
PS3 CPU exploit released

A hacker who doesn't go by the name of 'Mathieulh' has released a PS3 CPU exploit. In the description he adds that he knows he will probably get sued but notes Sony 'can got to hell' and he will fight until the 'last min' of his life

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ChristianGamer4890d ago

So much for those scare tactics then

FailOverHero4890d ago

Lol its easy to sound like a tough guy when you're sitting in a basement at home...just look at half the comments that will be posted here

Corepred44890d ago

easy to tell a company to go to hell too. i bet if he does end up getting sued he's gonna regret being an internet tough guy and leaking this, lol. as much as i want this to be dealt with already i'm actually starting to find it amusing that no matter what sony just cannot fully patch their firmware. i wonder how pissed apple is that no matter what there are jailbreaks to their idevices, lol. sucks!

saladthieves4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

"Now that's a hardcore gamer"

No, it's a stupid person who thinks he's smarter than an entire corporation. Fight till the last min? Pal, why don't you save yourself the problems you might endure when Sony takes you to court and buries you in legal fees.

Better yet, just send it to them anonymously and they might actually give you a job...

Why do people do silly things in the name of 'hardcore gaming' even though they damn well know it is absolutely illegal, might promote/encourage piracy? Don't they honestly think ahead and anticipate or look at the damage they might cause?

Mr Tretton4890d ago

FailOverHero, you know that includes you.

Agent VX4890d ago

Sony can go to hell. He bought the hardware, he can do whatever he wants to it. It's really really SAD that sheeple have to defend a corporation, and that they allow their "consumer rights" be violated by pathetic multimillion dollar companies.

Sarcasm4890d ago

It's like these "hackers" really say "Sony, look at me!"

Anon19744890d ago

"Sony 'can got to hell' and he will fight until the 'last min' of his life..."

How about just not break the law? Is it really that difficult to NOT do something? There's so much in the world to get worked up about, there's so many good causes. Hacking some piece of tech so losers can steal credit card numbers and ruin online gaming for people isn't something worth "fighting to the last min bla bla blah".

Dante1124890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

Psxscene called it bs again.

From a hacker there

"1) This isn't the same exploit as the one Mathieulh tweeted about. Not even by a long shot.
2) This won't do shit, resetting the CPU and leaving RAM uncleared won't help you at allif you can't run your own code at CPU power-on (hint: you can't).
3) This isn't related to geohot's RAM glitch.
4) How can you think someone who mixes up milliseconds and nanoseconds is some super leet hacker?
5) Jesus people, get a fricking clue. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it'll be OMG SO USEFUL and result in a CFW letting you play your ISOs again.I know I sound like a huge dickwad but I also know coating my message in sugar and marshmallows doesn't exactly help bring the point across."

A couple pages later, locked by mod there.

"Yet another thread full of bullshit, flaming, whining and all that typical nastiness that comes with it. Locked."


MaxXAttaxX4890d ago

You can do whatever the hell you want to your own system ALONE, as long as it's not used in a public manner and getting involved with other systems online. That's fine.

But when it leads to security risks involving personal information, making a profit and pirating(except for games not longer in the market). Then no.

Agent VX4890d ago


God, I have to remember that I am on a site that swarms of console users. Here darkride66 starts flapping that “Hacking” is all about stealing credit card info, ruining online gaming and other catastrophic events. What a Drama Queen.

Listen folks, for all you obviously uneducated drama queens, most hacks are for increasing functionality or performance out of hardware. You obviously have little “real world” experience with hacks, drop the controller and pick up a keyboard and educate yourself. Are there hacks that can be "Bad", sure, but most aren't.

While your at it, examine how little rights you have over that piece of hardware that you bought, and grab some kahoonies and fight for you consumer rights.

GrandTheftZamboni4890d ago

@Agent VX

It's okay that he doesn't like Sony. But why did he buy the PS3 then? I don't like MS products and I'm not buying the 360 or Windows. It's that simple.

