
3DS “Causes Mass Eye Pain” “Needs 15m Break Every 30m”

Nintendo’s much anticipated 3DS has been launched, but the reception is proving mixed – a great many users are reporting using the 3D mode for any length of time hurts their eyes, whilst Nintendo has issued an unprecedented advisory to “take a 15 minute break every 30 minutes of 3D play.”

Some 3DS players report eye strain in as little as 5 minutes of play, and there are a great many such reports: http://goo.gl/IlR0W . Just what size proportion of players is actually experiencing problems is as yet not clear, however. Nintendo fans will doubtless be hoping this is just a very vocal minority, as well it could be.

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rrw4859d ago

this is the reason why 3d is not fit with handheld

WhiteNoise4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

This is why 3D is a gimmick and B.S to begin with because widespread long term 3D use has not been tested.


I don't know why you purposely worded it to exclude home 3D....if you think that shudders opening and closing centimetres from your eye, forcing your eye to focus close and then far;every few ms...is not going to damage your eye in the long term, then you should just put a not poker in your eye and be done with it.

@Active Reload

Monitor use HAS had long term testing, the long term effects are known. It is also nowhere near as bad for your eyes as 3d.

Baka-akaB4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

no he is quite right in excluding home 3d so far.

3d have been extensively on big screen without as many issues for quite a while now , except for those already ill at ease with it , from the beginning .

There maybe be negative effects in the long terms , but you are arguing on a maybe ... while a small device straining your eyes with 3d is quite established so far .

Either you cn disable it so who cares . That's what all parents should do anyway , should they let their kids touch a 3ds

Active Reload4859d ago

Sitting in front of your computer causes eye pain also...

ABizzel14859d ago

This could be a problem for Nintendo, but at the end of the day you can turn the 3D effect off.

But at the same time that's the selling point of the handheld.

klado4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

The point of 3DS is?...don't get me wrong, I'm both a nintendo fag but this gentlemen and women, was no an hit of an idea for a good win like DS. I mean, making 3D the main attractive characteristic that is.

But something tells me it wasn;t such a big launch because of this.


BTW LOL\ http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Hacked already...

New zeland then japan? yeah, 2012 is saying hi xD

qface644859d ago

seeing allot of the comments on here lately i can honestly say this is becoming the DS and PSP all over again

remember how everyone was saying how much the DS was gonna flop because it only had a gimmick and was MUCH more underpowered than the PSP

anyone remember that?
i was around when that happened so i remember
doesn't look like many if anyone else here does

Biggest4859d ago

Who said anything is going to flop? It says people are experiencing eye pain from short gameplay sessions. I personally feel that eye pain is a bad thing and won't be playing the 3DS with the 3D effect on very often if at all. No one says it will flop.

Active Reload4859d ago

Whitenoise, I wasn't directly replying to you but the article. But after reading your post, my comment still stands. And your reply to me is probably half way true when more things are encompassed. For one, I don't think anyone would disagree that people spend way more time in front of their computers than in front of a screen using 3D and I think I'm being modest when I say this. People owning and using a PC eclipses the people that own and use a 3D screen. If a pie chart was used to measure the two, people with a 3D screen would barely show up on the radar compared to every house hold in the world having a pc, let alone using it.

My point is, your comment towards me isn't wrong, but kind of short-sighted. Your initial comment about 3D being a gimmick really doesn't have anything to do with it causing eye pain and it kind of contradicts itself.

blumatt4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

...since there's liable to be a lot of negative press regarding the 3DS causing detrimental effects from the 3D mode. Still, I may get the 3DS when it drops to $150 later on. The only game I'd be interested in would be Metal Gear Solid and some Mario games maybe.

