
Epic Says This Is What Next-Gen Should Look Like

Epic Games isn't just showing off the latest improvements to the Unreal Engine 3 at GDC 2011. They're showing us what the next-generation of games should look like. Do the images hold up to the hype?

Kran4895d ago

Yeah. As soon as you put the disc into your 360/PS3/PC....

Boom. ;P

Thats how powerful such engines seem to be now.

CrazyForGames4895d ago

i can't wait to see how many devs go under next gen

AAACE54895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Holy sh..! I'm glad we are starting to see the types of games I bought these consoles for! First the Battlefield 3 vids. And now we are seeing tech demos like this. I don't think something like this would be possible with the current consoles, but if it happens and they turn it into a game... F*ck it... I'm all in!

limewax4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

I wouldnt get your hopes up, even if they got it running with all this tech on consoles, there would hardly be any game there. This tech seems VERY demanding, Beyond anything available today, hence its a tech demo.

I think we will get some of these features in the next gen but not all of them, just like we were promised 1080p 120fps standard and got 720p 30fps standard


Where can we watch the demonstration? The screenshots look almost next-gen, the video will make us :D !

BlackKnight4895d ago


These tech demos are DX11. Xbox/PS3 have only DX9. This is for current PC's and whenever future consoles come out.

ABizzel14895d ago

So these are what next gen cutscenes will looks like, with the actually game being slightly toned down. Looks like they've finally reached the level I've been waiting for.

But if you want to see next gen graphics look no further than this.


ProjectVulcan4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

PC will run this in realtime, this year. When the summer comes around and the 28nm generation of GPUs hit, this will be possible in realtime in a game if someone builds it.

Expect the fastest GPU by the end of this year to have at least 3x the performance of a GTX580.

Already a GTX580 is roughly 8-10 times as fast as the console GPUs. The next level will arrive this year with a long overdue 28nm node.

Remember this comment when you read reviews of the next gen 28nm dual GPU cards, because they will be running Crysis with everything on at very high resolutions 100+ frames a second no sweat.

If you want an idea of how fast a modern GPU is, GTX590 would very likely be capable of rendering the original Toy Story in HD, realtime i.e the length of the movie to watch, something which took over 100 workstations 46 days in the mid nineties....

Pixelated_Army4895d ago

Those screens look a little dark/muddy/dull/grey and where's the color Trying to hide something Epic?

The same criticism that was thrown at KZ2 should be directed towards ME3. I guarantee that this game will look nothing like what you see in the screens and will not surpass KZ3 in terms of graphics or gameplay.

nycredude4895d ago



Pretty sure Ps3 don't run Direct x period.

Dee_914895d ago

I would cry like a baby if a future GTA have these type of graphics

KaBaW4895d ago

These picture shown are to depict what we may see next generation..
And, you say this 'game,' that would be Next Gen, won't look better than KZ3.

Man are you delusional..

Ghoul4895d ago

"PS3 have only DX9" completly wrong.

ps3 has opengl and therefore is way more flexible BUT also way more intensive and difficult to code for.

to make it easy

DX = predefnied effects pipelines etc. nice and handy to use fast results but limited to its features
OpenGL= pretty much open for anything but every effect has to made from ground up to work, longer production time but more flexible

Opengl is the main reason why the ps3 crushes the 360 in the exclusiv section, time over time they evolve they opengl definitions share it via the companys intern studios and start maxing out the systems capability and optimising the hell out of it

BlackKnight4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )


See below, OpenGL is a standard, OpenGL wont magically make the RSX be able to do things it can't physically do.


You should be facepalming.

DX3D is a standard, a spec, meaning to be a DX9 video card, the card must have certain features and abilities. This is similar to OpenGL. The RSX in the PS3 is a geforce 7 series nvidia GPU, a DX9 capable GPU. It is also an OpenGL 2.0 compliant card.

DX9≈OpenGL 2.0
DX10≈OpenGL 3.0
DX11≈OpenGL 4.0

The PS3 uses a slightly different OpenGL than PC though. It uses OpenGL|ES (OpenGL for Embedded Systems) 2.0. Roughly the same as OpenGL 2.0.

So when one says the PS3 is DX9, it is true, it is what the card is capable of but uses OpenGL ES 2.0 instead which is extremely similar.

