
Playstation 3 Shipments to be Seized in US?

European Customs began seizing incoming shipments of Playstation 3 consoles in the Netherlands as LG won an injunction against Sony in a patent case regarding Blu-Ray technology. LG had also stated that it would work toward similar measures in the US and it seems that is gaining some traction.LG vs. sony

In the US, the International Trade Commission has agreed to look into the matter. Four patents are included in complaint and they cover both the PS3 and certain Bravia televisions. LG is asking to ban sale of the devices in the US market which could provide extremely detrimental to Sony’s bottom line. While this is most likely a scare tactic to get Sony to settle, their injunction win in the EU seems to have emboldened LG and seems there is some truth to their claims.

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blackout4892d ago

WOW this is CRAZY. What does this mean for Sony?

BK-2014892d ago

They have been able to sell everywhere but Holland for 10 days. The U.S. gov't won't agree to a ban.

Dark_Charizard4892d ago

Why? Is the US govt biased against LG?

blackburn54892d ago

Really? So I have been hearing right about it just being Holland for 10 days. So what is all the talk about LG wining in Europe? If they can sell every where but Holland then is that really that much of a problem?

TOO PAWNED4892d ago

I have gotten word that aliens are to invade us tomorrow. can i publish it on N4G? O damn I need crappy site or blog.

Livin_in_a_box4892d ago


Well no seeing as it's not gaming news :\

BattleAxe4892d ago

I don't understand how LG was able to get the ban in Holland when there has not been any decision in the courts on whether theres any merrit to LG's claims of a patent infringement.

tehpees34892d ago

Seriously can someone PLEASE b1tch slap LG RIGHT NOW!!!

Orion4892d ago


The main port of Europe is Rotterdam. Maastricht is also an important cargo hub - at least, when the PS2 arrived for the first time in Europe, it went through that city.

Both cities are in the Netherlands. Now think about the problem again :)

morganfell4892d ago (Edited 4892d ago )

@Battleaxe. LG will come out the loser on this. They are only filing these suits because Sony filed in the US against them.

But in the EU, if you file a suit and lose the case, or the suit is thrown out without a trial then you have to pay all losses and legal bills for the other guy. This is going to end very poorly for LG.

On top of that this article was written by a third grader. "...there sites..." Really?

evrfighter4892d ago

well I guess it all depends on how legit LG's claim is.

Sony has nothing to worry to about if they didn't jack LG's tech.

However if they did. It's going to be a hilarious day at n4g.

I_find_it_funny4892d ago

LOL PS3's are shipped across Europe, there are problem in Holland only

nsnsmj4892d ago


From what I've been researching, the reason LG was able to get those PS3 shipments seized in there is because the law in that country doesn't necessarily require actual proof of infringement. LG only had to accuse or suspect or whatever, Sony of an infringement. That's how I understood what I read.

Also, having PS3's seized there does do some type of hurt to Sony. I believe the products are transported by boat to a port or something at that location. That location just so happens to be one of the quickest (if not the quickest), and the cheapest route from Asia to Europe for Sony. The fact that LG has it locked there for now, means that Sony has to possibly look for alternate routes and means of transportation--including by air, which would be a lot more expensive than by sea.

NukaCola4892d ago

Video Games is one of the only markets to make profit in this economy, other than Walmart, so why would anyone support an embargo.

TheLastGuardian4892d ago

LG is like the fat ugly girl in high school jealous of the popular girl. This is when the fat ugly girl tries to get revenge.

Bear_Grylls4892d ago

LG have done their dash right there. I own several high end LG products and I for one will never purchase another product with the LG label on it.


That's dodgy business tactics to the extreme.

deafwing4892d ago

LOL @ LG ... dont' they think they are just hurting their own image in all this

blackbeld4892d ago

This is ridiculous. I thought SONY was the creator of BLU-RAY. So how is this possible? Can someone explain this to me please?

AndrewRyan4892d ago

US government is worse then Holland's government so I do not see why a ban would not take place. 10 days it not bad at all, I am almost positive there will still be PS3's that can be bought within the 10 days shipments are banned.

pixelsword4892d ago

Well, from what I understand, Holland only got their way because they didn't have to prove infringement, BUT if Sony did infringe, they should pay, it's no different than Pirates taking games in that respect. I can't be mad as pirates for stealing and not mad at Sony for doing the same thing.

