
NowGamer - PixelJunk Shooter 2 Review

NowGamer - Despite flitting between genres on a whim, the PixelJunk series always manages to impress. Whether Q-Games turns its attention to racing, tower defence or chilled out pseudo-platform silliness, there's a degree of consistency in terms of both feel and quality of which even some of the leading prolific studios would be proud.

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2608d ago
2608d ago

PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate PC review| PC Gaming Enthusiast

Jake from PC Gaming Enthusiast reviews the former PlayStation exclusive.

He writes:

"The ultimate edition received a major overhaul, which includes graphics. The overall artist effort truly shines on the PC. The water in each level looks like it is actually flowing, with perfectly precise physics, and subtle depth."

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LifeInNZ3164d ago

I wish they would do an ultimate edition of Monsters for touchscreen devices.

freshslicepizza3164d ago

i love all the pixeljunk games and bought every one available for the ps3. not sure if it's worth buying again for the pc


4 things I miss about 90s gaming

It’s pretty common for the “older” generations to be dissatisfied with how times have changed and to be nostalgic for “back in the day”. I try not to think of myself as old, or dissatisfied, for that matter, with what today’s gaming industry has to offer… but I can’t help but feel like somewhere along the way, we damaged what used to be such a pure form of entertainment.

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SaveFerris3595d ago

The 90's were a great time for gaming.

DonDon3594d ago

Jrpg games. Hell; the Japanese still make better games...just so few are ever made anymore. But when they come here, they are great.

Magicite3594d ago

I still consider first Playstation best console of all times.

ErikCrusader3595d ago

I agree SaveFerris! I still feel very privileged that I was growing up in that time and I got to experience it all first hand. It was a magical time.

3595d ago
SoapShoes3594d ago

16 bit era was my favorite! 32 bit era was great too.

PaulFiend3594d ago

Yeah, back in the 90s every video game was like a little wonder to me, those were good times to be a kid. I still have my Famicom, SNES and Genesis and play them time to time using flash cartridges, cuz I don't have any games left. xD

Ripsta7th3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Exactly , every game had these little secrets that you had to discover by beating the game or some other stuff, now they became DLC

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