Either he wants to harm Sony out of hate (he doesn't do it for profit) or he wants publicity kind of why people go on Jerry Springer no matter what consequences are.

JD_Shadow4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

"Pal, why don't you save yourself the problems you might endure when Sony takes you to court and buries you in legal fees."

So that's all you have to do in order to win a case, is it? You don't have to prove that your correct in how you view the law. Don't have to prove that the law is something that favors your side of things. Oh no! That would be too difficult to do. All you really have to do is to make sure the other guy doesn't have the money to fight you (even if he's correct), and you will win, regardless of if you deserved to or not.

Wow, we must all be on the wrong path to getting rich if that is all you really have to do.

EDIT@disagree(s): Wow! Just...WOW!

Wenis4890d ago

Now those PS3 is doomed quotes are becoming legitimate

nveenio4890d ago

It's true. You can do whatever you want to your hardware. You can't do whatever you want with software. So, if a hardware "tweak" turns into something that needs to be coupled with a software "tweak", then you just might be in violation.

Anarki4890d ago

If you know you're going down, you might aswell go down singing!

ChrisW4890d ago

Sorry, I don't think people like him are scared. Sony can sue the living crap out of him and force him to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages and mental anguish... and all that he has to do is declare bankruptcy.

suicidalblues4890d ago

@ chrisw

Learn law. You can't declare bankruptcy to get out of a civil lawsuit. If you could then anytime someone sued someone else, they'd just file a chapt13 and walk.

Dee_914890d ago

lol yea if i had these abilities i would be applying for jobs
but i guess he got a rich family and would rather be a tough guy hacker on the internet ... and life goes on

Lawliet4890d ago

You know what is more sad? That immature brat bring their fanboyism into the debate. So much hate that they even forgotten themselves being a gamer. They have no pride.

zag4890d ago

@agent VX

You can't do anything you like with the hardware, you buy a license to give you the privilege of using said hardware.

That license doesn't allow you to hack the hardware.

As you haven't paid for any of the R&D costs plus all the use of patents you'd also need to buy licenses for so you can do stuff with that hardware.

Nothing is free, it all costs some money and the poor people are the ones who can't really afford all this stuff so steal it, miss use it, etc.

also about the account data being stolen already started to happen with some users saying some CFW leaks account details that allow it to be picked up by people.

So while you might not be after that info you can be well sure that some russain mafia group will be loving this as they can just pretend to be some "hacker" and release a CFW for the PS3 that does leak out the info or because a backdoor for the rest of the home network as you can request data from PCs via the DLNA network.

Many people end up screwed over by this sort of stuff 24/7 as other people want to steal your money instead of your games or the other useless crap you use your PS3 or PC.

Then at the end of the day, whats the real point of all this hacking stuff because it hasn't ever been much about installing Linux really as you could do that before hand.

Agent VX4889d ago


Get your head out of your butt... What on earth are you talking about “R&D” costs???

Every single thing in WalMart has “R&D” costs. Even that crap that eats your warts have “R&D” costs...

That is business; you develop something and sell it. After you sell your “wart cream”, the consumer “OWNS IT”... If the consumer wants to add it to his cereal, he can. Once the item is sold to the consumer, the “CONSUMER OWNS IT!!!” PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!

Your doomsday scenario about hacking is plain and simple “B.S”. As I mentioned before, the “VAST” majority of hacks are to increase performance or functionality of the device. You “OWN” what you bought, regardless of what “ILLEGAL” laws that corporations have bought from the politicians and judges. EG... Just because people drive drunk, do you ban all alcohol and cars???

Your arrogance of living in the pinnacle of human existence where all laws and social norms are balanced are severely twisted. Corporate laws are there to protect the few. Take for instance; there are 400 Americans that have more wealth than half of all Americans (150 million people). Point is, law is far from “Fair & Balanced”.

Give me a freaken break, how on earth “YOU” or some corporation can impose on somebody that you can’t do what you want to something you bought is completely “Total Control” of the individual. If you even listen to what you are saying is sooooo controlling, let government completely control what and how you live your life.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Learn those words...