KaBaW4892d ago

Well, now, if you were to say the aliens were on their way to take the PS3s.

That, my good sir, would be gaming news!

HolyOrangeCows4892d ago

The 10 day ban in the EU is nothing. It's an IMPORT ban; all of the PS3s that retailers have can/are still being sold.

What kind of ban they might be able to set up in the US, I don't know.

It's pretty stupid that LG is suing Sony, the FOUNDER of Bluray, for using Bluray technology in a way that LG had patented. The Blu-ray Disc Association should kick LG out for trying to take ownership of Bluray tech.

Fireseed4892d ago Show
moparful994892d ago


From what I understand there is an alliance of companies, which includes both sony and lg, that are responsible for blu-ray.. Sony being the major owner of blu-ray. SO sony has every legal right to all things blu ray.. The only legs that lg would have to stand on is if lg back out of that partnership and sony continued to use lg technology and didnt pay lg any royalties.. But I highly doubt that happened.. I think that this is all just posteuring on lg's side to show that they can stand up to the big kid on the block.. But when they get B@tch slapped back into oblivion they will realize they bit off more then they could chew....

ps3destroyer4892d ago

LG has proven herself a much more respectable electronics company than Sony face it.Everything LG makes pawns Sony like hell.I would list a huge number of Sony products that died on me and hundret of LG ones that rocked and never stopped working.

kane_13714892d ago



name only two of them please.
nothing has ever lasted longer than a Sony product for me, not even a SUMSUNG TV, and they are beasts in TV market.

Maybe you just don't know how to use something.

AGamerOfConsoles4891d ago

@ HolyOrangeCows

And Sony perhaps should have thought twice before using something in a patent they didn't have rights to.

deafwing4891d ago

actually LG should be going after Pioneer to (they worked with with big S on the development of blu ray in the early part of the last decade.

DevilishSix4891d ago

They have proven that multiple judges decisions that Obamacare is unconstitional doesn't matter, so why should a silly multibillion suit matter.

US is no longer government by the people and for the people. It is now a blotted out of control government that doesn't care on infringing on citizens liberty and private property rights.

Don't tell them were I live, cause I don't want those bastards to come get me.

Tex1174891d ago

"US government is worse then Holland's government so I do not see why a ban would not take place."

I've been reading N4G now for a few years. And that above comment might be the most idiotic assertion I have ever read on this site. And that is saying alot.

Care to justify that accusation with a detailed analysis...If you wanted to be accurate, a detalied analysis of Temporary Injunction law in the United States Federal Courts?

Rumbanana4891d ago


+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 4891d ago
BrutallyBlunt4892d ago

It means a battle is brewing and for the first time it's not on N4G.

PlayerX4892d ago

Lol N4G never ceases to cry tears for sony.

joeorc4891d ago

Sony was ne of the companies that contributed to the core technology of blu-ray along with other companies, an the laser claim in reading the Blu-ray disc's is just one claim from an optical drive company vs another , Sony also creates optical drives. hell they were one of the first to design the optical reading diodes inside the d@mn blu-ray drives.

Just because both Sony an LG create optical drives does not mean one has outright infringed on the other's technology when an injunction first happen's that's what the court's are going to decide!

an if it is this will be quickly settled, an IT would be downright stupid for LG to refuse the settlement because that would be no money other than what's owed, Sony than would retool an use someone else's technology to licence, the fact that if there is an infringement many times the company does not know about it.

an many companies would not want to know about it because if they do an they know an do infringement anyway it's 3 times the damages!

So this is not something earth shattering this happen's all the time in the consumer electronic's industry, both LG an Sony will go about their merry way after this is over an still show up at the same trade show's an open up the bottle of bubbly an toast each other for job's well done!

bluwulf4892d ago

Americans think Holland = Europe.

White-Sharingan4892d ago

so you're saying it's not :( ? so now you're going to tell me Iraq does not equal middle east? or China =/= Asia, or USA =/= America ?

I keeeed, I keeed....

Blad3star4892d ago

That was the most retarted post I have ever seen.

winflasher04892d ago

wait retarted??? Irony my boy, irony.

