
Modern Warfare 3: New engine 'would be counter productive' - Infinity Ward

Developer says it still has "a great team" and it's "working on a great project"

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wwm0nkey4895d ago

And this is why Battlefield 3 just won.

jizzyjones4895d ago

Bf3 will be superior regardless of whatever activision can come up with, but that wont stop people buying COD.

wwm0nkey4895d ago

I don't know about that. I have seen a lot of hype build up around Battlefield 3 recently. A lot of people are talking about it and its spreading.

Zir04895d ago

Yeah COD will still dominate, the brand is just too strong now. Unless EA can do an ad campaign bigger than Activision they don't stand much of a chance converting the casual COD crowd.

And we haven't seen BF3 on consoles yet, it could look as bad as COD as it's clear they are focusing on the PC version.

limewax4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

The Nerve of these guys. They are the biggest selling franchise yet they cant afford to work on an engine or give dedicated servers. This is really low. Every other game company can do it but them apparently.

Cant see CoD being here next gen if they stick with that attitude

claterz4895d ago

@limewax, why would they make a new engine though? Like you said they are already the owners of the best selling franchise, and they did that without making a new engine. As long as people continue to buy Call of Duty games, they won't change a thing, because they obviously don't need too.

guigsy4895d ago

To me the Battlefield 3 trailer has the same wow factor as the first COD4 trailer did back in 2007.

MostJadedGamer4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Actually all things eventually come to and end. I wouldn't at all be surprised if MW3 had a MASSIVE drop in sales

Casual fans can easily become bored, and leave the COD franchise in massive droves. Activision is playing a very dangerous game.

DeadlyFire4895d ago

The backbone of CoD is Infinity Ward. It is gone. Game might still turn out okay, but it will always suffer for not having that team on board.

sikbeta4895d ago

"Modern Warfare 3: New engine would be counter productive" = why spend money improving the game if teh CODz sell millions with loads of glitches and bugs and nobody seems to care about... XD

hay4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Actually it's good marketing decision. They built the franchise, it's selling like a dream so they can reduce the budget for some titles, make them disappointing, they will still sell.
When customers will stop being happy with the sh!t they shove down their troats, they'll make better game and it'll be all over again.
Unless they fail the last step which will mean no more CoDs for few years.

I'm pretty sure Square did the same thing with FF13.

But this means they treat gamers as wallets. Nothing more.

limewax4895d ago

lol what? I will admit square messed up with FFXIII, but they did at least build a whole new engine thats multi-platform in the process. So now if they do mnage to make a decent game it will still feel up to date. CoD engine has been rehashed way too often, especially consdiring the CoD4 engine wasnt exactly miles above their previous outing.

The CoD engine progresses slowly as it is, the amount of time its been left at standstill means they have a LOT of catching up to do when they build a new engine.

Its an eventual bullet in the foot, People will get bored of playing the same game one day. CoD is going to fall out of attention for too long, when it does come back it will have lost its momentum, and although a return of the franchise will get hype they then would need to live up to it. They need to start working on a new engine soon to future proof the franchise

Inside_out4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

COD is the king of the hill until someone knocks them off. I know what COD is bringing to the table and Battlefield will need a major over haul if it wants to take that on. The problem with Battlefield is it's game play is antiquated. Nobody wants to fly around in a helo or drive a tank...not the 20+ million gamers on COD anyways.

I haven't seen anything from Battlefield that is new and wasn't there years ago. Going head to head with the explosive COD franchise will expose it's weakness. COD was made for today and the ADD gamer nation...just look at this...WoW...




EA and Dice can show all the high end PC game play they want...but eventually, they will have to show " real " game play and that's when it will get interesting. COD is a proven commodity selling tens of millions and logging BILLIONS of hours on-line and Battlefield, at this point, is nothing more than a copy cat right now. Even the trailers and cover art looks exactly like COD...O_o

The haters are so ignorant. Activision is milking the franchise???...then what the heck is EA and Dice doing. They are like chickens without a head. Battlefield 2 and MOH last year and here will are again with the same thing.

jeseth4895d ago

"would be counterproductive"

That means it would be too expensive and they wouldn't be able to milk this franchise every year.