And yeah, proximity to the screen is definitely a key factor as to how bad 3D is for your eyes. Looking at a big 3D HDTV is not as bad as straining your eyes on a small less than 4" screen.

zootang4858d ago

Different techniques for home 3D and 3DS this is specifically 3DS and has nothing to do with 3D for your home. I don't know why anyone educated would lump them together?

jneul4858d ago

No your wrong lots of people have used stereo 3D and hardly anyone has issues at all, the problem with 3Ds is you have to sit quite close to the screen, and your eyes are doing all the hard work, with stereo 3D you sit quite far away.
Lots of people have been trolling on glasses 3D but it looks like for the 3Ds it could definitely wreck your eye sight, lots of people may return it

HappyGaming4858d ago

every video game i ever bought says you need to take a 15 minute break every hour... just check the 2-3 page of any game booklet.

i guess you guys play for hours non stop anyway.

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EYEamNUMBER14859d ago

don't you mean 3D in general?

i don't see how it being on a hadnheld makes it more strenuous than it being on a tv

NiKK_4194859d ago

i kind of think it would be because it's right in your face, i mean yeah 3d in general isn't necessarily good for your eyes, but i think on a handheld, and possibly up close to a pc using 3d, would definitely be worse for your eyes

UnwanteDreamz4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

Caused temporary color blindness in some after prolonged use.

Pillage054859d ago

Bought one of those when they stopped production so price dropped to like $30. Bought every game I could get my hands on. Played it for hours and hours. My depth perception is actually really terrible today. I don't know if it's because of virtual boy, but....well... seems likely to me.

captain-obvious4859d ago

while this dose seem great on paper
i dont think it'll work

i mean the 3DS would have done way better if there is no 3D in it

or just turn off the 3D

NiKK_4194859d ago

idk, without 3d i dont think people would look at it and say, oh hey i should get one of those, even though it's almost the same as my current ds, with 3d at least people will fall for the gimmick

darksied4858d ago

No, the "3D"S would not have done better without the 3D. Nintendo has learned that a gimmick will sell the hardware, like the Wii had. Without the 3d, this would not sell as much as it will with it.

miyamoto4858d ago

If you shut off the 3-D effects the 3DS is just DSi 1.5. So where did your money go?

meetajhu4859d ago

Sony knows best there R&D is best in the world!

nickjkl4859d ago

pspgo didnt do well because it was digital download only

klado4859d ago

An experiment which nintendo is fallowing suit with, cough coigh, eEesShop cough cough.

Ngp is simply the perfection between psp and go, nuff.

Btw sony already stated didn't they? it doesn't function for gaming down on a small screen, so sry nintenfan, no this time around.

Muletroid4859d ago

irrelevant to the joke/point

"Sony KNOWS BEST there R&D is best in the world!"

hence the psp go remark

sashimi4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

but the Psp go is a quality product that doesn't make your eyes bleed so and they make some of the best electronics in the world so...his comment is kinda right..
product not selling does not =/= bad R&D

tdogg060519914859d ago

If you didn't know the PSP Go sold amazingly in Japan. Oh and btw Sony is a JAPANESE corporation. This comment isn't wrong just not completely right. Best R&D in Japan.

Seferoth754858d ago

@Tdogg, LOL PSP go did amzingly well in Japan? PSP did 100k a week recently while PSPgo had 3k sales..You must not check out Media Create sales every week.

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klado4859d ago

This is why it won't be as successful, if nintendo stuck with some good upgrade over this gimmick that will only fallow then fit for fall at it then sure, go on...

I myself don't see me playing ocarina of time with that bullshit on, thank you, ngp comes and destroy this once and for all xD.

CrazyForGames4859d ago

you SERIOUSLY think that?

stop and think for a second look at the DS do you SERIOUSLY and i mean SERIOUSLY think all the people who bought it just bought it because it had 2 screens?

f7897904859d ago

Okay so it won't have the greatest hype once all the news stations report it gives you headaches, but you can turn 3d mode off. Problem solved.

The 3DS will sell fine and so will the NGP. Stop saying one will destroy the other! Both the PSP and DS had incredible sales numbers.

klado4859d ago

Crazyforgamers, they bought it because it had games and there games were revolutionary for the time USING two screen which was the MAIN DS selling point...nifty

Shamelessly same effect won't fallow for the 3DS which main selling point is the 3D and is what ima taking as statement in my previous post.