TBM4892d ago

not this american lol.

Ducky4892d ago

... I think he wrote 'retarted' on purpose

Incipio4892d ago (Edited 4892d ago )

@ bluwulf

Non-Americans think all Americans = stupid

Because that's apparently the cool thing to do.

Buckfastman4891d ago

Holland is a tiny part of europe. Its like saying texas or florida or whichever state IS the USA. Its not, its just a part of it.

Belasco4891d ago

Um, not this American. Sorry but the blanket statements about us is getting a tad old.

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r1sh124892d ago

even though the ban is currently only in holland it stops/creates extra work for sony to get the ps3's to other european countries. The main warehouse where they get allocated from is in holland. They can technically be moved around to other countries but at extra costs.
By the look of things the US agency that deals with this is usually very slow, so nothing is likely to happen for a while.
We all have to wait and see about the US case

blahblah4892d ago

hopefully they'll lose this and also lose a lot of money (i can only wish). br media content is/was dead expensive for free content providers.

and in next firmware (all fanboys will again say it is ?not forced? just as it ?wasn't? for other os) there will be blu ray playing removal.

limewax4892d ago

yeah the removal of all game compatability sounds likely :/

If the brain aint ticking its probably best not to speak or type

blahblah4892d ago (Edited 4892d ago )


blu ray playing has nothing to do with gaming;)

you could use some brain ticker enhancement your self to recognize sarcasm. and off course they won't do that as they are too much depending on movie side of revenue.

but, one can always hope. would be nice to see that people wanting otheros back are not the only ones screwed (again, last part is sarcastic)

badz1494892d ago

unlike OtherOS, it's among the top 3 priority in PS3 marketing;

1. Games
2. PSN
3. Bluray

but blahblah is kinda right. BD playing is not the same as game playing in the PS3. same like the Wii play DVD games but no DVD playback thing.

LG was not exactly in the BD group as they were always on the fence during the BD vs HDDVD era up to the point where they released the BD HDDVD combo player just to be safe but shortly after BD won. now that they are holding some pattern in BD playabilty, trying to halt the PS3 sales is kinda annoying! it's not like they are offering anything remotely close to the capabilities of the PS3 to begin with! they just want to mess thing up! if anything is ever to happen to the PS3 sue to this, I can see LG becoming a public enemy of many!

I am never a M$ or Ninty fan to begin with but I'm happy that they are in the market as competition brings great stuff to gamers! so no matter which console fan you are, this should not be something that you're looking for ward to! - same goes to piracy! no matter which console, it's still BAD!

Nathaniel_Drake4892d ago

You serious?!?!? Why are you even into gaming then?????

Wow some N4G commentators never cease to amaze me.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4892d ago
-Alpha4892d ago

What the hell is this about? I'm lost...

B1663r4892d ago

LG has patents on a number of blu-ray data stream processing techniques. LG says that Sony is using those patented techniques in the PS3. A court in Holland has agreed that that LG's claim has at least some merit. They ordered their customs agents to seize all the ps3s coming into the country for 10 days.

LG has also filed a patent related lawsuit in the US. Since the one in Europe has at least some merit, this one probably has some merit as well.

Worst case scenario... LG is intractible, and the PS3 is effectively banned in Europe and North America.

Likely outcome is that Sony and LG agree to patent sharing, although that will probably come with a monitary settlement as well.

For you the gamer, it means there are likely to be PS3 shortages until Sony agrees to give LG a pile of cash, because the patent infringement wouldn't have gotten as far as it has unless there was a lot of mert to LG's case...

Patent infringement penalties are even harsher in the US than they are in Europe.

-Alpha4892d ago (Edited 4892d ago )

thanks. And damn, that sounds bad

BubbleSniper4892d ago

sony part of united states economy which

part of global economy also part of an industry that

more relevant now than it ever been

lee_ten4892d ago

...okay, i've come to the conclusion that there are really not so smart people in the world.

why the hell...my god, is this blog serious?!

saladthieves4892d ago

LG is going from being dickhead to SUPER dickhead

Seferoth754892d ago

You fanboys are so funny.