Why improve? The sheep will continue to flock no matter whether they actually improve the series or not.

nickjkl4895d ago

if activision really cared and actually spent the money they get from sales they could of made one of the most spectacular looking games on both consoles

ABizzel14895d ago

That just goes to show, that IW's head people in charge and Activision are in it all for the money.

When you see someone up the ante, and you're supposedly the best you should be the first one step in and defend your crown.

BF3 from a technical standpoint, just crushed every COD game. I'm not saying they have to have a new engine, but they need to do something, and from what he says it seems like this will be another same old COD, with a slight twist. Whereas BF3 is evolving.

Liefx4895d ago

Personally, I'll be buying both.

ComboBreaker4895d ago

counter productive to the profits of Activision.

snipes1014895d ago

I too like BF more than COD however, when I have a bunch of friends over we play COD because it has some features that BF just doesn't. It has split screen off line mp so four of us can crowd around the tv and talk shit and it allows for guests on live. Dice, for whatever stubborn reason, has not had any of these features on any of their BF games so they are not going to win over any of the casual college dorm room players who just want to shoot shit with their friends. Again, I prefer BF but I can only play that with friends over live.

Pixelated_Army4895d ago

Counter productive to what, your bottom line? This just shows how incompetent Activision/IW/Treyarch/SH truly are. You're paying for the same old game and graphics over and over again. I'm going to pass on this mkay. ha-ha

NeutralGamer4895d ago

Long story short:

They dont want to make a new engine because it take years...

Yes it takes years but for the love of god I would rather wait 2 years to play an all new COD with new engine, rather than played another dumbed down COD this year with reused engine...

Dee_914895d ago

the respect I had for them just went into the negatives

DaTruth4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

COD is the McDonald's of gaming! Not really anything good, but millions buy it anyway!

EVILDEAD3604895d ago

So let's keep it 100% real

Spending 2-3 years building a new engine from scratch..before you start on your new game that won't even matter because in 2-3 years we will ALL be talking about 3 new consoles


Spend all of your resources building upon the existing engine and create the best game you possibly can, with all of the high prodution values that Call of Duty fans can expect.

IMO, After the Activision legal debacle and losing over 30 members of your team, it'll be a great success story to see Infinity Ward pull it off again..

We know the daily routine..the haters have been whining endlessly about the franchise since Kotick made his infamous PS3 comments..followed by the dedicated server announcement..

At the end of the day, no amount of hate and internet petitions could stop MW2 or Treyarchs' Black Ops.

Gamers offline could care less about internet fan kid politics that have people pretending daily that MW2 and Black Ops are the worst two games in the history of gaming.

I look forward to Battlefield 3 and all the rest of the shooters..but if I.W.'s overcomes the obstacles they've faced..MW3 is going to end up with another record year..even with stiff competition..

The plot thickens..


limewax4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Yeah the new consoles will be coming but it doesnt mean they cant be working on it. You have a massive company with no end of funds to tap, 3 individual dev companies. And with all that they cant find room to work a new engine WHILE churning out re-skinned games?

And new consoles incoming or not doesnt mean they need to wait, they can be building a base for the engine prepping it as more details about the new consoles reach them, meaning they would be able to release as fast as possible

Its an absolute joke, sorry if I come off as arrogant but I have only had a couple years small business experience yet still I could manage this better than activision are now, This is business basics at its best, future proofing. This is going to bite them in the ass one day I garuntee

chainer30004895d ago

Wow... we dont want a new engine because it would cost money and time, and we want to get a COD game every year, so no go!

Another reason why COD will eventually crash and burn - flood the market with your own product and you get Guitar Hero syndrome

deafwing4895d ago

the only thing i hope is that dice and company don't let this new found additional popularity get to their heads ... and then we go down the same path again

EVILDEAD3604895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

'And new consoles incoming or not doesnt mean they need to wait, they can be building a base for the engine prepping it as more details about the new consoles reach them, meaning they would be able to release as fast as possible'

Do you honestly think that they aren't working on new tech while they are working on this project..

They are simply talking about their next title..at this point there is no need to build an entirely new engine from the ground up..especially when developers prove time and time again that they learn more and more how to harness existing engine after every project

It's not the engine that makes or breaks a game..it's the experience...ask Rockstar after Red Dead...

