probably something to buy after a price drop

ThePsychoGamer4832d ago

The game deffenitly isn't bad, but it's not good either (Didn't stop me from getting the platinum trophy).

Moerdigan4832d ago (Edited 4832d ago )

People have said Cross edge, or Star Ocean 4 were bad, but I was able to derive some entertainment from those games.

I tried to play Neptunia several times and it does not click at all. I just can't be bothered to give it anymore chances.

I'll trade it for ArTonelico. (last game I traded in was 6 years ago)

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Noisy Pixel Explores the History of Hyperdimension Neptunia in Video Series

Noisy Pixel Explores the History of Hyperdimension Neptunia in Video Series focusing on the game's inception in Japan and its release in the west on PS3.

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A Look Back at the Hyperdimension Neptunia Series on PlayStation Handhelds

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Console wars have been around pretty much since the dawn of videogames, but the Hyperdimension Neptunia series makes light of these arguments by personifying consoles and their manufacturers as cute goddesses and has them battle it out for supremacy. It proved to be a sleeper hit for publisher Compile Heart, who after an initially shaky start with the first entry transformed the series into its most compelling franchise."

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Mikki Monster sure nailed her super sexy cosplay of Neptune from “Hyperdimension Neptunia”

I (Robin Ek, TGG) just spotted a super sexy cosplay of Neptune from "Hyperdimension Neptunia". Yes, I think it's safe to say that Mikki Monster nailed her Neptune cosplay like a boss.

ZaWarudo2570d ago

She did an amazing job with the costume and hair.

TGG_overlord2569d ago

Very much so =) And I just asked her if she's up for an interview ;)

Littil_Devil2569d ago

I just saw that you got the interview, congrats =)

Simon_the_sorcerer2569d ago

Since you got the interview, may one drop you a few interview questions?

Littil_Devil2569d ago

That's what I call a really awesome cosplay :3

Simon_the_sorcerer2569d ago

That's a 10/10 cosplay right there, plus points for being sexy thick :3

TGG_overlord2569d ago

And yet most of them don't even work out, so I am yet to know the secret how they manage to stay in shape xD

TGG_overlord2569d ago

@Simon_the_sorcerer "Since you got the interview, may one drop you a few interview questions?"

- Sure =) You could drop the questions here on the post itself.

FullmetalRoyale2569d ago

You can almost see her nep-ples!

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