
Review: Deathsmiles

Flying gothic lolita girls, a giant cow plowing through an innocent town and more bullets in one screen than all of Bulletstorm put together! Welcome to Deathsmiles, the first game from popular bullethell developer Cave to be released on disc in Europe (and NA)!

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Deathsmiles I- II is getting a Limited and Collector’s Edition to the PS4 and Nintendo Switch

"The Germany-based video game publisher Strictly Limited Games and the Japan-based game developer/publisher City Connection, are today very happy and excited to announce that Cave's classic arcade shmup "Deathsmiles I- II" is getting a Limited and Collector’s Edition to the PS4 and Nintendo Switch via the Strictly Limited Games Shop." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

TheColbertinator1049d ago

I don't care for the series but as a collector of Limited Edition sets, I love that arrangement.


Top 10 Xbox 360 Shoot 'em Ups - Blasts from the not-so-distant past

Shooting hordes of enemy forces while weaving through clouds of projectiles is as fun as it's always been. Very few consoles have a library of shmups as impressive as Xbox 360's so let's take a look at the 10 best shooters for Microsoft's sophomore console.

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Gunstar752445d ago

That's made me want to play parodius, which wasn't on the list 😐
Radiant and Ikaruga were awesome though.

And as for Gunstar Heroes ❤

2445d ago
MWH2445d ago

Mushihimesama Futari and ESP RaDe2 should not me missed.

Shuckylad2445d ago

As good a list that it is Under defeat would be high up in my top ten of Xbox 360 shooters.

ludicrous2445d ago

No ginga force or Mushihimesama Futari?


Deathsmiles Review - Angel Girl Anime Kitsch Belies a Killer Bullet Hell Underneath | COG

COG writes - A few may be turned off by its art style but Deathsmiles is every bullet hell fan's dream of a game.

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