Ask the world did Batman: AA turn out to be a horiible game because a bunch of internet backseat drivers keep screaming that the Unreal engine should be destroyed..

In the flipside, Ask Remedy how much time and money it cost them when they scrapped their original engine and build an entirely new one for Alan Wake.

Again, building a great game should be their priority..the new engines will obviuosly come down the line..

TruthSeeker4895d ago

All COD "HAS" is a mindless legion of fans who who have low expectations for what a GOOD game should be.

Kevin ButIer4895d ago

Oh god u got to hate this m... f... they are drowning in money thaks to COD and they dont even want to spend time on a new engine... god...

Im all yours BF3

NukaCola4895d ago


Here have a INTELLIGENT, so you can get another bubbble. You just spoke the words that made Bobby Kotick finally realize 'rehash' is not a good word.

awi59514894d ago

Who are they trying to fool all the talent left with the founders lol. Treyarch has been living off of the real makers of call of duty and they all got fired or left. They have to use they same engine they dont have the talent to make their own lol.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 4894d ago
joydestroy4895d ago

lol i was just gonna say that BF3 is gonna wipe the floor with this game this year. not even a contest

Trunkz4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Ahahahah!! Their still trying to milk their engine until they don't make a gain on sales. How sad that they can't offer CoD players a solid slice of quality.

I got Black Ops and it will be my last CoD, it didn't feel a whole lot different from CoD4 and I got tired of it after a week.

jeseth4895d ago

Agreed. I'm right there with you Trunkz. I traded my Black Ops in early on after being completely turned off by it. It actually is a step back from MW2.

But now that I haven't played COD I've had the time to play so many awesome games one would miss out while constantly playing COD online . .

I did a whole new playthrough Dragon Age : Origins, including Awakening and all the DLC.

Played Castlevania (Awesome Game), Enslaved (Surprisingly good), Dead Space 2 (Awesome), GT5 (Awesome), Killzone 3 (Awesome), Red Faction (For 15 bucks . . . a really fun game), DJ Hero (RIP . . . but the mixes are awesome), and I'm playing Madd Effect 2 right.

Needless to say I've played a lot of great games and haven't spent that time getting my party back in lobbies after people get kicked, getting annoyed by the terrible bullet detection and auto aim, and even worse spawning.

Black Ops was where COD lost me too. COuldn't care less for the next one. It took a little to break away because of how much my online friends still play but now that I'm not playing I don't miss it one bit. I'll def be getting BF3 and hopefully I'll hook up with a new group of players. Bye bye COD.

vsr4894d ago

Tooooo Laaate!!!!!!!!

MegaMohsi4895d ago

lol BFBC2 is NOT a true BF game. It's a spinoff of the franchise. Nothing new? What is COD doing every year that's new? It's just a different era, same coat of paint, same problems. How are you not even gonna think about updating the engine at least? This is why games development will stagnate when you have companies that will keep doing the same thing yearly and know sucker gamers like you will keep buying it, congrats. Also how is it possible that ever since COD4, every COD game has gotten worse???

DaTruth4895d ago

They don't even care about their customers! They are just big walking wallets to them!

I would almost think these developers only make games and don't play them; at least they would want to make a better game so they could play it!

Imagine getting so bored of your own game you don't even want to play it during testing! It would explain all the bugs!

RBLAZE19884895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

AKA Activision would never allow it. But as jizzyjones said it won't stop cod from outselling every other fps. COD has a specific formula that will just keep people coming back. They just add a new feature and re organize the perks and make some new wack ass single player and all the people who bought it last year will get it again. They've managed to manufacture a drug in videogame form.