Here, let me help you:

Spydiggity4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

can't tell you how sick i am of hearing ps3 fanboys cry about killzone. lemme tell you. i bought kz3 (first game i bought for console this year) and it looks like crap. and it plays like crap. please stop comparing games to it. it's one of the worst games i've played this generation (no balance, no imagination, no color, no nothing). and if you wanna talk about their post processed cut scenes, please die.

hay4895d ago

Looks great but as tech demonstration(points to FF7 PS3 tech demo, which graphical awesomeness we're still to witness in-game), it's far from reality.

Personally when seventh generation was coming I always thought that this gen will be about volume and quality. Huge, dynamic worlds, lots of gameplay. 25Gigs of space whispered that. Instead it was filled with uncompressed audio, video, higher res textures, better models and animations.

But volume and quality-wise, today games are nothing compared to oldies.
Next-gens are bullsh!t.

chak_4895d ago

"Expect the fastest GPU by the end of this year to have at least 3x the performance of a GTX580. "


No, just no.

Masterchef20074894d ago (Edited 4894d ago )

"These tech demos are DX11. Xbox/PS3 have only DX9. This is for current PC's and whenever future consoles come out."

So Sonys console is using a GFXs tech by Microsoft? You sir are wrong since the PS3 doesnt use DX instead it uses OPENGL


Just thought you might want to know :)

Edit: K i read one of your comments and i understood why you made that statement. I apologize for what i have said.

ProjectVulcan4894d ago (Edited 4894d ago )

Yes chak, yes.

GTX590 and 6990 will be AT LEAST 1.5 times as fast as GTX580, actually probably closer to but a little shy of 2x the theoretical performance because of thermal and power constraints. These will be here within a few weeks, still on 40nm of course.

28nm will typically bring a top end single GPU also AT LEAST 1.5 times faster than GTX580, but again, probably slighter faster than even that conservative estimate. Two of those will likely go onto one board for the fastest cards, a dual GPU board in Q4 2011......

Moore's law dictates this. GTX580 is technically only about 15 percent faster than GTX480 which was a fresh generation, launched a year ago now. 28nm will allow again at least 1.5 greater transistor density but if you look into this better, because 32nm was scrapped, the leap from 40nm to 28nm is larger than the leap from the old 55nm node to 40nm.

In short, 28nm could provide a 6 billion transistor GPU, which would be a smaller jump than we saw with GTX280 to GTX 480. So i am also being conservative here.

pixelsword4894d ago

Epic has the best bullshots in the biz; in-game, however, cuffs and collar don't always match.

sikbeta4894d ago (Edited 4894d ago )

PC has "Next-gens"? I know it sound stupid, but PCs are totally upgradeable and more powerful stuff comes out every time, I remember when I bought a G-force 9600gt and like one week later the 9800gt started to roll out, lol I felt so dumb XP

ProjectVulcan4894d ago (Edited 4894d ago )

Well 'next gen' in the case i referred to was with generations of Graphics processors/process technology.

When a new, more advanced smaller process technology arrives then you usually see another large step in GPU performance. The lines are not entirely distinct, but generally as a new process arrives, you see a considerable leap in performance from the fastest single GPU cards. Halfway between these distinct generations, you usually see a 'refresh' of models, slightly faster but not a big leap.

The consoles were really built between the 110 and 90nm generations. Since then we have had the fully fledged 90/80nm gen (8800, radeon 2900) then the 65/55nm generation (GTX280, Radeon 4870) now we are well into the 40nm generation (GTX480/5870). In that space of time we have gone from the console GPUs with around 300 million transistors, to GTX580, with 3 billion!!

Each provided a large leap. This summer, we are due the next process node, 28nm. You will then see new products from AMD and nvidia, considerably faster than the 'refresh' models GTX580 and Radeon 6970.

The industry entirely relies on shrinking manufacturing process size to advance performance significantly. Increasing transistor density is the main way to improve performance.

AAACE54894d ago

There's this thing called paying attention to what's actually being said!

To everyone who disagreed with me and commented against me, read my comment again... better yet, i'll point out what you missed.

1. "And now we are seeing tech demos like this."

2. "I don't think something like this would be possible with the current consoles..."

paintsville4894d ago

This engine will make the "superior" UE3 engined games in development for 360 even better. PS3 already struggles with the advanced demands of the cutting edge UE3 engine so I don't expect it to go well with the Sony camp. Maybe this will motivate them to make a better console next time.

