
Gamasutra Interview: Blizzard COO Sams Says 'Many Years In Front' Of WoW

World of Warcraft has 12 million subscribers, StarCraft has a massive following and is virtually a national sport in Korea, and Diablo is firmly implanted in PC gamers' memories as one of the best action RPG experiences ever.

So while past performance is no guarantee of future results, it's easy to see why Irvine, CA-headquartered Blizzard is supremely confident that it can continue to deliver with expansions of existing franchises, as well as new IP.

"I think we have a very bright future," Blizzard COO Paul Sams told Gamasutra in a recent interview. "We obviously have Diablo III coming out, which we are very confident in."

"And we're very confident in the other products, supporting products like Warcraft and future expansions there," he said. "And there are future expansions to StarCraft II. Those are real mainstays for us."

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Spinal4948d ago

Errrm DUHHHH!!!

ON Topic: I think my WoW account would seriously collect dust when Diablo 3 arrives. Whirlwind Barb im coming!

I will wait and see what the new IP is that they are working on the new 'MMO' but for some reason I got a feeling it won't be to my liking. Since it aint based on any of Blizzard's franchises and it's obviously not Star Wars I can't really see me being interested in any other type of 'time period' cause most MMO's stick to medieval times. (2h Axes and sorcery an so on)


The state of multiplayer gaming and how it’s going to change

Multiplayer gaming is not a finished problem. And things like Google Stadia and cloud gaming are going to change it in the long term.

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How World of Warcraft maker keeps the hits coming

New Blizzard MMO will 'blow people's minds'.

Blizzard COO Paul Sams has said the studio's next MMO won't compete with World of Warcraft - instead it will compliment it.

Speaking to VentureBeat, Sams was apprehensive when talking about Blizzard's next online project, choosing not to refer to it as 'Project Titan', the name given to it in a leaked document detailing Blizzard's future business plan.

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