
Test Drive Unlimited 2 Review (Gameplaybook)

Atari's paradise-driven racer can't live up to its potential, due to a myriad of problems.

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NoobSessions4870d ago

I was never really interested in this game tbh.

Bathyj4870d ago

Oh C'mon.

For the record, I have NO interest in this game. I only like one racer in each genre. GT for sim, Motorstorm for Offroad and if I was going to get an arcade racer it would probably be NFS:HP.

But how are we expected to believe anything on the net when this game can go from a perfect 10 down to 2 out of 5.

A 60% margin? is the game THAT dividing? Is the quality THAT up and down?

I dont look to reviews to validate my purchases, I go on my own instincts and I rarely miss. But I still expect a bit of professionalism and consistency from the gaming media but its just all going to crap. You cant trust any of them.

TheDCD4870d ago

Who gave it a perfect 10? Someone drunk, I bet.

HK64870d ago (Edited 4870d ago )

"What's Not
Online servers are unquestionably busted, game controls suffer due to a lame drifting mechanic, terrible lifestyle-driven story arc, not many rewards for those who put time into the game, in-game character models are iffy."

Agreed but remember BF:BC2? Lame drifting mechanic? Sorry this isn't the new NFS that force drifts you around every corner and makes drifting actually take some degree of skill instead. I agree the story is quite lame. I would say nicer cars, better clothes, and bigger houses are quite a few rewards. Agreed.

TheDCD4870d ago

Eh, you'll notice the problem with drifting when you take tight turns. It's just way too suspect to rely on, and that's a real problem in a game that relies on high speed.

HK64870d ago

I'm not sure about you but I can take sharp turns very well once I get used to the vehicles specific handling and can also drift around the tighter turns. I have found nothing wrong with the driving controls that was not driver error.


Looking back to 2011 and the Botched Launch of Test Drive Unlimited 2

Richard writes: "The series may have a cult following, but ten years on Test Drive Unlimited 2 still upsets me. It was one of my most anticipated games ever, with a concept years ahead of what Forza Horizon could achieve. But it remains one of the buggiest launches of a game I can remember, completely tarnishing my memory of it."

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Test Drive Unlimited 2 gets a must-have Multiplayer Mod

DSOGaming writes: "TDU World is an Online Server and Mod Pack Project for Test Drive Unlimited 2 that is currently available for download."

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Iceball20001223d ago

Such an underrated game, the only problem I had with it was the car physics on anything more powerful the a Golf GTI. But to me this was the original Forza Horizon


Cult Classics – Test Drive Unlimited 2

Game Informer - It's hard to imagine what to do in a car game except race other cars, and yet with Test Drive Unlimited 2, developer Eden Games found a way to expand the genre's horizons enough to offer an experience that's slightly different from your average racer. Eden's ambition came with a cost, but Test Drive Unlimited 2 is a game that I remember fondly and appreciate for the chances it takes.

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RavageX4035d ago

This game gets a bad rap, but I enjoy it still. The idea was great, I think that if the devs were just better supported it could have been something truly epic.

Would love to see something like this again, especially on a next gen console.

wallis4035d ago

Dear gameinformer,

look up the fucking definition of cult classic,


anyone who knows what "cult" or "classic" means.