KillerBBs4894d ago

Lag and Low frame rates.

BloodyNapkin4894d ago


My god where to start with you...i am really speachless to your comment. I am having a hard time trying to figure out if people are really this retarded of if you are being sarcastic...

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 4894d ago
Maddens Raiders4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

hmm... no offense Epic, but Guerrilla, Polyphony Digital, and the Naughty Gods have already shown us. You should pay attention to them.

IcarusOne4895d ago

No offense, Maddens, but this looks better than the CG movies of any PS3 exclusive. PS3 has shown us what THIS gen can be. These shots are beyond current consoles.

Downtown boogey4895d ago

Are you saying Epic doesn't know their stuff when it comes to computer graphics?

palaeomerus4895d ago

Maddens Raiders goes for the burn and....HE FAILS!!


snipes1014895d ago

Knew you were a worthless fanboy right after you said Naughty Gods.

RatherHavaBigGirl4895d ago

just when i thought fanboys couldnt get any worse, another breaks the record

evilmonkey5014895d ago

You know these "CGI's" are in game and NOT CUTSCENES on the PS3...right?

SonyPS3604895d ago

These screenshots look better than anything those developer's you listed have shown.

You should learn to pay attention to what's right infront of you.

mp12894895d ago

@IcarusOne Computer Graphics are like movies when ported to a console, its just a matter of disc space.
I thought God of War 3 had CGs up to the point were i noticed i was controlling Kratos. Yeah they look that good.

kewlkat0074895d ago

Come on Madden...REALLY?


Lich1204895d ago

"Computer Graphics are like movies when ported to a console, its just a matter of disc space."

Does that sentence make sense to anyone? I literally can't tell what it means.

TheBatman_Fanatic4895d ago

Evilmonkey got a lot of disagrees, 360 fans are here lol

WetN00dle694895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Run to the hills your world is ending!
Cause up to this point everywhere i looked was nothing but PS3 fanboys!

Anyways that looked amazing and highly doubtful these current gen systems will be able to handle it.I could be mistaken but we will see.

Spydiggity4895d ago

no, no they don't. you have no idea what your'e talking about maddens raiders, you're just a fanboy.

bluegreenman4894d ago

gears 3 honestly looks better than uncharted 2 and this is coming from a guy that loves his uncharted.. but Gears 3 is better. Uncharted 3 will have to one up epic again though.

Belasco4894d ago

I really want to say something nasty after reading your post, but you could'nt possibly be serious, right? Right?

hoops4894d ago

The Fail is strong with this one

BloodyNapkin4894d ago

Well Madden didnt understand it, but it means on PC not on consoles.

Cause we have seen exactly what Epic can do compared to those guys you did say on consoles, it pales in comparison to GG,PD and ND.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4894d ago
downwardspiral4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

the face looks like plastic.

gypsygib4895d ago

It still has that horrible plastic look that the current Unreal engine has. Look at the clothes, it looks like a plastic coat.

I was more impressed with Battlefield 3.

vsr4894d ago

Frostbite 2 & Cryengine 3 & ID tech 5 >>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>> >> UE 3

MNicholas4895d ago

Looks like high res version of lost planet where everythin has the same ugly shine.

I expect next gen to look a heck of a lot better than that.

lil Titan4895d ago

im sick of unreal engine even though have to admit does look nice

Kakkoii4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Seems most people aren't aware that the CryEngine 3 already has ALL of these features, and much more. And Crysis 2 uses ALL of them.

Hell, even the CryEngine 2 had most of these freaking features!!

""CryENGINE®2 provides seamless support for both indoor and outdoor environments on DirectX9 and 10, as well as support for next generation consoles such as the Xbox360 and PS3.

Feature List

Real Time Lighting and Dynamic Soft Shadows
Volumetric, Layer and View Distance Fogging
Terrain 2.5D Ambient Occlusion Maps
Normal Maps and Parallax Occlusion Maps
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
Subsurface Scattering
Eye Adaptation & High Dynamic Range (HDR) Lighting
Motion Blur & Depth of Field
Light Beams & Shafts
High Quality 3D Ocean Technology
Advanced Shader Technology
Terrain LOD Management Feature""

@BlackKnight: These features aren't restricted to DX11, only the tessellation is. All of the other features can be done in DX9, and have already been done in DX9 by Crytek with their new CryEngine 3. It has all these features, even the subsurface scattering.

gypsygib4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Epic needs to work on getting rid of that 'look', I'm so sick of the plastic/clay/action figure plastic look. I really hope a new engine (Rage, Crysis, Frostbite 2) takes prominence

The clothes look sooo bad, what it that 3 inch thick leather?

