
IGN: Test Drive Unlimited 2 Review

Test Drive Unlimited 2 had promise, but the final product didn't come together for this online racer. The driving is missing the raw energy it needs to stay interesting and the rest of the experience is bug-ridden.

Presentation - 3.5
Graphics - 6.0
Sound - 5.5
Gameplay - 5.5
Lasting Appeal - 6.5

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BrianC62344966d ago

I have no idea. Looking at reviews for this game they're all over the place. That usually isn't a good sign for a great game. I wasn't planning on buying it anyway.

JonnyBigBoss4966d ago

Hmm... bummer. Thank goodness the new update for GT5 is coming in a couple more days. I'm still hooked!

RyuDrinksTheDew4966d ago

ive heard a lot of reports about the bugs in this game.

hope Eden can sort things out, i was considering purchasing this game.

bumnut4965d ago

Id wait until the price drops, it is clearly broken and the price will fall soon enough.

4966d ago Replies(1)
despair4966d ago

I didn't like the game at all, I don't even understand why many critics gave it a score above 7, I mean this was a solid 5/10 for me. Gotta say I agree with the points in this review and the overall score. Too bad because I kinda liked the first one.

bluwulf4966d ago

Sucks to hear this. But it seems they weren't focused. Tried to do too much, but nothing solid.

I LOVE sims. But I love free roam... I wish someone would just nail that formula, TD basically has it, but its done so half ass..(or was previously).

Perfect game:

1. Sim/arcade racing. Sim racers win more money..maybe different live-lobbies.

2. Keep the flash races, such a good idea.

3. Few race tracks. Not all street racing, and will blend sim/arcadestreet racing better. Optional to race on them, but have them.

4. Dealership/Pinkslip/ of course.

5. Car shows, people vote on cars. Win $..makes your car more valuable (if selling)

6. actual rare items for game completion..

7. Sponsors... AEM/Brabus/AMG gift you cool items for having a good rep/winning races etc.

8. Kudos system like PGR that constantly gives you a few dollars for pulling off long tire marks/J-Turns etc. Just something to keep you going.. Could be a perk style system. Do a bunch of these -- Get X sponsor's attention.

9. Custom liveries.

10. Keep the house buying/all that. Awesome photo mode..

11. Free Roam First/Third person mode. Drive to cool destinations, get out of car.. walk around.. Nothing like walking back to your kickass car in front of a resturant. Might be gay, but im sure people would play it if it had THE SIMS type features.. Going to dinner, picking up friend, going to movie screening. Maybe it would just be a cut scene to keep the "STORY" going..

god.. im bored at work.

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Looking back to 2011 and the Botched Launch of Test Drive Unlimited 2

Richard writes: "The series may have a cult following, but ten years on Test Drive Unlimited 2 still upsets me. It was one of my most anticipated games ever, with a concept years ahead of what Forza Horizon could achieve. But it remains one of the buggiest launches of a game I can remember, completely tarnishing my memory of it."

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Test Drive Unlimited 2 gets a must-have Multiplayer Mod

DSOGaming writes: "TDU World is an Online Server and Mod Pack Project for Test Drive Unlimited 2 that is currently available for download."

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Iceball20001321d ago

Such an underrated game, the only problem I had with it was the car physics on anything more powerful the a Golf GTI. But to me this was the original Forza Horizon


Cult Classics – Test Drive Unlimited 2

Game Informer - It's hard to imagine what to do in a car game except race other cars, and yet with Test Drive Unlimited 2, developer Eden Games found a way to expand the genre's horizons enough to offer an experience that's slightly different from your average racer. Eden's ambition came with a cost, but Test Drive Unlimited 2 is a game that I remember fondly and appreciate for the chances it takes.

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RavageX4132d ago

This game gets a bad rap, but I enjoy it still. The idea was great, I think that if the devs were just better supported it could have been something truly epic.

Would love to see something like this again, especially on a next gen console.

wallis4132d ago

Dear gameinformer,

look up the fucking definition of cult classic,


anyone who knows what "cult" or "classic" means.