Mikelarry4895d ago

@guigsy that trailer i mean COD4 trailer is number 4 of my personal best trailers. i just love the way the guy says the line "OUR SO CALLED LEADERS". infact im gona go watch that trailer now remember the good ol days

JeffGUNZ4895d ago

I gotta say, I just lost all interest in Call of Duty. Battlefield 3 looks like they have taken the time to raise the bar and I am pumped for that game. The reason COD is still popular is because of COD4. People like me keep hoping a future COD will mirror that, but we have not been given that game. Black ops brought the game close to its COD4 roots, but still not near that level. I am just tired of the same crap every year. I haven't played Black Ops for ages now and I was at the midnight release. I am only looking foward to Battlefield 3 and Gears 3 .

iPad4895d ago

i wont be surprised if a COD fanboy buys BF3 and say its too hard for them

Three_Sisters4895d ago

I agree firing assault rifles in BF and CoD are different

in CoD....it seems that people in the game has ginormous muscular arms and shoulders that are strong enough to hold the rifle still leading all bullets hit on whatever they're exactly pointing at a single HOLD of the trigger up to emptying the rifle's attached magazine...

in BF...it does simulate firing rifles better by giving it real recoil feel...the more you hold the trigger, the more scattered the bullets will be...

A lot of us have an idea how firing an assault rifle in real life...just watch real footage or films then you'll know which game takes shooters genre more seriously

Soldierone4895d ago

To be funny EA should toss in "COD" mode online. Which has 100 percent aim assist and is 100 times easier than the normal game.

awi59514894d ago

Yeah a battlefield game has bullet drop and long distance shooting snipers will rage. After a certain distance sniping takes some skill.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4894d ago
Christopher4895d ago

While I'm not agreeing with them overall, I think there's a huge distinction between the concept of using a new engine and continue to use and improve their in-house engine. It's unlikely that they won't continue to use and improve upon their current engine, they just won't be switching to any new engine other than what they develop in-house.

damnyouretall4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

yeah fuck them. they cant amp up production with all the money they made? they ruined the franchise we all loved at one point in time. fuck your 60 fps benchmark, that doesnt make a game great anymore.

the_best_player4895d ago

same old COD with better textures, no thanks

TheIneffableBob4895d ago

Yup. DICE keeps pushing the boundaries of technology because they know that it will help them make a better game. And by technology, they don't just mean graphics, but audio, animations, and technical things such as destruction and physics.

The Call of Duty series keeps on using the same engine because it lets them put out a new release every year.

Prototype4895d ago

Garbage like this makes me glad I boycotted Activision games; and articles like this makes me wanna convince people I know to tell this company to kick rocks

tunaks14895d ago

u do realize Activision publishes Prototype right...

Prototype4895d ago

Its a name I came up with before prototype was a game; if you dont believe me check when I signed up on this site

Shackdaddy8364895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Lol. Its amazing that they cant build a new engine considering they rake in 10mil+ every single year.

With all the money they have, they should be able to make the best engine ever.

Just laziness...

DICE is going to destroy these losers...

Gamer_Z4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

How is a new engine counter productive!? Wow it never ceases to amaze me how terrible Activision and their devs are, if anything a new engine would breathe some fresh air into this franchise and if they have to take some time off COD to develop it they should. A new engine would only strengthen the brand but no they prefer to rip people off with the same game every year. Well guys I’m not falling for the hype train this year and I hope you don’t either.

Elven64895d ago

It's counter productive because the development team has to learn how to work with a new engine, and given the troubled development history MW3 has had so far and the fact that the release date is 2011 they probably won't be able to build a better engine in that amount of time.

I think Infinity Ward has the superior Call of Duty engine. Treyarch did some great things with World at War but with Black Ops it seemed like a step back. There weren't as many jaw dropping visual moments in the game, scenes with civilian cars looked pretty bad, and the indoor civilian scenes didn't look as good as the MW2 airport scene in my opinion.

I'll likely be getting both games in the end, I'm sure they'll be great. Here's hoping Infinity Ward handles multiplayer things better than MW2 and DICE doesn't give us another Battlefield 1943 (read: broken netcode).

Gamer_Z4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Do you work for Activision or something or are you just a COD fanboy?? Stop defending this crap franchise even its own dev basically said that they don’t need to upgrade their engine because people will buy it anyways. So what exactly will make this next COD any different from previous versions by all accounts by not upgrading their engine they are being counter productive so why not just stick to playing COD4 or MW2 because it seems the quality of these games go's down every year, BO was shitty.

Elven64895d ago

Yes, using logic and drawing from programming experience obviously means I either work for company X or am a fanboy.

