
Denkiphile: Acceleration of Suguri X Edition Review

In 2009 game publisher Rockin’ Android brought over game developer Orange_Juice’s Suguri series for the PC from Japan and captured a strong niche following. Now Acceleration of Suguri X Edition has been adapted for the PS3. It is sure to please previous fans, but how will it hold up with brand new users?

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Game Publisher Refuses to Honor Steam Key Promises, Banning Customers Who Complain

8CN: Game publisher Rockin Android is in some hot water with fans today over the recent release of their latest game, Acceleration of Suguri. The game recently made its way through Steam's Greenlight process, and had been a part of Indie Royale, a Humble Bundle-esque operation sponsored by Desura.

According to many customers, Rockin Android promised Steam keys would be made available to anyone who purchased the game prior to the Greenlight approval, including those who received it as part of the Indie Royale package. Unfortunately, it now seems that Rockin Android is no longer honoring that promise, and have begun a campaign to delete any information regarding the guarantee.

TheWackyMan3677d ago

Just complain to valve until A) he owns up to what he promised and or B) (with some sort of miracle) get valve to remove his game from steam/greenlight etc.

XtraTrstrL3676d ago

Whatever, it'll just get them blacklisted and lose them money in the long run.

modesign3676d ago

great way to piss off your costumers, i hope hes more friendly when delivering pizzas.

dennett3163676d ago

A tiny bit of success goes to a devs head and they start annoying the people who got them that success by refusing to honour what they promised...how amazingly dumb of them. When you've relied on a small number of passionate fans, it's not a good idea to screw those fans over.

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Elk’s Review of Diadra Empty

Rockin’ Android are known for bringing a ton of awesome unique Japanese games to the West that would almost assuredly not get picked up and brought stateside. If you frequent our site you’ve probably seen our Cloudphobia review, also from Rockin’ Android. And as it was a unique Shoot-’em-Up (also known as a shmup) with some interesting game design choices, so too is the game we’re talking about today, Diadra Empty, developed by Frozen Orb.

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Rockin’ Android Bringing 7 Games To Amazon Indie Store Plus Bundle

Rockin’ Android has released 7 of their PC and PlayStation Network games onto the Amazon Indie Store. To commemorate this great launch they have even bundled 5 of their games for $9.99 until July 17th.

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