So YES, if game ARE advertised as such RIDGER RACER 3D...OCARINA OF TIME 3D...POKEMON 3D with 3D only causing damage do you think it will have the same big success as the DS?

CrazyForGames4859d ago

during the DS launch BARELY any games actually used the 2 screens at all and even YEARS after the novelty of the DS wore off it continued to sell millions upon millions

even now the DS still sells millions so no people did NOT buy the DS because it had 2 screens

if what your saying were even slightly true then people would have stopped buying the DS a long time ago
seeing as how you said "revolutionary for the TIME"
i capitalized time

the 3DS isn't gonna be as huge as the DS that is impossible in itself but its still going to be a HUGE hit

so i stand by what i said if you SERIOUSLY think people bought the DS just because it had 2 screens then your just silly
the same can be said here

Rainstorm814858d ago

Well the product is based off of its name sake.

DS = Dual Screen

3DS = 3D Dual Screen (technicallly it should be #DDS but that doesnt sound as good)

So i think klado may have a point, i meam the DS was the start of the touch screen gaming era, that IOS and Android continued in thier phones.

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Montrealien4859d ago

This is also the reason there is a slider to turn it off. Nintendo are not idiots, they are aware 3D can cause a strain, which is why we have to just accept the simple fact that the 3DS is a more powerful DS with a 3D option.

klado4859d ago

Then, what is the 3DS point with 3D, that is my whole argument, people seem to be loving overlooking this single fact.

But sure, whatever, gotta get it anyway.

CrazyForGames4859d ago

the whole point is that its a new generation NINTENDO CONSOLE

if your gonna completely over look that fact then you shouldn't even bother posting

that's like saying what was the point of getting the ps2 if all it did was update the graphics of the ps1

simple the ps2 was a new generation PS console

Active Reload4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )


iceman064859d ago

It's a selling bullet point. It's something for the marketing team to brag about that they have and no other console has. I agree that it is pretty silly to put something in that might not be used. But, it's not the first time that has happened with a console. All in all, it is STILL going to sell like cocaine at a senator's retreat. It's just that people might actually learn the lesson that not all new technology is good technology. Then again, probably not!

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shooterexpert4858d ago

all 3d causes eye pain, 3d is garbage it will never fully take off.

Anon19744858d ago

Um, didn't a 3d movie become the highest grossing movie in history?

Yeah, but it'll never catch people's interest. /s

Just like they said color TV would never take off. Too expensive, not enough content and yes...they even claimed it would cause eyestrain. Just like they said HDTV would never take off.

Whenever a new technology comes out there will always be detractors. A couple of doctors say they're concerned about 3D and it's news. The American Optometric Association say 3D is perfectly alright and no one bats an eye.

There's always those ready to dismiss new technology. Small minded, if you ask me.

darksied4858d ago

I can't agree or not if all 3d will cause eye pain, because I haven't spent much time with it. But if these are the types of reports coming out about the 3DS, I will not go near it. I already wear glasses/contacts, and I'm worried about my eyes as it is, staring into computer screens as much as I do. I would not want to cause any additional problems, so no thanks, I say.

In a year or so, if they come out with another version that still has the 3d but doesn't cause any/much eye strain and has no side effects, I'll pay attention then; for now I'll let it go.

Rush4858d ago

Focusing on am image or object for a prolonged length of time causes eye pain.

Just by knowing that it's fairly obvious that all 3D will, if your watching an entire Movie more so.

Well rested eyes will easily get though a 3D movie a guy that spends all day working on a computer will suffer the effects.

The real question is how negatively does it effect human eyes, some of the greatest film effect engineers of all time have come out and said you can't make a truly great movie in 3D.

The problem with 3D is it forces you to focus on one area, if you look at one area your missing whats going on elsewhere.

That's why 3D is used so cheaply in firms currently mostly on close up's on objects they general want people to focus on.

If you wanted people to focus on the entire scenery of a film then a 3D effect takes away from the experience.

Millions of years of evolution hasn't allowed us to see in 3D, I don't see why we should start now.

