
Platform Nation: Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll Review (PS3)

Mark Withers from Platform Nation reviewed Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll and had this to say: Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll is a really solid Japanese RPG that may not appeal to Western gamers, but if you are a fan of Dynasty Warriors then give it a shot because you may like it since it’s best feature is it’s combat.

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Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll Review | Bit Cultures

Souls of Zill O’ll does nothing new with the whole good vs. evil plot line, and it’s, frankly, a rather weak narrative. There are a few twists along the journey, and the ending is pretty cool, but it is otherwise your run of the mill plot line. With that said, Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll has some of the best action RPG gameplay that Bit Cultures has ever had the pleasure to experience.

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Sly-Lupin3183d ago

Well, this is certainly relevant.


Diehard GameFAN: Clearing out the Backlog – January 2012

DHGF: 2012 isn’t a very exciting year for gaming to me. In fact, it’s the least interesting to me in well over a decade. It’s not such a bad thing though, as this finally allows me to clear my backlog of games from 2011 (and older). So now instead of sitting on a shelf, taking up space, I can finally experience them and see if they’re worth keeping around or not. The point of this monthly column will be to cover these old releases, especially since many of them are games we never reviewed when they were first released.

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The five best Warriors games on PS3

There are a lot of Warriors games out there for the PS3, especially including Japanese imports.

Which ones are the best value?

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Bathyj4741d ago

Is Kratos, not a warrior?

Quagmire4741d ago

Psychotic Maniacs arent considered Warriors.

showtimefolks4741d ago

A great warrior game like this. Open world,weapons upgrade system,a above average story,side quests which are not all just fetch this and fetch that,great weapons or a create a weapons system,above average company in real time and smooth running while delivering at the very least good looking graphics. Any suggestions. How is two world 2?

jc485734741d ago

Fist of the North Star......

256bit4741d ago


luiti14741d ago

how can they forget sengoku basara 3?

MattS4741d ago

It's not a Warriors game?

Basara is owned and developed by Capcom, not Tecmo Koei.

luiti14741d ago

oh, i misread thanks.