ChrisW4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )


You can preemptively file bankruptcy and walk away as long as the lawsuit hasn't been filed yet. However, you need reasons non-related to the ensuing lawsuit to do so.

nveenio4889d ago

Yes, you CAN do whatever you want with the hardware you buy. Let me give you an example.

I buy an old projection television. I bring the television home. I set it on a stand. I take a screwdriver and open the back panel. I make some adjustments to the hardware orientation. The picture is better. I teach other people how to do the same. They do it. People are a little upset that the TV wasn't just shipped this way. The TV manufacturer finds out. They explain that the hardware wasn't shipped that way because it makes it easier to see scrambled cable channels. The TV company gets angry. They tell people that they can't modify the product. They go to the Supreme Court. The court rules that people who buy a product own the product purchased.

I buy Findows 9 because it has a cool movie editor packaged with it. I'm really into editing my own movies, so I think it's a great value. I get the latest OS AND the latest movie maker. Sweet. Two months later, Findows 9 asks me to update to the latest "secure" version. It gives me the option to read about the update, but I don't. I just accept the terms by automatically clicking "okay". The update gets installed. I reboot. When the OS resumes, I find that my movie editor is gone! Holy crap, what happened? It turns out the update was there to remove the movie editor because people were using it to pirate movies. There was no way to patch the editor, so they had to remove it altogether. Now, I'm angry. There's no way for me to go back to an older OS and still be getting all the latest updates. To keep my version current, I have to accept all updates. I call my lawyer. He tells me that the version of software I bought is the version I own. It is NOT, however, always going to be the latest version.

Do you see the difference between scenarios? Hardware doesn't change over time. When you buy a 1080p TV, it's going to be 1080p until it breaks. The problem people are having is that the PS3 is such a well blended piece of hardware AND software. Sony doesn't have to keep PSN backward compatible. That means that you must have the latest version of the OS in order to use PSN. That's how they encourage updates. They have a right to do this. They aren't violating your rights. What you own is the hardware and its original software.

Can you hack the OS, repackage and distribute it? Let me ask this question in another way. Can you take the PS3, file off the PS3 emblems and logos and add some that say, "h4ckSTATION" instead? No, you can't. That's patent infringement. That's why Sony is in trouble over BluRay tech. They are accused of repackaging someone else's tech and calling it their own. You can't do that. You can't do it with hardware, and you can't do it with software. You can make the hardware you own better, but you can't modify and distribute software as your means of doing it.

Whew...my fingertips are tired.

paintsville4889d ago

Look out MANDATORY update coming soon to a ps3 near you!!!

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 4889d ago
taylork374890d ago

I'm sick of hearing about this. Sony needs to squash this.

nycredude4890d ago

These people really need to get out more and get a life. Maybe put that skill to real use in the real world that will yield real results instead of wasting it away hacking electronics for what? Free games? CFW? Homebrew? Life is too short.

LOGICWINS4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

I wonder who has more of a life. Hackers or the people who spend countless hours complaining about them on an Internet thread?

@Baka-akaB- Uve commented here 7,452 times. With all due respect, I'm not sure your the right person to be answering my question.

"All I am saying is that type of dedication and skills are far better used in say the military to help protect our countries, or maybe in the energy sector to try to help designing the next generation of eco friendly cars.

Instead they spend their time hacking a Ps3?"

I could make the same argument for you. Nycredude, u seem like a very eloquent and educated person by your comments, yet you spend your time writing comments on N4G?

Why not use your skills to help students learn how to properly read and write in an after school program instead of wasting your skills to comment on N4G?

Main point: EVERYONE here is capable of doing things that are more productive...yet we don't. And still, you find it okay to point the finger at other people. Your being a hypocrite.

Baka-akaB4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

i still think the later .

Who are you kidding ? When i'm ranting i can do it safely from a few short breaks at work .
I'm sure it's the same for plenty folks .