People who like Modern Warfare's story will get it for that, people who like the multiplayer will get it for that reason. Why are you so angry that people enjoy a game?

And please link me to a source where a IW developer says they don't need to make a new engine for the game because people will buy it anyway.

Gamer_Z4895d ago


yes I am very angry grrr Lol! Dude I dont care if you buy and enjoy COD, infact I hope you do buy it every year. ;)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4895d ago
TBM4895d ago

personally i don't have to worry about getting this.

Vherostar4895d ago

Yep why create a new engine when you can millions re-using the same old one??? They been doing it successfully now for 3 years and people are idiots thinking they getting a new game when in reality they getting a very expensive map pack and having to go back to lvl 1.

Sarcasm4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Wow, surprise surprise. Slap some new skin on it, attach the Modern Warfare 3 name, put a lame crazy story. This time you have to help Captain price and Soap battle aliens on Mars because the Martians planned to assassinate the U.S. President but the U.S. President was a Decoy and is actually a Russian Spy who was actually also a Decoy hiding the real threat in which is Captain Price who deceives Soap and Kills him but it turns out he was also a Decoy in which Ghost who burned alive is the real Soap who now has to kill Price and at the end the Earth explodes. There's also a section called "No Education" in which you are dressed as Actvision Execs and you gun down 8th graders using AK47's that have bullets of Robert Kotick's face on them.

That my friends is MW3. 8 Billion Sold.

DEagle-izer4895d ago

"Creating a new engine would be counter productive"

That has to be the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard. Why WOULDN't you want to stay ahead of oncomming competitors by making advancements to your engine? why not even improve the existing engine? It's looking and getting worse with every new installment. Engine's so old, hackers always infest the game with their nasty, disgusting crap.

Yeah it takes a long time to make a new engine, but they are also unwilling to admit that they don't have the development time to do that since Activi$ion always give them 2 yrs for the nxt Call of Duty.

I find this to be LOL worthy!

ChrisW4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Infinity Ward: Why reinvent the wheel?

Gamers: Ummmm... those aren't wheels... they're squares

xtremeimport4895d ago

i dont want to "casual" COD crowd flooding my Battlefield games.

GodKing13374895d ago

LOL XD, some people said to buy the unreal engine 3 but even that is out dated. I'm a 360 fan boy but just look at the stuff ps3 is coming out with uncharted 3, kill zone 3, infamous 2, etc. the graphics on those games are insane and yet battle field 3 is the best thing graphic wise I've seen and MW3 is gonna have a bit better graphics then MW2, LOL but MW2 had better graphics than Black ops. Funny how all this stuff is turn and every body agrees but watch MW3 is gonna be the best selling game of the year!

hiredhelp4895d ago

COD AGAIN. EACH YEAR EVERY YEAR. like beano. same game same engine same faults it sucks.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 4894d ago
MegaMohsi4895d ago

counter-productive to what? Making a bigger profit? Seriously if they use the COD 4 engine again this is a NO buy from me.

DeFFeR4895d ago

You mean the COD 2 engine?

The same engine has been used for every CoD game since CoD 2...

MegaMohsi4895d ago

I stand corrected, this just makes it worse.

TheIneffableBob4895d ago

You mean COD 1 engine.

Call of Duty's engine is id Tech 3 and Call of Duty 2's engine is based off of id Tech 3, but Infinity Ward decided to call it the IW Engine. They've been building off of that engine ever since. It may be an entirely different beast now, but technically it's still based off of the super old id Tech 3 engine.

Blaster_Master4895d ago

lol, Flop confirmed. No dedicated servers confirmed. All that money you guys at Activision got in the past 4 years and you still give us shit on a disc?! F U Activision.

retrofly4895d ago

Lots hope EA sort their dedicated severs out.

BF:BC 1 & 2 were plauged with problems on release, hell some of the BF:BC2 severs have been rubbish on Xbox lately.

Ultra Gamer4895d ago

The BC2 dedicated servers are still much more stable than the shitty black ops servers

Elven64895d ago

Why are no dedicated servers "confirmed"? Black Ops has dedicated servers.

