
Pix'n Love Rush: A PS3/PSP mini that is definitely worth checking out (Video)

YouTube has given gamers the grateful tool of sharing and talking about video games before having to purchase them or play them. So we are here to talk about a game that is worth checking out that will might peek your interests. The game is called Pix'n Love Rush which is way better than any game app i have seen. It looks fun, fast, challenging and more affordable than apps out in the market today. Another exciting news is that if your are a PlayStation Plus member , you get this game for free TODAY, if not, you pay a small amount of $2.50 which is less than a McDonald's mini meal! Check out after the break for a video with the Developer of Pix'n Love Rush and the release dates for certain regions.

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AAACE54854d ago

Looks like the same game that was released on 360 as an indie game, except it has more to do! Not bad at all.

Joni-Ice4854d ago

Yeah its free for Plus members. I downloaded it and its very fun and addictive.

HOSe4854d ago

woww that it does reminds me of that game on ti-84 calculators hahahaha


Mobile Game Bargains: August 1, 2012

John Bedford (Modojo): Worms 2: Armageddon is today's must-buy bargain, but there's more than one sweet deal to be had.


Inside PSN - Weekly Recap (May 23 - 27, 2011) (PSU.com)

PSU.com writes:

"Welcome to our weekly recap pertaining to all things Inside PlayStation Network. Every MON-FRI, PSU shines the spotlight on a piece of content plucked from the digital delights of Sony’s online service, be it a chunk of DLC, PSOne Classic or regular PSN release. In case you missed out on any of this week’s entries, here’s your chance to catch up and see what titles we dissected under the microscope."

beavis4play4766d ago

why not tell us when the damn store is going to be back up? it makes NO sense to do these updates when we can't even access it.

lil Titan4766d ago

This is almost like a punch in the nuts, it's like there saying "IF the store WAS open, this is what you would get...but it's not."

beavis4play4765d ago

hell, yea! a BIG punch in the nuts. i'm wanting to get CotD zombie map (when it releases for ps3) but won't be able to if they don't get the store up!
it's really hard to figure - online play is back but the store is still down?

come on, sony!

DigitalHorror814766d ago

I still find it hard to believe that the store has been down for well over a month. It'll be a month and almost two weeks if it's up by the 31st.

Come on, Sony!

jimmywolf4766d ago

when ps online was still down their was a leaked comment saying everything would be back up may 31 at the time sound like bs now it coming up am sure it true


Pix'n Love Rush New Mode: Rainbow Rush

Pix’n Love Rush the popular game for IOS developed by Bulkypix is getting a new update!
Alongside the Classic Rush Mode and Cursed Mode Pix’n Love Rush will now include a new mode called Rainbow Mode.

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