Still I question the legitimacy of some of the claims. To many scare mongers are getting it into peoples heads 3D could kill them.

And when your easily influenced like 90 percent of N4G hence all the fanboys here it's not to hard to listen to what your told rather then your own experiences.

ControlPad4858d ago

Well i played the 3DS at a Demo station they put on in Parramatta Australia to show people the 3DS and myself and my 2 friends(aged from 24 to 32) played the 3DS for about 2Hrs playing about 8 to 10 of the new games and all of us did not experience any sort of headaches nor eye strain from the extended use, there was the initial first few minutes to settle into the new 3DS but nothing more than watching a huge widescreen screen for the first time.
IMO this is bullcrap and im sure a selected few ppl who easily get eye strain, headaches or lightheaded from games will come and post that the 3DS has problems and try put down something just cause its not perfect for them. lame

Seferoth754858d ago

Sony fanboys are going to blow this out of proportion. Seriously developers and testers have had this thing for months but its not until a bunch of hurt Sony fans see that its out that it suddenly causes massive problems.

DragonKnight4858d ago

@Seferoth: You don't like your bubbles do you? You honestly think that a bunch of "Sony fanboys" are making this up for the media? Get a life.

XabiTheHumble4858d ago

qface64 Like Biggest said, nobody is saying its going to flop, it well sell well obviously. But I would like to point out that unlike last time, the NGP won't be 100 dollars more expensive than its competition.

ReservoirDog3164858d ago

If the biggest selling point of the system is criticized for being bad for you, do you think it'll go well for nintendo? Turning off the biggest selling point just takes away the biggest selling point. That's a really stupid solution. Me personally though, because I don't like 3D, I would've rarely used the 3D to begin with. But if launch week the news runs segments showing a. kids should not* use the 3DS with 3D and b. adults that do use it will get headaches. Well, that'd be bad.

Though, mcdonald's is widely criticized for being terrible for you and look where they are. Goes to show you never can tell.

Zimmerman4858d ago

That sucks.

I'm really posting to point out the stupidity of "Hopefully" as a degree of rumor.

Bias much? How about, "possibly", or "likely"?

Hoping a rumor is true is not the same as thinking it probably is. A rumor can be unlikely, but I might still hold out hope.

nintenflo4858d ago

The 3ds will sell by the truck load, reason? Kids! - when a kid wants something off their parents they usually get it. It's that simple.

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Stealth20k4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

Its easy turn the 3d off and you still have a more powerful ds...........with amazing games coming for the launch window

only retards would keep the 3d on if it effects them or turn it to half so it effects them less.

and just as they updated the 3ds is selling out. So its basically irrelevant.

@ everyone. The 3ds is just a gimmick, the games are the only thing that matters in the long run

@ godofsackboy, are you an idiot or a troll? shin megami tensei, etrian oddessy, the new game from the creators of grandia, an srpg from image epoch, paper mario, kindgom hearts 3ds, super robot wars, final fantasy/dragon quests, mario's, megamans,kid icarus,professor laytons, castlevanias, resident evil are only just a taste of whats already been confirmed to be coming. Theres assholes like you every time nintendo launches a handheld and they are always number 1.

GodofSackboy4859d ago

I honestly don't see any amazing games.

It's like people say the Wii has an amazing 2011 lineup. All there is is Skyward Sword? WTF? And they don't get proper multiplats!

I don't see one great 3DS game. They're all these Japanophile cute anime type games which are just...gay

Muletroid4859d ago

coming from you that means literally absolutely nothing

MidnytRain4859d ago

He does have a point though. Most multiplatform games for this generation don't even get a release on the Wii. Nintendo should give the extra push next gen to avoid gimped or missing ports.

Baka-akaB4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

obviously full of BS . You didnt want to find a single good 3ds game that's all .

Given your avatar , sneak eater 3ds already makes you look very stupid .

It's a port you'll say ? Then keep looking thyou'll find something that isnt .

Biggest4859d ago


Here are the launch games for the 3DS. Nothing to get too excited for.

