
PixelPerfectGaming: Rango The Videogame - Review

Before you make a snap judgement based on the movie this game is about, Rango The Videogame happens to be the biggest surprise of the year. After spending about a year in development, Paramount Digital Entertainment spent countless hours expanding on the movie’s premise to deliver a game that is part movie, part platformer and every bit as entertaining.

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Backlog Quest: Day 26 – Rango – Don’t stop now, this is bat country! | Clearance Bin Review

Backlog Quest is a month long special event on Clearance Bin Review featuring daily game reviews of the games that have sat on the shelf for simply too long; old and new.

From Day 26 – Rango, Tristan Rendo writes, "Rango takes places after the events of the movie with the same name, where the wandering chameleon turned town sheriff must investigate some very strange happenings. Ultimately, Rango saves the town of Dirt and possibly the world from strange alien creatures in a surprisingly fun platformer."

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NWR: Rango: The Video Game Review

NWR: Rango for the Wii is the latest in a long history of cartoon-to-video-game adaptations. The game, developed by Behavior Interactive, features run-and-gun gameplay, but never at the same time.

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Impulse Gamer - Rango Review

Impulse Gamer - Based on the amusing movie of the same name, Rango, starring the master of a million personalities, Johnny Depp, this movie-based game is actually one of the better creations of late and as we all know that movie games can sometimes be quite the stinker. At its heart Rango is a competent action platformer that is aimed at the the younger gamer as they control the chameleon sheriff.

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