
IGN: PAX: L.A. Noire Is Rockstar's Most Serious Game

After showing them pretty much an entire mission of L.A. Noire, the Rockstar spokesman put the controller down, recapped what IGN had seen, and described the detective title as something different for the video game industry -- "a breath of fresh air."

-Mezzo-4941d ago

One of my top most anticipated Game of this year, and I'm glad that this is nothing more than a Great Single Player experience, i am tired of seeing games that have no Business with Multiplayer Mode, end up having 1.

I am sure Rockstar has yet again Knocked one out of the Park.

vsr4941d ago

Strong candidate for GOTY / Best PS3 game / Best Action game ...etc

Blad3star4941d ago (Edited 4941d ago )

"L.A. Noire Is Rockstar's Most Serious Game"

They said something similar about GTA 4 and San Andreas and that did not turn out good to me.

I am all for more mature and serious games but at the same time you cant forget that the general purpose of a game is to have fun.

I hope they take the RDR route more that the GTA 4 route which they tried to make the game as realistic as possible by adding things that we would normally do in our day to day lives (Internet,Watching cable, talking to friends on the phone and dating)

RDR was a perfect balance of Fun and Seriousness and I hope LA Noire follows those steps.

Commander_TK4941d ago

For the 59045803958759060849060986904 fucking time. It's Team Bondi, not Rockstar.

grailly4941d ago

still, rockstar has a lot of input in the game, I read an interview saying that rockstar also worked heavily on the game.

and BTW, it's still published by rockstar, so there's no harm calling it a rockstar game, it even helps it, as its a more recognized "brand" than team Bondi

Kran4941d ago (Edited 4941d ago )

I feel like the only one not looking forward to it.

I mean theres more to a game that facial animations. To me, it just looks like all their faces have been stitched on. Call me crazy, but I just dont get their faces. If you look closely at any video, when their head moves, their faces move like half a second later with it. As if their face is bouncing all over the place.

This game is just GTA with Mafia II.

And now I await my hate.


Look at Dragon Age II. So much hype. Yet such poor reviews.

This game could be Rockstar's Dragon Age II. You just don't know.

@hennessey86 You forget a game is not always about quality...

hennessey864941d ago

you need to update your flashplayer. This game has the most realistic facial animations ive seen in a game and i have bot seen this jumpy thing you talk about

HarryMonogenis4941d ago (Edited 4941d ago )

For the most part, Dragon Age II received great reviews, actually. Some people on N4G consider 8.5 to be a fail -- so pay no attention to them. Also, remember that angry fans and review scores are not the same.

There's more to L.A. Noire than its superb facial animations -- Rockstar hasn't even been hyping that feature a lot. What makes this game interesting is the story and gameplay.

t0mmyb0y4941d ago

"You forget a game is not always about quality"

WTF are you talking about man. You dislike quality?

Kran4941d ago

*cough* Minecraft *cough*

BlmThug4941d ago

I Think Gta IV Was More Serious In Terms Of The Fun Being Sucked Out

Epicor4941d ago

I do agree. GTA4 was/is more serious than previous games. And I also feel like they sucked some fun out of the game. Where's all the crazy stuff from San Andreas(hydras etc.)? GTA4 is more story driven and darker imo (still not that dark though).

Malebaria4941d ago

I love the direction Team Bondi and Rockstar decided to pursue; my most anticipated title for the year and I strongly believe it'll be a success, both critically and commercially.

fredfenster4941d ago (Edited 4941d ago )

It will be a success at least to me, but expect people to start whining when they find out they have to think besides spamming L2/R2 of LT/RT.

No Way4941d ago

I agree. I like games that are out of the ordinary.
Games that are different. Games that change it up.
And, with the old school scenery, that's another plus.

One of my most anticipated games of the first half, if not the year.

undercovrr4941d ago

I have no doubt if this game lives up the hype that it will be a critical success, and win the most GOTY's. Why? Because it's a rockstar game, and the media loves overhyping them. Especially the VGA's. I'm willing to bet that this game will in GOTY in the VGA's (I really hate that awards show though)>


LA Noire Devs Are Working On New Psychological Thriller Called Sowden House

Members of the original development team behind Rockstar Games' LA Noire are working on a new psychological thriller called Sowden House.

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Profchaos75d ago

Hopefully McNamara is as far away from this as possible he set up shop in Australia then did nothing but complain about Australian labour laws while trying to make his workers live at the office working 24/7 on la noire punishing them for leaving at 3 am and being 10 minutes late to work at 9am the next day.

It's astonishing that none of the workers went to the fair work ombudsman as the studio would have been fined astronomical numbers

porkChop75d ago

Brendan McNamara is a brilliant writer and director but he should never, ever be in charge of a studio. What he did to those devs was far beyond "crunch", and it went on for, what, 7 years? That's insane.

But I'm glad to see some of that team have come together again to create something new. A psychological thriller sounds right up my alley.

anast75d ago

I would have liked to see a new noir game.

Demetrius74d ago

I been enjoying LA noire my first time playing it the vibe is🔥


25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom2112d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


Play L.A. Noire Free With Your GTA+ Membership

L.A. Noire is coming to the library of free games available to GTA+ Members on Thursday, May 2.

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TheColbertinator141d ago

Great game that unfortunately was only made once

anast141d ago

I would day 1 New York or Chicago Noir even LA Noir 2.