
Hidden Gems: Monster Hunter Tri


Now at first glance, you may be wondering why I would consider Monster Hunter as a hidden gem. It’s certainly a title that most gamers have heard of before. However, despite its big name, Monster Hunter continually gets passed over by the Western market even though the Japanese eat it up like candy! This is something that I’ve never truly understood; I know that it’s not a game for everyone, but with the outcry from gamers who want more strategy and challenge to their games, it would seem that MH would be right up their alley. What is it about MH Tri that makes it so much fun?

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anasurimbor4949d ago

How is a game from one of the most popular franchises *ever* a hidden gem?

JDouglasGU4949d ago

in japan it's not a hidden gem... in the west it certainly is.

tweex4949d ago

Exactly, the west has never picked up on this series the way the Japanese do.

firefoxprime4949d ago

Different cultures. What do you expect??

East focuses on growth,spirituality,training,l oyalty, and friendship.

While the west is focused on a quick fix. Yup. I said it. Its why so many of our ppl are so fat. It takes "time,effort, and dedication" to have a fit body.

Just look at the games. Run and shoot. With Jap games, there is growth, a journey, challenges. Over here, everything is superficial. I always liked executing an amazing melee combo on an opponent, over just shooting them. I'll always take a sword over a gun.

Trizard4949d ago

Let's see how that sword over a gun thing works for you in reality...

Perjoss4949d ago

spent just under 400 hours with this one, was a lot of grinding but it was done in a clever way so it was actually good fun. Single player blew me away and then I tried online and it was even better.

I think what kept me playing this for so long was that the monsters have no patterns, you dont really know what they gonna do next. Add to this the different styles of play of other people and the fights really were very varied, even fighting the same monster over and over.

No agro system either so you might be just about to die and the monster would run after someone else instead of finishing you off, really never knew what to expect. I also loved it when a 2nd monster would show up, seriously chaotic.

anasurimbor4949d ago (Edited 4949d ago )

So how many people do you think came here having no idea what Monster Hunter was?


For the record, it sells well in the US, too. Yeah I know it's not the juggernaut that it is in Japan, but it's still not really a "hidden gem". Everyone knows about Monster Hunter. People just like to act like they're in on something that no one else is, and then do the whole "WELL, IN JAPAN" thing.

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Nitrowolf24949d ago (Edited 4949d ago )

did you bother to read this at all???
They clearly state why they consider it to be one and I agree, MH isn't that pop. in the USA.

mephman4949d ago

Exactly, despite its huge fame, it still doesn't sell all that well anywhere other than Japan.

anasurimbor4949d ago

Yeah, I read it. I wasn't trying to incite a riot.

A hiddem gem should be defined as a game that's lesser known even among it's target audience, not a game that's not immensely popular among everyone.

Shiren the Wanderer and Arc Rise Fantasia are hidden gem RPGs for the Wii. Monster Hunter Tri is one of the premiere RPGs for the Wii. That's all I was getting at.

Hardedge4949d ago

It may be huge in Japan but the franchise is so glossed over in the West.

Hardedge4949d ago (Edited 4949d ago )

@Trizard: What the hell does that have to do with anything? =/

Anyway, I wouldn't say all Western games are a "quick fix," we've had some incredible epics with games like Mass Effect and whatnot.

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Hardedge4949d ago

This is so true, I was one that glossed over the MonHun series before, but after hitting up Freedom Unite with friends in the army, man I put so many ungodly hours into this game. The camaraderie was unlike any co-op game I'd played before.

tweex4949d ago

I really have never fully understood why the western market has never gotten into this franchise more. I always get concerned that our lack of interest will cause Capcom to decide not to release on of the next installments over here; hell, I was mortified that we might never see Tri back when it was first announced.

Hardedge4949d ago

Maybe because it requires too much skill to effectively enjoy the game? Eh, eh? Let's run with that.

Myst4949d ago

I think Hardedge is right, not the typical Hack and Slash some people see it as. Saw some people doing that on release. Though to be fair this game was pretty much "entry" level and didn't offer the variety as it's PSP predecessors sad to say :(

tweex4949d ago

I don't know, the ecology system was very unique in Tri and I never really found it all that big of a deal in MHFU. No to mention the new enemies (however, I do miss Fatalis :)).

However, assuming that that this was entry level, on some level, we could even make a case to say that there was even MORE incentive for people to get into it. Oh well.

I will cry the day that Capcom decides not to release these in the west anymore.

Hardedge4949d ago

Indeed, I've had friends say exactly that, that it's not flexible or easy to get into like a hack-n-slasher, that the animations are too rigid and they can't pull off a quick combo or some nonsense like that, when the game actually requires precise timing and strategy.

Myst4949d ago

tweex - Yeah I think ecology was okay, at some points though it had me screaming at the TV wondering why it was going after me instead of the things over there lol, apparently it gave my friends a good laugh.

To this day I'm still hoping for Frontier to make it's way over, but alas Capcom won't :( -- Fatalis was fun and a bit of a pain. Remember the first time fighting against him...White still looks the best to me, but caused the most pain lol.

Hardedge -

Yeah that's what I've heard, been hearing and or reading a lot. I guess it really takes some dedication for some people to get over that. Had to finally sit down with a friend and we [another friend and I] pretty much showed him the ropes for the time being. Just takes a bit of work

VenomProject4949d ago

4 people per town...that really PISSED me OFF.

Go back to the standard 8 person town, Crapcom.

Myst4949d ago

Better yet they should have up'd it so that it would allow the possibilities of 4 full teams to be allowed in the lobby. Would probably be a lot of strain on the servers or something, but nonetheless interesting. No more having to wait on somebody but rather grab someone else and go.

Mahr4949d ago

"4 people per town...that really PISSED me OFF."

Supposedly, they did that to accomodate Wii Speak functionality, which would have been an alright trade-off if Wii Speak were not complete rubbish.

Jaws0074949d ago

oh because Bioware, Valve, Besthsda etc. are terrible.

give me a break

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They the reason my steam library is growing, the bundles are crazy

__y2jb48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

As if that pile of old ass games is worth $350. I mean there’s some good titles there for sure but there’s no way most gamers haven’t already got or played most of them already. Lots of them haven’t aged well too.

It’s basically $30 for a bunch of games you’ll never play.


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Zenzuu58d ago

Some love for Resident Evil Code Veronica, Dino Crisis, or Okami would be nice Capcom.

P_Bomb58d ago

Code Veronica’s gotta be on the way. It’s the biggest missing link as far as remakes. Make it so!

KyRo57d ago

What I'll never understand with Dino Crisis was that with RE6, they went down a action heavy route which people disliked and didn't fit the RE formula but I feel that would have worked perfectly for Dino Crisis if they went down the Dino Crisis 2 route of being a action game over the more RE inspired DC1.

As long as it's nothing like DC3, Id absolutely love a new DC game.