BlackKnight4895d ago


Talk about a straw man argument. I said that consoles do not support DX11 or the DX11 features shown in the demo.

I did not say anything in that big list of features you put.

Not only that you do realize that, for example:

Motion Blur & Depth of Field

There are MANY ways to do MB and DOF and at varying quality. The point of the DX11 demo is it is done in such a quality and precise and method that can not be done on console. Same with reflections or many kinds of other effects. I agree some is already done (at lower quality) in DX9, I never said it wasn't done.

I was specifically talking about DX11. You could say that I also said "this demo cant be done on consoles" and then tell me "but consoles use polygons and MSAA too!".

ChrisW4895d ago

Sure it's "Next-Gen" for consoles, but it's also "PC-Now!"

karl4895d ago

im more than sure that a current pc can play those graphics

but my question is... is it cheap? to put soo much detail into a gamE?

im sure that making a model for even a rock with that much quality would take a lot of time...

im just saying that this sure isnt cheap or fast and it would take a lot more time to produce.. it gives me the feeling that many devs wont like the idea of super high datailed games...

to cover the expenses by selling a few millions would be even harder ..

i guess im just saying this was possible from a while ago but just wasn't productive

BloodyNapkin4894d ago

Of course it isnt cheap. And the major problem is, "THERE ISNT ANY F#$KING GAMES TO PLAY ON THE PC". Why in the h3ll would i want to spend money on a gaming PC and have to upgrade every year or 2 to stay current on crappy games. Sorry i will pass, thats worse then people paying to play online.

fatstarr4895d ago

cryengine meet your big brother

Kran4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

I find it odd why people disagreed. All I was implying is that next gen is extremely powerful that i wonder if the current gen consoles could cope

FanboyPunisher4894d ago


You buy a PC today and it has more power to render something like that.

Buy SLI/Tri down the road and Photorealism is very possible (many benchmarks, and such things have been accomplished a few generations back (But no developers are pushed the limits like that yet.)

I wish PC gaming stayed as the main platform, you know why? We all benifit from constant advanced in technology and not segmented like consoles have turned out industry into 5+year cycles now.

BloodyNapkin4894d ago

I am glad PC gaming is not the main platform, cause then we wouldnt have any good games to play.

DeadlyFire4894d ago (Edited 4894d ago )

This is Unreal Engine 4.0 preview. Anyone that thinks this is UE3 is seriously messed up in the head. For the ones that don't know they plan on releasing UE 4.0 in 2012 or around it. Another hint of next generation consoles.

One hint to give you an idea that this is UE 4.0. Notice every bit of the images says Powered by Unreal Engine Technology. Not a 3 anywhere.

This will not hit X360 or PS3. Far to powerful. A milder version might be okay for them, but will not be able to experience graphics like this.

Can't wait to get the video.

frostypants4894d ago

I know those screens are probably just from a show-off for the new engine, but dammit...MAKE THAT GAME! I love dark urban settings.

Blaze9294894d ago

I hope next gen won't be all unreal engine all over again for every game. That was the case for the first 3-4 years this gen and it's still going on. Let's see some games start using the CryEngine3 or something.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4894d ago
2fk4895d ago

have you seen BF3??? maybe not.

Shaman4895d ago

Its all in artists hands now though...This UE3 in DX11 has some serious tech under hood :)

SMOK3xFFx4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

This looks better then Frostbite imo.

That wireframe is unreal.

Shaman4895d ago

DX11 tessellation feature looks fantastic :)


Vermillion4895d ago

And this is still Unreal Engine 3. It almost looks like a whole different engine from the first Unreal Engine 3 now lol.

Anyway, great job Epic. Now could you make it into the UDK too? :P

milohighclub4895d ago

battlefield 3 is near photorealistic
this is no where near!!!!!
think before you type, fool.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4895d ago
gravemaker4895d ago

looks cool, but tech demos for ue3.5 looks cool too...nobody can run them lol :) Can't wait for next gen

kookie4895d ago

The next gen is when the round objects in game are fully round.instead of this polygon shit

Trroy4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

You could argue that anything "round" is usually merely composed of bazillions of molecules that have a non-round shape.