Like if someone broke into your house and stole your stuff you'd be an ass for habving them arrested. Fanboy logic is just pathetic these days.

saladthieves4892d ago

That's not why I said that. According to the latest deals that have been happening with the PS3, Sony could and will probably announce a price drop. I'm in need of a new PS3 and if LG is granted this motion forward, it could mean that I won't be able to get myself a PS3.

shooterexpert4892d ago

What does this mean for Sony ?

It means sony will be more careful before they sue another huge corporation in the future.

Sony bit off more then it could chew.

moparful994892d ago

Wow you're kidding right? First off sony is far larger then lg.. Secondly sony is the MAIN patent holder of blu-ray.. THis is just a "Mine is bigger then yours" standoff and lg knew it would be far easier to be granted any aknowledgement on a lawsuit in europe then in the us.. SOO when they got a decision in europe they became drunk with power and decided to go after the states as well... It's lg who has bitten off more then they can chew...

Xfanboy4892d ago

this means xbox will have a price cut!!

xtremeimport4892d ago

it means sony is gonna have to pay a pretty penny. everyone has a price, and LG will get Sony to meet them where they want.

thorstein4891d ago

This is so fucking stupid. Are these officials really so stupid as they can't google: "LG and Microsoft" and see that the two are very tight and then realize that this is nothing more than a tactic made to prevent the competition from making money.

So, MS's official motto is: "Since we couldn't beat them, we'll stop them."

Arnon4891d ago

What's it like living in conspiracy land?

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DarkBlood4892d ago

lol whats next canada ? bwahahahahahahahahahahaha

saladthieves4892d ago

I hope not!! I am in a need of a new PS3 and I'm looking for good deals...LG should stay the frak away from Canada!

DarkBlood4892d ago (Edited 4892d ago )

agreed egidem id get another ps3 for my self but NGP stands in the way so its moved off to 2012 for now :P

they better not F0ck with our country

SwampCroc4892d ago (Edited 4892d ago )

Money lies in power and Money holds all. (that's what we've come to)

for example... there is a Nike commercial with Lebron James and he has this word on his shirt... I forget the word... but, that's not the point.. the point is this... they are promoting Nike.... Yet, at the very same time for some reason there is a tiny sprite logo or symbol in the bottom left hand side (they mention nothing about sprite)... and since Lebron is in it they are promoting the NBA.... 3 things being advertised at once... sort of subliminal like...

all the companies are interlocked... all the politicians are interlocked... why do you think "Private Companies" hardly dispose who their financial backers are.... shit like that isn't nothing new...

and Sony is a money making corporation for America... so yeah, I don't see America wanting to lose any more money at this horrible time in history...

everyone has there hand in everything... especially when we're talking the $$$ their producing.... no doubt in my mind at all.

Blad3star4892d ago

"Sony is a money making corporation for America"

Not as much as it is for Japan.

SwampCroc4892d ago

and you don't think Americans talk to the Japanese when it involves money.... there are so many things we as citizens do not know and will never know....

stuna14892d ago

Sony is a company making money for the US, because politically japan owns a fair margin of real estate in the US.

B1663r4892d ago

You obviously missed where Microsoft lost a pantent infringment case to a tiny little patent troll company and had to stop shipping Microsoft Word for a number of weeks until they paid the patent troll company a couple billion dollars, and removed the offending bit of code. Like just a year ago.

This is serious, and not a game. If you want a ps3 and don't ahve one yet, get it soon, they are gonna be hard to come by in a few weeks.

SwampCroc4892d ago (Edited 4892d ago )

yeah but microsoft word isn't industry changing like blu-ray technology... were talking things people buy their children on the regular...

you're talking a computer program that people have been pirating for years... but yeah I understand where you're coming from.. i'm not trying to start anything..

i'm just saying nobody knows what the outcome will be. but, I strongly believe there are plenty of things going on behind the scenes that we'll never know about.

mantisimo4892d ago

We seem to be forgetting that the ban is for 10 days, nearly up. Sony has still been selling through Europe but not from the Netherland Ports.

The backlog is still there waiting to be shipped through when this is over and more Ps3s will be available to ship pretty soon.

All the law suit has done is created a small bubble in the pipeline but sony will just clear the blockage and probably open a new and larger supply instead.