SnakeMustDie4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Yeah, because even when they just rehashed the same outdated engine. It will sell 10m+ because of those CoD fanboys who just buy anything with a Call of Duty name on it.

Better games got shoved aside although they try(and sometimes succeed) to improve everything from their predeccesor.

It's just Acti/Sledgehammer/IW being greedy. They know the game will sell even if the game engine is outdated compared to Frostbite 2, Cryengine 3 etc.

DeadlyFire4895d ago

Sadly they claim no engine is needed, but when sales flop this year. They will be showing a new engine to you next year. haha. We all know its true.

damnyouretall4895d ago

maybe they will be passionate about their project and spend more than 2 years making the same game. dice waited 5-6 years to make b3 cause they had a vision.

Blaster_Master4895d ago

"someone just needs to spend the $ and construct a new engine for the CoD franchise... Ground up," Bowling replied: "That would be counter productive. An engine takes years and years to develop and get right."

Thats why you do what all great studios do. Work on the game at the same time you work on the new engine. Yall had over 4 years to work on a new engine on the side, And then you , Robert Bowling, have enough balls to say someone needs to spend $ to do it? The most successful franchise this gen and ya still need more money?!!! Well your not getting any more of mine you selfish pieces of dog shit.

DeFFeR4895d ago

CoD 2 came out in 2005 - 6+ years to build a new engine... Laziness

the_best_player4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

More like lets save our money and time.

"What ever game we bring out with the COD name on, SUCKERS will buy it haha"

"Ok team back to them over priced DLC map packs"

Spinal4895d ago


This sentence ='Well your not getting any more of mine you selfish pieces of dog shit.' = Win.

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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Review - Gamerhub UK

Can the latest chapter of the series live up to the hype? Well...

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Call of Duty fans can grab exclusive pack completely free – but there’s a catch

CALL of Duty players are getting a special treat for the latest game in the series, Modern Warfare 3.

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infinite-loop27d ago

there is no catch... its free to PS+ subscribers... its is called ‘Combat Pack 4' in the PS subs part of the store


COD Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Pride Month Freebies Released; Gundam Mobile Suit Collab Launched

Activision has not launched the Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Gundam collab cosmetics, and also freebie skins in celebration of Pride month.

Ninjamonkey8253d ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.

VenomUK53d ago

Reset Era regulars are delighted at this news.

53d ago
Elda53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Nice to have inclusivity. Happy Pride Month to the Puerto Rican community & the LGBTQ community here in NYC.

53d ago
anast53d ago

Who downvotes a comment like this?

Storm2353d ago

Yeah...the internet sucks.

Huey_My_D_Long53d ago

Welcome to the N4g. Where the gamers complain about gamer stereotypes while acting like gamer stereotypes.

Elda53d ago

Bigots & there are plenty on this site.

just_looken52d ago

The down votes because this is call of duty a first person shooter not pride month parade #45

I used to play first person shooter's for the military on military action not to watch someone with a pride flag stapled onto a cat shooting a gun from the boys on a map from my little pony.

Now you first up a game its all over your splash screen almost like a porn game can i just play a quick game like it was on the ps3 era ffs.

Elda52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

It's an article that's talking about COD & Pride freebies that coincides Pride month. June is the month of Pride & in the city & state of NY Puerto Rican heritage is celebrated including the LGBTQ community. You know where you can take your BS bigotry.

just_looken52d ago


Go bang a dude or be a trans i do not care just do not spread that crap in my face 24/7

I do not care if its dung beetal month i am just sick on tired of it being everywhere like the fury shit or in the old days were church's went door 2 door preaching like gtfo with your cult crap.

Elda52d ago

It goes to show how immature you are because the article didn't look for you you decided to enter the article yourself knowing you knew what the article was about from the get go. Your ignorance shows through knowing Pride month isn't just for the LGBTQ but for all cultures & communities. No one put a gun to your head to enter this article you decided to enter the article just to spew your negative bigoted BS or just maybe you entered the article out of curiosity because you're a closet case.

just_looken52d ago

I entered the article because its about call of duty a videogame because we are on a videogame website

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 52d ago
Daeloki52d ago

Happy Pride to you too, and have my upvote to at least try offsetting the downvotes!

52d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 52d ago
53d ago
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