
Frustrated Gore Verbinski Sheds Light On Stalled BioShock Movie

Films based on video games never seem to pan out. Sometimes they're crippled by untalented directors, and sometimes when they land A-list talent the studios fail to properly finance the projects. Add BioShock to the list of games stuck in film purgatory.

Speaking to ComingSoon.net, Gore Verbinski discussed the complications facing the film translation of Irrational's masterpiece.

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blackhammer4967d ago

If this movie were to be made under PG-13, then it would be garbage. I mean, it doesn't seem possible with that rating. There NEEDS to be blood, and there NEEDS to be little kids who are totally fugged up. There also needs to be a golf club striking a man's head repeatedly (straight up irreversible style).

PG-13 version would be friggin' Max Payne all over again.


IGN: Gore Verbinksi on Why a Bioshock Movie Will Never Happen

In an exclusive interview with IGN, the one-time director of a planned Bioshock video game-to-feature film explains why the movie can never be.