Big_Dom4858d ago

If you don't see any amazing games for this console, it probably means that you're about 10 years old, have only ever owned a Sony console since the PS2 days, and hasn't a fucking clue about gaming.

Biggest4858d ago

I'm just going by the launch titles, bro. Don't be mad at me for the line-up. Yes, there are some nice games announced for the 3DS. Yes, I will be getting those games at some point. No, I do not see a reason to rush out and buy a 3DS based on the games that will be available at launch. I'm not sure what Sony has to do with this (but I DO know why you brought them up). Yes, I am 10 years old. How'd you know?!

Parapraxis4858d ago

Terrible launch titles, many of which are remakes.
To think the launch lineup is "solid" is simply crazy.

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NukaCola4859d ago

Unless the 3D is part of the puzzles or gameplay, I am leaving it off. Street Fighter runs at 60 frames without the 3D on and that is what is more important.

carreirabr4859d ago

At least you can disable the 3D fx.

3D is not the only gimmick, is it?

Xbox360PS3AndPC4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

Then Whats The Point Of The "3D"S If You Turn Of The Only Thing The NGP Doesnt Have, Your Better Off With The NGP

Muletroid4859d ago

what kind of a thing to say is that?

that's like saying there is no point in a wii since ps3 and 360 have motion controls despite the fact that the wii already has a nice library of games

OBVIOUSLY if someone is getting a NINTENDO console at this point it means they want nintendo games

SonyNGP4859d ago

Games. Did you forget why people buy "game" consoles?

Baka-akaB4859d ago

the point is that the console is more powerful , that alone allow better games .

Danteh4859d ago

baka-aka that's what's wrong with some gamers today, a more powerful console doesn't automatically allow for better games, gameplay does. And Nintendo is a master at that, possibly even better than Sony

DigitalAnalog4858d ago (Edited 4858d ago )

Back then when Nintendo was a "powerhouse" console in the form of Gamecube, Biohazard: Remake would always remain one the most atmospheric and amazing graphics to ever grace the gaming generation. I simply cannot imagine their potential if their console was on the level of PS3/360.

-End of Line

Gohadouken4858d ago


That's the politically correct and a tad hypocrital argument .

More power = better games period . Every new ideas and neat gameplay or IA feature need the power to make it real and available .

With that kind of stance there wouldnt be any sandbox games today .

Why do you think most innovations usually comes from pc gaming ?

Seferoth754858d ago

@Gohadouken, Simple because PC is an open platform anyone can make games on.

If what you were saying were true why do innovative games like Portal, World of Goo, etc come out with low end graphics?

Yes more power does make it possible to do more wityh games today butt he truth is that a lot of innovation comes from small companies with big ideas and low budgets

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UnwanteDreamz4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

Great that you can turn it off. Now how much of the price tag is the 3D screen that you guys say you don't need?

Fans will go great lengths to rationalize. Probably just a vocal minority complaining right.... ?

For the record I agree that the most important thing is the GAMES. 3D or no 3D software is key.

Baka-akaB4859d ago (Edited 4859d ago )

Still do you truly believe nintendo wouldnt sell a machine as powerful as the 3ds at the same price , with or without 3d ? I dont .

More horsepower isnt a gimmick , and more than enough to justify the jump .

Just like the even bigger horsepower of the ngp is enough

Parapraxis4858d ago

Dual analog sticks.
If the current PSP had them, I'd own one.
More horsepower is a bonus with the NGP for me.

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I lost my drive for collecting physical games due to many discs lacking the whole complete game. Instead, of collecting games I started collected figurines.

Popsicle20d ago

I am a collector have a room dedicated with a couple original arcade cabinets, physical game library, old and new consoles and controllers backlit with LED lighting. It’s very cool to have but with emulation being so strong and prevalent, I sometimes feel foolish because the hobby is expensive and like another said, the full game is not always on the disc. Could probably spend more wisely but I enjoy it.

shinoff218319d ago

Most games are usually on disc still. Of course you got you publishers that are hit and miss, Activision, ubisoft, ea, Microsoft, where the rest of the game needs downloaded.


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