Not really a big deal other than a rather bored staff for 10 days in the Netherland ports.

thorstein4891d ago

You think that is marketing? You should see the Frontline Documentary: Merchants of Cool.

ultimate-remag4892d ago

fail... this is a fanboy using vgchartz data in his "story"... man they will do anything to try an stop the ps3 power train!!!!

Anon19744892d ago

Yeah, that's telling about an article right there when they used faked data from a site like VGChartz when real sales data is readily available to anyone with a working internet connection.

Same thing is going on with Microsoft and Motorola right now - Motorola wants a ban of 360's. The difference is, there's no question that Microsoft is using Motorola's tech in the 360, Microsoft has been paying them for it for years. They just suddenly decided to stop paying Motorola. I think the 360 banned from export from the US is more likely then Sony and LG's little tiff. Microsoft/Motorola is far more clear cut.

Bear_Grylls4892d ago

That would be ab EPIC flop on MS if that happens.


That would almost certainly kill the Xbox360, but I still can't see it happening when you think about the numbers already in existence in the US and the rest of the world.

B1663r4892d ago

Actually it is not. Motorolla is giving its patented technology away for free to Google, but they are charging Microsoft for the same technology.

Microsoft was happy to pay for the technology, until Motorolla started giving it away to Microsofts competitors.

Microsoft lawsuit against Motorolla has mertit. Motorolla is not alledging that Microsoft violated its patents.

MysticStrummer4892d ago

Maybe I read it wrong, but it seemed odd that the article would say there seems to be some merit to LG's allegations, then quote someone saying an investigation was just starting and no determination about the merit of the case had been made. Either way, Sony apparently has their own complaint against LG, which I hadn't heard until now, so the whole thing might be a wash in the end. Only the lawyers will win, as usual.

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Sony Music Entertainment Japan, Aniplex, and Pocketpair jointly establish Palworld Entertainment

Sony Music Entertainment Japan, subsidiary Aniplex, and Palworld developer Pocketpair have announced the establishment of Palworld Entertainment, a joint venture that will be responsible for developing the reach of the intellectual property and for expanding commercial business endeavors, including the global licensing and merchandising activities associated with Palworld, outside of the game.

16d ago Replies(1)
Eonjay16d ago

Does this mean that Palworld is getting an anime?

Abnor_Mal16d ago

Crazy that they’ve formed a partnership of sorts, but the game itself still haven’t been released on PlayStation

badz14916d ago

It's still in Early Access. If it ever goes gold, there will definitely be a PS5 version, might even be a PS4 version too

Abnor_Mal16d ago

I still have no clue what this game is all about, to be honest.

badz14916d ago


If games like ARK is not to your liking, then Palworld wouldn't be your cup of tea either...I think.

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10 Best PSP RPGs Of All Time

The PS1 and PS2 both had strong RPG libraries, so it’s not a huge surprise that the PSP saw numerous excellent RPG releases, covering original releases, ports, and spinoffs/sequels to major franchises.

Read Full Story >>
jznrpg27d ago

Great list but needs to be 12 you don’t have Star Ocean First Departure and Second Story!


New Sony Controller May Let You Draw Your Own Buttons Using Conductive Ink

Sony has published a new patent about a controller that can be completely personalized by a user, including its shape and layout.

TFJWM31d ago

It is just a patent if it is new tech you file it

S2Killinit30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Dont get me wrong, I love that Sony does these research into new tech and all, after all it led to something as fun as the Dualsense, but im just asking why this particular tech would be useful in any way.

Profchaos30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Interesting idea likely something that will never actually be produced but Sony's simply securing the paten

Profchaos30d ago

Common practice really so many companies pattern troll because they either intend to make a product or just want to hold onto the rights of the idea there's some insane ones out there especially at the dawn of the internet.

You can have no intent to use it but this is just saying you thought of it first

kylegeorge8830d ago

yeah no, the controllers need the hall effect before investing more time and money into quirks.

BlackDoomAx30d ago

But how will they sell as many controllers if they do that?

fsfsxii30d ago

Maybe consider your personal hygiene before blaming someone else for your controller defecting

DustMan30d ago

I doubt @FSFSXII even knows what hall effect is. What a turd.

y2mate30d ago

great idea, but will it fully distributed to other continent ?