And ? It precisely fits my point . I can easily post from comp work . Not to mention you dont even know where i live , nor my timezone or what's even my job .

nycredude4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

Keep wondering but I know who does and that is all that matters. What they do takes tremendous amount of time and real skills.

All I am saying is that type of dedication and skills are far better used in say the military to help protect our countries, or maybe in the energy sector to try to help designing the next generation of eco friendly cars.

Instead they spend their time hacking a Ps3?

Edit for those who disagrees. You must be young kids. I am not old by any means but I am old enough to know life is WAY too short. Before you kids know it you will be past your prime. Blink again and you are old. You will see in due time. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Sorry for the preaching guys. Disregard this comment.

LOGICWINS4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

"You must be young kids. I am not old by any means but I am old enough to know life is WAY too short. Before you kids know it you will be past your prime. Blink again and you are old. You will see in due time. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Nycredude, ur making this WAAAY too easy for me. You say "life is too short", yet what the hell are you doing having verbal arguments with "kids" on a gaming news site about the intricasies life?

Your PROVING my point to a tee. ALL of us can be doing something more productive with the time we "waste" on N4G, yet we chose not to. Why? Because we ENJOY commenting here and we ENJOY having discussions about gaming.

Yet, all of a sudden, by YOUR logic..a person who ENJOYS modifying their console doesn't have a life because they can do "better' things with their skills?

I think if u try to understand what I'm saying, ull get it.

"So you are saying that stealing is more productive than people taking a stand for what they feel is right in a discussion?"

HA! I knew that one was coming.

1. Real mature with the insult(logicless) I'm definetly going to take your comment seriously /s

2. Nycredude, said that people who hack electronics in GENERAL have no lives. The fact whether its legal or not isn't a factor to him. According to nycredude, both legal AND illegal hacking constitutes not having a life because those skills could be put to better use.

THAT was the argument. The "stealing"/illegal factor is irrelevent to the argument. The argument here is whether or not a person who regularly comments on N4G has MORE of a life than a hacker who hacks illegally OR legally.

Elwenil4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

@ Logicless:

So you are saying that stealing is more productive than people taking a stand for what they feel is right in a discussion? Sure we could all be more productive, but it's not up to you to judge who is productive and who is not. For all we know some guy here "complaining" could be sitting at work waiting on test results that may cure cancer. Either way a hacker is less than "productive" since they are stealing which in the end will raise the cost of video games for honest, hard working, "productive" people.

FailOverHero4890d ago

Lol @7,452 comments. Sorry baka but he's right and pretty much owned you on that

radphil4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

"Main point: EVERYONE here is capable of doing things that are more productive...yet we don't. And still, you find it okay to point the finger at other people. Your being a hypocrite."

How the **** is stealing and damaging companies the same as sitting at home complaining on the net?

Thing is I'm putting my skills to use in our armed forces. Why can't people like this guy do the same instead of needlessly going after large corporations? He can use his abilities all to his liking if he wants.

nycredude4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

Logic try to use some of your own nick name. I have a life I have a real job and a family. I comment here because I have a hobby and I love to game and have been doing it for many many years. Commenting on N4g requires skills a freaking baby has so all I am wasting is my time! I am not wasting my skills cause I still work and make good money doing it.

I don't have anything against tinkering with your machine that you pay for but when you release your findings to the public and then shout out loud that Sony can go to hell? Come on that directly affects my hobby and millions of other people's hobby.

"With great power comes great responsibility"

LOGICWINS4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

"Either way a hacker is less than "productive" since they are stealing which in the end will raise the cost of video games for honest, hard working, "productive" people."

And ONCE again you prove your ignorance? Who told you that ALL hackers steal???

Since, it seems like you have trouble reading, this was Nycredude's first comment.

"These people really need to get out more and get a life. Maybe put that skill to real use in the real world that will yield real results instead of wasting it away hacking electronics for what?"

Nycredudes basically saying that hacking electronics(LEGAL or ILLEGAL) constitutes having no life. Now, do you believe you have the right to say that a person who LEGALLY hacks their console has less of a life than a regular N4G commenter?