In other words, they're effectively tiny subshapes (you could think of them as polygons). There's no such thing as "round", in the real world, either.

Back to your comment, why would you want something that wasn't actually realistic again? You realize that ray-tracing is done against shapes that have to be mathematically defined (like polygons, for example), and regarding the few shapes that can't be defined with 100% accuracy by polygons -- those shapes are pure mathematical constructs, and not realistic at all (like spheres, or other perfectly "round" or "curved" things).


Basic science, everything in nature is curved or fully round.

How you failed at basics is beyond me.

LightofDarkness4895d ago

Uhhh.... what? And why are people disagreeing with Ultimate Revenge?

That's pretty basic physics there, guy. Almost everything in the universe will form into a spherical or round shape. All matter that enters into space will warp the space around it (much the same as displacement). This is also the basis for our understanding of gravity. You can read all of this in Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.

Trroy4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

...you guys are pushin' it, with regards to calling atomic and subatomic particles being "round" at all.

I think you should stop paying so much attention to your tinker-toy concepts of how you think things are, and start paying attention to what I'm saying. Computer graphics are a representation of how we *see* things. Think about how light reflects off these objects. Light does not magically bounce around as though it were reflected off things in a magical pinball machine comprised of perfect spheres.

Read up on some modern quantum physics, gentlemen, if you want to argue the meaningless details. My statement is correct, at *every* level.

There IS NO "round", and its certainly pointless to try and simulate it, with regards to computer graphics.

palaeomerus4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Perfect geometry NEVER occurs at the macro scale in nature. Sorry man. That triangle you drew is NOT really a triangle. It's only triangular. Zoom in on a circular phenomenon and it's highly irregular. Zoom in on a steel razor's edge and it looks jagged and pitted. What you see is not what you get when you see better.

Shadow Flare4895d ago

Being a bit anal aren't we?

All the guy asked for was for circular objects in games to not have angular edges to them. I don't think he gives a rat shit what shape a molecule is, geez

Ducky4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

"That's pretty basic physics there, guy."

Hi, I'm a Physicisit. Never heard of any basics about everything being spherical or round since the 17th century.
As for computer graphics, I guess they can aggressively subsurf everything.

Anyways, the images depressed me. Just darker and grittier... why can't we have colours? =(
Manic depression will likely kick in if we're all still playing 6v6 TDM on maps smaller than football fields.

aGameDeveloper4895d ago

Note that, since a monitor has square(ish) pixels, you could never display a perfect circle, even if it were represented as one in code. The closest output device for such a thing is probably a vector display, but, then again, the phosphors are randomly distributed on the surface and thus unable to describe a perfect circle.

likedamaster4895d ago

"Manic depression will likely kick in if we're all still playing 6v6 TDM on maps smaller than football fields."

That is definitely a dig at Crysis 2.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4895d ago
lastdual4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Technically, id did "smoothed curves" back with Quake 3 Arena. The tech has been there for a while, but unfortunately is seldom used.

LightofDarkness4895d ago

Big difference, those hard edges were smoothed out when the map was compiling and really only applied to map geometry.

Accurate curvature on non-static meshes is much more taxing as the number of vertices is larger while their positions change relative to each other, unlike static meshes. This is why tessellation has become such a hot topic for the next generation.

On topic: I'm actually gob-smacked at how much of an evolution this is when current techniques are considered. This finally looks beyond Crysis in every conceivable way, and even superior (however slightly) to Frostbite 2.0.

SOOOOO glad I just bought a GTX 580 :)

Kakkoii4895d ago


Ughhh. Crysis had all these features, the point light and sign reflection are the only ones I'm unsure of. And of course DX11 tessellation since DX11 wasn't out during the time of CryEngine 2's production. And Crysis 2 for sure uses ALL of these features, including many more amazing features, the most notable being real-time dynamic global-illumination.

SonyPS3604895d ago

Lol. Do you know anything about 3D modelling?

B1663r4895d ago

Back in the day rather than have primitives that were made out of polygons, we made our models out of quadratic equations, then put those into a ray tracer, and our spheres were spherical to the precision of the computer we were rendering it on.

Now get off my lawn!

