NVIDIA's GeForce 7950 GX2 graphics card

NVIDIA HAS BEEN TALKING publicly about Quad SLI for half a year now, and Quad SLI configs have been shipping for a few months in a select number of ultra-high-end PCs. Today, at long last, NVIDIA is unveiling a consumer version of its Quad SLI component card, the GeForce 7950 GX2. A single GX2 plugs into one PCI Express slot, but it actually has a pair of printed circuit boards, two GPUs, and two sets of memory chips onboard. By itself, the GeForce 7950 GX2 is an SLI setup on a stick, a dual-GPU powerhouse that fits into the same space as any other high-end graphics card with a dual-slot cooler. Slide two of these puppies into a system side by side, and you have the potential for Quad SLI-but not the reality, apparently, if you're just a lowly DIYer.

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Bill Nye6626d ago

Awesome. SLi performance for a few hundred less. Not to mention saving space. This looks to be my solution in the coming months.

OutLaw6626d ago

I just saw your name on another site. My name there is Ric Hard. I just wrote something like this on that site for you.. You should consider to register on that site that way you don't have to keep typing your name.

Bill Nye6626d ago

Haha, I just registered and commented there.

OutLaw6626d ago

I tried to convince optaviusx to come over here. Imagine him and ssj04 talking about the 360 vs the PS3. Neither one of them will give up.


CivCity: Rome Review

According to history, it looks like we have a lot to thank the Romans for, and does this game live up to their great name?

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