What are you, elitist or something?

Christopher4890d ago

***@Baka-akaB- Uve commented here 7,452 times. With all due respect, I'm not sure your the right person to be answering my question. ***

1. Comments like this from a 26d old account, let alone no proof this isn't just an alt account, come across as fairly trollish.

2. 7 posts a day in @baka-akab's life isn't a sign of them not doing something with their life other than taking time to discuss what they really enjoy, which are games. You see, just saying 7,452 comments doesn't reflect the fact that @baka-akab has been here for 3 years compared to your 26d.

***I could make the same argument for you. Nycredude, u seem like a very eloquent and educated person by your comments, yet you spend your time writing comments on N4G? ***

What sort of argument is that? You do know that posting a comment here doesn't equate to useless life, right? Does a person who is working on the cure for cancer never take time for his family and personal wants/desires? Does the President of the U.S. not take time to play some b-ball?

Posting here isn't a sign of a wasteful life, only a sign of the person's interests.

Baka-akaB4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

seriously you need to wonders wich worse between comments and a hobby that harms even indirectely some people's jobs ?

I'm sure between my job and my comment history , it's less a waste of talent and time than hacking a ps3 . It's still the same for kids still at school around here mind you .

Heck i dont have the luxury of skills to waste . They do .

Maddens Raiders4890d ago

you've been @ N4G 26 days and are already trying to d*ckslap ppl in the face & chastise them?

that logic does not win buddy.

radphil4890d ago

I find it both funny and sad that people disagree with me being in our armed forces. N4G has a trolling issue going on.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4890d ago
ATiElite4890d ago

same expl0it that was released a while ago. how lame is this. "I will fight Sony till the last minute" Ultra Lame.

This person is not "Hardcore" but more like Super Lame. you can already burn PS3 games to blu-rays and play them in the PS3 so any other hack is not as exciting.

Dante1124890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

Psxscene called it bs again.

From a hacker there

"1) This isn't the same exploit as the one Mathieulh tweeted about. Not even by a long shot.
2) This won't do shit, resetting the CPU and leaving RAM uncleared won't help you at allif you can't run your own code at CPU power-on (hint: you can't).
3) This isn't related to geohot's RAM glitch.
4) How can you think someone who mixes up milliseconds and nanoseconds is some super leet hacker?
5) Jesus people, get a fricking clue. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it'll be OMG SO USEFUL and result in a CFW letting you play your ISOs again.I know I sound like a huge dickwad but I also know coating my message in sugar and marshmallows doesn't exactly help bring the point across."

A couple pages later, locked by mod there.

"Yet another thread full of bullshit, flaming, whining and all that typical nastiness that comes with it. Locked."


Shadow Flare4890d ago

" In the description he adds that he knows he will probably get sued but notes Sony 'can got to hell' and he will fight until the 'last min' of his life"

He doesn't care about getting sued over a poxy hack so he can make stupid little homebrew nonsense? He doesn't care about ruining his life over this rubbish?

"he will fight until the 'last min' of his life"

Can I add that he needs to get a life before worrying about fighting for it

Christopher4890d ago

Why do so many people ask for trouble in this day and age?

And, honestly, all he's doing is hurting gamers because it's only going to force Sony's hand to have to prevent the exploit from being used for illegal means.

This is what led to DRM and online passes.

This anti-The Man complex that people have does nothing good for the general public and is a misguided notion that you're doing something that will benefit the general public when in reality all you're doing is forcing the hand of a business that must always work to protect its investments.

K3nji4890d ago

Yeah, stick it to the man... /s

...one word "idiot"

frostypants4890d ago

"he adds that he knows he will probably get sued but notes Sony 'can got to hell' and he will fight until the 'last min' of his life"


Talk about attention wh*ring...