Tyre4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

really round looking objects use NURBS...and that technique has been in 3D rendering software since the early nineties...the thing is all those techniques already existed for more than 20 years...it is only now that computers and software programs/engines are fast enough to render it in real-time, so it can be used in games like the NURBS rendering.

darthawesome904894d ago

Yeah round objects and how about grass that looks like GRASS. I'm sick of seeing games with a plain green solid field and crab-grass spaced out every 2 feet. I want a field of grass and hair that looks like hair and not the plasticy stuff I see when I play Mass Effect or other high end games.

It's sad when the hair and grass hasn't improved much in 5-6 years.

Belasco4894d ago

You made the simplest yet the most reasonable request without posting a huge list of techno-nonsense like most here.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4894d ago
Firstkn1ghT4895d ago

Damn after seeing BF3 and now this? I'm ready for next gen.

Shaman4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Yap.Me to.The best thing about it is that it would can look even better on next gen consoles and newer PCs couple years from now.

I think I'm ready for next gen.E3 2012 would be nice :)


The thing with Epic is that they are ALWAYS first in next gen.UE3 was done by 2004 and its still here,always updated and developers still use it.Guys like Crytek and now Dice wait for couple years into gen to show of but they are kinda always first,with best tools and graphics but when couple years pass they get surpassed by others but they always get huge share of market because of the fact that they are always first on market when next gen starts.That happened with UE2 and now with UE3.Don't know why all the hate...they are really talented bunch,they have been making engines since early 90s.


MS and Sony,whatever they say,already started to work on next gen consoles.Last gen Sony started working on PS3 in 2000 and MS right when original XBOX was released.
Graphics with this and new BF3 just look too good for this consoles to stick around more,its over.Give us next gen.Imagine Final Fantasy done right with next gen graphics?Or new GTA?Or Mass Effect?It would feel like you are there man...

Istanbull4895d ago

next gen isn't starting in 2012. The new xbox will probably come out in 2013 and the PS4 in 2014. The current gun is only at mid point.

duplissi4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

when compared to other generations the current gen is actually near its end... 5 years has been the average.. the ps3 is 4 years old and the 360 is five years old..

edit: well not so much near its end (looks at ps2..) but that the successors are near.

Pandamobile4895d ago

This generation has hit its peak in a big way.

The sooner new consoles hit the market, the better.

evilmonkey5014895d ago

I don't think were gonna see any new consoles for at least 2 more years, save Nintendo.We usually hear about these things by now if that was the case...

StbI9904895d ago

LOL, this guy is so optimistic...if games are expensive now, how would they be next gen?...yeah right

DeadlyFire4894d ago

Wait until E3 2011 is over before you say its not starting in 2012.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4894d ago
Raider694895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

It wont be long Epic works close to M$,and for some reason i get the feeling that M$ has already disclosure the aprox specs for the next gen hardware for the new xbox!And this signs from Epic only make me believe more on it!

limewax4894d ago

dream on man, I would like to agree but I just cant, You really think MS will pile it up with the very top of the range tech?

Think of the pricetag....It has to be a balance between progression and affordability. If we get this in consoles then they wont be planning the processor yet, by the time they release the xbox it would be useless research. It all depends on what parts cost what when it enters the mass manufacturing stage. Which is a long way away lol

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OlderGamer1747d ago

All nice and well but i want to see that in real gameplay on a console...and Hellblade 2 dont cut it....


Epic Games Faces $1.2 Million Fine Over "Unfair Practices," Plans to Fight Back

Epic Games is facing a $1.2 million fine by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets over "unfair practices" in the Fortnite shop.

Sciurus_vulgaris73d ago

It might be cheaper to simply pay the fine. Fighting said fine could cost millions due to court and lawyer fees. Fortnite generates well over a 100 million in each month, so Epic has plenty of cash.

franwex72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

But if they did pay it, then they are basically admitting that they did something they weren’t supposed to be doing. If they fight it, they may win and continue to have a sense of urgency for their micro transactions thus making more money long term.

Goodguy0172d ago (Edited 72d ago )

Meaning more suits to follow from others if they don't fight as well.

Not a fan of Epic nor fortnite and their micro transactions. But the game is heavily supported and is free to play, all store items are completely cosmetic.

72d ago
Furesis72d ago

I'd fight back too. These are kinda meaningless reasons to fine someone like really for THAT. It's like they just wanted to make money or something.

Sephiroushin72d ago

There is a law for something, but even if its stupid follow it because if you break it you pay for it; if they knew they cant place a “buy now” in NL then just dont do it!


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