
Who Will Win the Video Game Wars? The Definitive Answer

In its latest report market research firm DFC Intelligence predicts that Nintendo's Wii will win in Japan and could be the overall market leader worldwide. Interestingly, DFC thinks the PS3 could be a "strong second" and could even lead in software revenue. Because of the challenge Xbox 360 faces outside North America, DFC thinks it will finish third.

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mikeslemonade6206d ago

The Wii only has 2:1 margin in recent weeks over PS3 and the Wii actually isn't sold out everywhere in Japan.

ItsDubC6206d ago

True, the Wii hasn't been selling as well in Japan as of late due to lack of a major game release. In fact, both the PSP and PS3 have been doing pretty well against their Nintendo counterparts lately.

The next major Japanese Wii title will be Mario Galaxy in about a month, so Wii demand is bound to pick up for that.

I wouldn't downplay anything that sells "only" 2:1 to its competitors tho. Let's not forget that Japan and Singapore are the ONLY Asian countries so far where the Wii has been released, with South Korea's Wii launch coming in a couple months. So there is still a lot of sales potential in the Asian market.

jay36206d ago

I win the war.

I get the games I like, I enjoy myself, I win.


AngryHippo6206d ago

....probably the most sensible and decent comment i have read on this web site in a very long time. Have a bubble dude.

Captain Tuttle6206d ago

What're you thinking?

Have another bubble.

Rooted_Dust6206d ago

Wow, props to you for being the Anti-fanboy.

P4KY B6206d ago

And if you like multiplayer, its whichever console the majority of your friends have.

Keowrath6206d ago

LOL well said Jay3! I predict you'll go up to 23 bubbles over night.

Great comment.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 6206d ago
Laexerias6206d ago

In my Opinion:
The Consoles of the Next Gen like Wii and Xb360 are, dunno...
A good example is the PS2 of the Last Gen.. its the Console which survived the last gen and is still alive in the next gen as a very popular console..
AND why? Cause the PS2 had Hardware that was not for only 2 Years,
the devs needed more time to make incredible games, like:
God of War
Shadow of Colosseus
Final Fantasy 10/12
Metal Gear Solid 3
they needed to research HOW MUCH CAN THE PS2 HANDLE, and they know it,
and just 5% of the devs which develop for the PS2 uses the MAX-POWER of the PS2

The PS3 will be the surviver this time again, it got the hardware,
but this time the great Devs from Square Enix or Konami and Capcom and Namco Bandai can use everything they want to reach their limit, but the ps3 can handle it, so there is no problem, this time, the Devs got their maximum, not the console! And so will the PS3 reach its maximum imo in 2~3 years.
Its sad to say it but the XB360 already reached its limit like Epic said with Gears of War, so nobody can say: There will be better games than Gears of War!
And folks, Halo3 is not Gears of War, okay? There are Dimensions between those games, Gears of War is a masterpiece.

Nevermind, think about it, im not a PS3-Fanboy, but i like my PS3 more than every other next-gen-console. :) Im still a 360/Wii User.

Kholinar6206d ago (Edited 6206d ago )

The ps2 is a great example.

The least advanced hardware won. It happens that way most of the time, because hardware < games. Once all three have been out more than two years we'll know.

FF7numba16206d ago

wii is really behind the other two consoles. nothing like ps2.

6206d ago Replies(1)
Tyrael6206d ago

Here's how I see it, if I had to make a prediction:

Xbox 360
the most consistent console of the next generation, it has an excellent initial user base because it came out first, and has the largest game library. The 360 is like the runner who got a decent head start and is running at a medium pace until the finish line. Microsoft had been coming across a few hurdles during the race, what with the Red Ring of Death and skeptical Japanese gamers, but has been able to more or less avoid these barriers by coming up with solutions. Consistency is key.

Playstation 3
call her the "tortoise" of the race, because although a high price point and small games library has led to a sluggish start, Sony's powerhouse is using Blu-ray as an afterburner of sorts. If Blu-ray is a success, if Sony can drop the price of the console, and if the games library can crank out some AAA titles, there's nothing to stop this freight train from blowing past 360 and Wii as it "sonicbooms" its way to the finish line. The question is, can Sony turn on the afterburner soon enough to get that momentum going, because Wii is still far ahead, and 360 just grabbed a bottle of water from the sidelines in the form of Halo 3, as they near the finish line that is the NEXT generation.

Nintendo Wii
this little sucker has two powerful tools going for it, motion sensing and a comparatively low price point. The Wii started the race at a full speed sprint, and is in danger of getting tired towards the last lap because the other two consoles will drop price points, and offer a better package of gaming overall (HD games, graphics). Don't lose your breath near the finish line Nintendo, Xbox 360 is right on your tail and PS3 is in the back gaining speed.

6206d ago
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Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1-2 Remastered - First Reveal

Experience the epic conflict of Kain and Raziel in original form or with remastered graphics.

jjb19813m ago

Looks like an emulated PS version with up-res mods. Not that huge of a difference visually but still a great game.


Alan Wake 2 - Lake House Expansion | PS5 Games

Dive into a harrowing survival horror experience with the latest expansion for Alan Wake 2, set in an eerie new location on the shores of Cauldron Lake. Within the Federal Bureau of Control's research station, the Lake House, a catastrophic event has occurred, where reckless experiments have caused reality to collide with the Dark Place.

RaidenBlack4h ago

The trailer initially tricked me into thinking it was Control 2 announcement.

jznrpg27m ago(Edited 27m ago)

That is what I was thinking as well

darthv721h ago

So... the leaked pic showing supposed State of play stuff was only part right. Last of us part 1 had the ps+ symbol on it... and now it's coming to ps+.

Alan Wake 2 had the same symbol, but so far it's not coming to ps+.... not yet. Maybe for November or December.