TBM4890d ago

awesome more hacking news/s

this is truly getting boooooooooooooooring.

wsoutlaw874890d ago

haha i love how he acts like hes doing something heroic like someone in an over-dramatic move. Itd be funny to see.

whoelse4890d ago

When you own a license to use software, then you must abide to the terms of the license. Unlike most hardware where you can do almost whatever you like with it.

ReservoirDog3164890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

Wow, what a waste of his time. How is that worth it in the end?

People really have to take a long hard look at themselves...

edit: I feel sorry for his mom. You know he lives with her and she's the one that's gonna have to deal with a lot of this.

cannon88004890d ago

Well that kid is sure stupid. He better start planting his money tree because it sure isn't gonna come out of his ass.

jeeves864890d ago

@ Darkpower

Yeah, that's pretty much all you have to do. But this isn't about a thousand dollars or so, we're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars. Sure, there's legal aid, but you aren't going to win a case like this with legal aid. Finding quirks in the law, the kind of shit you see on tv? All of that stuff costs loads of cash and time. Attorneys charge for stuff you wouldn't even think of, like $40 for photocopying papers related to your case.

Besides, it's not how 'you' view the law, it's how a judge will interpret the law. And they will kindly explain that to you should your views and their interpretation not line up.

So, sorry about your crushed ideals.

lee_ten4890d ago

these hackers are really pathetic. that's all i have to say. i mean, do what you want with your ps3 but don't ruin gaming for the rest of us.

morkendo234890d ago

now why would these guys risk they're lives,reputation,jobs,life style to battle SONY?? to out do geohotz
must dont know the repercussion.
Jail as in jail not jailbreak dongle

MNicholas4890d ago

If he knowingly distributed proprietary information then he knowingly caused financial damage and therefore is liable.

To clarify, to hack the CPU for his own use is a-ok. Spreading that information causes financial damage and therefore he becomes liable. Obviously doing it for personal gain (fame or fortune), as he has, is even more frowned upon.

TVippy4889d ago

Gotta admire their inspiration!

tacosRcool4889d ago

Another hacker on his holy crusade against Sony. In the end it will be us the loyal consumers will suffer for the hackers actions. Thanks a lot douchebag

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4889d ago
Trevonn4890d ago

u would post this failoverhero

GraySnake4890d ago

I'm surprised that you still have three bubbles for this site being so "biased".

beavis4play4890d ago

failoverhero - hey! i just created a cpu exploit for the ps3 that does absolutely NOTHING too...........why not post lame 1 paragraph story about it? >S

Istanbull4890d ago

LOL since when is this an exploit? You can't do shit with it.

I guess these hackers fap even to the slightest PS3 scene news.

Bottom line is, you got your PS3 hacked, you got pirated games. Why the f*ck do you still jizz in your pants for new "exploits"?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4890d ago
Emilio_Estevez4890d ago

PSX scene updated this to say it's completely useless. This was already revealed a while ago. Here it is:
UPDATE: Mathieulh was apparently the original source of this "exploit" but he and other devs claim it's useless.

scar-leg4890d ago

I've read the article... But I can't really make out what exactly it's exploiting... o.0

PirateThom4890d ago

The minds of the ignorant that post on N4G.

scar-leg4890d ago

It just says CPU exploit. That means nothing to me. Sorry for my "ignorance" but I just want to find out what it would let me do.

PirateThom4890d ago

Never said you were ignorant, but the fact is, it's of no use, but people will still claim doom and gloom, as per the norm.

scar-leg4890d ago

Oh right I understand xD Thanks

Time_Is_On_My_Side4890d ago

I am kind of disturbed by the statement in the article, "...notes Sony 'can got to hell' and he will fight until the 'last min' of his life. Now that's a HARDCORE gamer." this person is not a hardcore* gamer, this person is a thief (excluding the spelling error).

GraySnake4890d ago

I know right? Well whatever... *goes back to KZ3*

Acquiescence4890d ago

I wonder if being a "hardcore gamer" is really something to boast about.

beavis4play4890d ago

i don't think so. i'm not sure why some think it's a great thing.

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I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

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I agree. 9 was awesome

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Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro243h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


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