
How JRPGs stole my heart

Japanator: "Oh JRPGs, the Final Fantasy series in particular. You are a cruel mistress. You enslaved me as a young child and I have become a servant to your whims. I have accepted your vanity, your complexity, and your neediness for hours and hours of my time. Ah, but where do I begin to reminisce about our long and sordid history? Shall I go all the way back to the beginning? Shall I recall all the wonders you bestowed upon my eyes and all the ups and downs of our relationship? The joy, the sorrow, and everything in between?

It started young.

I was underage."

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CrazyOrange4874d ago

I hate to remember FFXIII. I absoloutly had no doubt that this game could fail me at any chance. I was soooooo hyped, it couldn't deliver at least 20% of what I expcted.

4874d ago
Iroquois_Pliskin4874d ago

Japanese blood flow through my veins.

MWH4874d ago (Edited 4874d ago )

childish nonesense, you may realize it one day.

BlueEye4874d ago

Why does FFIX get no love? In my opinion its the best of the series, BARELY beating VI. VII is overrated and became popular out of chance. FFIX had so many things! Diverse and great cast, great story, best graphics possible on the PS1, cool sidequests, amazing locations....and the moogles, the moogles THE AWESOME MOOGLES!

X is a lot like FFVII, popular cause it was an introduction to the series for many and was the first for the PS2, but its actually really good (aside from the painful sidequests to get the Celestial Weapons). XII is a wildhorse with its similarity to an MMO (seriously SE had some MMO craze years ago, bet its died now cause of XIV).

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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

Here are the games that will be leaving the Extra and Premium tiers of the PS Plus subscription service in the month of May, 2024.

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gold_drake67d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies67d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix67d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion67d ago (Edited 67d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled67d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


Final Fantasy 12 Has The Worst Cid, Says Ben Starr

Clive actor Ben Starr plays kiss, marry, kill with Final Fantasy characters, and decides to off Cid from Final Fantasy 12.

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CrimsonWing6968d ago

I’d give it to 8, but whatevs.

mastershredder68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Ew VO actors and their cringe core. Fiverr voice actors could out perform this chump.


10 PS1 Games That Actually Need A Remake

With hundreds of games, some of which are considered to be classics that hold up to this day, you’ve got the pick of the litter when it comes to choosing a potential remake

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RaidenBlack79d ago

^This. THIS!
Stop remaking PS4 games!
Remake PS1 and PS2 games à la FF7R, RE1, Mafia, Half Life style ....
Make Legend of Dragoon, Legacy of Kain etc Remakes happen

darthv7279d ago

Legend of Dragoon... WTH is Sony doing just letting this one squander?

-Foxtrot79d ago

I wonder if their mindset is like “meh we have Final Fantasy what’s the point of our own JRPG”

FinalFantasyFanatic79d ago

Square-Enix had a long period there where it seems they didn't know what to do with Final Fantasy, I think that time period would have been a good time to revisit their classics and remake them. Now it seems they're going full steam ahead with the franchise, so they have less reason to revisit those older games. I wouldn't mind if they subcontracted them out to other developers, that and I don't trust SE to remake their older games.

Cacabunga78d ago

Simply because i do not think it will succeed.. maybe a bad example but e we got Medievil remake after many years fans have beg asking... result is It flopped hard. Remaking a JRPG is so risky. Only a bunch of hardcore gamers who played the original would buy it. If Sony put even more budget into it then it’s even more risky.

As i suggested before, i think they should start remaking like square did with Star Ocean. Or something similar to Octopath Traveller. Build up some hype and try on higher scale later on..

Terry_B79d ago

Let me tell you about PS1 games that should get a remake actually.

Jumping Flash (As a VR game)
Ridge Racer 1-4 as Ridge Racers 3..just like the pretty perfect PSP RR1.-2 games but with even more content
Cardinal Sin which was full of nice ideas for its time but was plagued by technical limitations
Bushido Blade ^^ just like CS
Bust A Groove.
WWF Attitude. With the same roster, same voices,Only slightly updated gameplay but current gen graphics
Dynasty Warriors..yes the fighting game that was similar to Tekken 2 while it had weapons.As nice as the DW games are..its a shame they never released a new fighting game

And while I am at it.

Thrill Kill ...hell yes.

KyRo79d ago

Ah Thrill Kill, the game that was banned/cancelled but everyone had played 😂 what a throwback!

darthv7279d ago

jumping Flash would make a great VR game. Im actually quite surprised nobody has thought to do that one... even on the indie side for something like the meta quest.

GhostMirror79d ago

Big yes to Jumping Flash! and Ridge Racer revivals. Bushido Blade was cool as well; it was pretty deep and so much different from other fighting games at the time. Einhander was another good non-RPG from Square, which was kind of rare for them in that era.

Didn’t Thrill Kill eventually get re-skinned and released with a Wu-Tang Clan license? 😂

FinalFantasyFanatic79d ago

I miss Ridge Racer so much, give me a new game or at least a collection of the older games! I had a blast playing Ridge Racer PSP on my PS4 a few months back.

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FinalFantasyFanatic79d ago

I cannot understand the current business practice of remaking games from the previous generation, especially when they are very much playable today and still hold up well, it's even worse when people are willing buying them again. The PS1 generation is so ripe for remakes, I know more than a few people who would clamour for a Xenogears remake, or almost any game from that list.

Ravenkiss79d ago

and Valkyrie Profile Lenneth. They did Star Ocean 1 & 2 R already, VPL should get the same treatment.

Redgrave79d ago

I assume this to mean that you aren't considering the PSP port to be the remake in this statement? Like a remake of that one?

FinalFantasyFanatic79d ago

That version is quite old though, that was 18 years ago, so doing a remake in the vain of Star Ocean might be worth it (I did not think the PSP was that old until I looked it up).

Knightofelemia79d ago

I'd be down for FF8, and Xenogears. But I would also be down for Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. And I wish Namco would get off their ass and remake or remaster the Xenosaga trilogy.

FinalFantasyFanatic79d ago

There's been talk of a Xenosaga trilogy on the proviso that there was enough demand, I hope that actually happens one day.

Christopher79d ago

1. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
2. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
3. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
4. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
5. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
6. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
7. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
8. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
9. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
10. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

LoveSpuds79d ago

What a fantastic game that was!

Skuletor79d ago

You forgot Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Snookies1279d ago

Why does From Software not do ANYTHING with this franchise... It's so sad... Can't they at least outsource it to someone to try a revival?

leahcim78d ago

masterpiece, best OST of all times.

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