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Killzone 3 Eats Black Ops For Breakfast

Anticipating the Killzone 3 release I have been jamming out on the open beta. I can't believe how many people on my friends list won't even take the time to download it. I mean, it's free. Oh yeah, and it happens to be awesome but I still see them playing Black Ops! Most of them are on their sixth or seventh prestige, so the question is why?

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Community4973d ago
Visari4973d ago

Killzone 3 is gonna have the runs after that.

Crazyglues4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

Ha.. Ha... That's funny...

Bubble for you my friend, for making me laugh.. LoL -:)


malandra4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

Killzone 2 pretty much ate for breakfast all competition quality wise, only Bioshock was on a similar quality level

and it will be the same with Killzone 3 except this time there's really no competition: call of duty, battlefield, resistance and halo all have a similar structure (medium to short campaign, forgettable or uninteresting story and very multiplayer oriented) but can't match Killzone

and there's no FPS released near it like Bioshock or Half Life 2 that can beat it in terms of narrative, atmosphere, leveling, special powers, storytelling, etc

so, at the time, it's unmatched in the FPS genre, maybe Bioshock Infinite might "eat it for breakfast" but nothing now

popularity is irrelevant, otherwise angry birds eats uncharted 2 for breakfast too

darthv724972d ago

"Anticipating the Killzone 3 release I have been jamming out on the open beta. I can't believe how many people on my friends list won't even take the time to download it. I mean, it's free. Oh yeah, and it happens to be awesome but I still see them playing Black Ops! Most of them are on their sixth or seventh prestige, so the question is why?"

The answer is simple. Personal preference.

i played the beta and it is nice to look at. I am more into the single player aspect but unfortunately I am not a PSN+ member so I dont have the single player demo.

To think that people will play what they want doesnt make them wrong. No reason to criticize them for it either.

joydestroy4972d ago

oh i don't know about that, buddy. i think Battlefield 3 is going to be loads of fun

AyeGee4972d ago


I think it's because Call of Duty is consuming the entire populace.. and the incentive to play other games is slim to none in their minds.

It's kind of destroying the gaming market.. the fact that people will rush to stores to buy a Call of Duty game that is sub-par.. unfinished and whatnot, while there are other great games to be bought and played. Not saying they shouldn't buy it.. but people don't have variety anymore. It's sad to pay $60 for a game that doesn't work as well as it should.. especially since games like Killzone 3 on a PS3 have barely any major problems whatsoever as a game.. no excuse to push out broken games for whatever consoles.

But people still buy it, even while they scream at the game about consistent lag issues, they will continue to buy Call of Duty games. Pretty sad if you ask me.. i have Black Ops, and i play it from time to time.. but it's just saddening to get online and see a majority of my friends list playing it, when I don't let a video game consume me like that.. because i play other games as well.

Dee_914972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

1 thing I loved about the Campaign demo was that you could literally go anywere
there were no invisible walls stopping you from going somewhere
or jumping ontop of stuff
like when the thing they were flying on crashed
you can flank them by going all the way around
I never tried to go in the water so I dont know if you can or cant

edit just saw the video
I guess you can go in the water too lol

KillerBBs4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

A 3 year old Kid could eat Black Ops for Breakfast... Regardless: That video doesn't show me anything. Big deal... you got waves. I want to know about game play and lag. More Graphics, like this crap makes the frame rate drop and Laggy multi player.

So if you like this video then go dust off your Ribbon game for the pc.

ngecenk4972d ago

i remember entering beach head map pack on kz2, and the first thing i did was spawning at ISA, starring at the beach, and 'woooowhhhly shit'

elpresador4972d ago

I have to laugh when u talked about "narrative" when it comes to killzone. The store in 2 was weak at besst and from the reviews it seems to be worse for kz3. I have 2 and had a blast playing it but the narrative is a HUGE weak point to it.

cobpswii36004972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

@malandra: While I do think Killzone 2 is the best shooter this gen(until Killzone 3), I do feel understand why so many people are disagreeing with you.

TheLastGuardian4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

I wish Killzone was more popular than CoD and Halo. Killzone, Battlefield and Resistance are the best FPS multiplayer games on consoles.

badz1494972d ago

"Big deal... you got waves. I want to know about game play and lag. More Graphics, like this crap makes the frame rate drop and Laggy multi player."

this shows that you don't know Killzone AT ALL! what lag? have you even tried the beta? if you really THAT interested in the game, download the beta and play it and eat your words after that! if I never had a single lag on my 1Mbps connection, it's pretty impossible to have lag on better connection, which most of online gamers around the world is having at the moment! stop spreading out LIES!

Amplitude4972d ago

"call of duty, battlefield, resistance and halo all have a similar structure (medium to short campaign, forgettable or uninteresting story"

Lol man, you just ripped on CoD, BF, Resistance, and Halo all in one sentence. xD
That's just asking for disagrees rofl.

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360degrees4972d ago ShowReplies(16)
Iroquois_Pliskin4972d ago


.... just go back to your lonely corner.

badz1494972d ago

corner? are you sure it's not somewhere under a bridge?

ITA_Mafia_Boy4972d ago

the scale of the maps and the fact that the game "forces" team play.
I stopped play CoD since the last 2 iterations, when it comes to real combat BF is way funnier .... just being able to drive vehicles makes all the difference of this world.
I am playing KZ3 open beta back to back with KZ2 multiplayer to check which other differences have been implemented.
So far I like the better control responsiveness, especially for the grenades / weapon switch / reload.
It also seems that kills are a little quicker this time around, so less bullets to "waste".
Graphics and sound are just amazing and probably best in the category.
Go download it and see for yourself it is a lot of fun.
Add me to your friend list
PSNID: ITA_Mafia_Boy

Ciao & Peace

Blaine4972d ago

One of the best things, in my opinion, about KZ3 mp, is also one of the things that's most annoying! It's that guns are locked to each career. It sucks not being allowed to pick whatever gun you want, but at the same time it drastically helps balance out the game. Could you imagine if an Infiltrator spawned with a full-auto AR? I could flank and take out entire squads at once no problem! Instead, you can only have a burst-firing AR, which limits the number of enemies you can take on at once. Same with the medic: no Rambo-medic in this game!

I think it wouldn't hurt if it took a few more bullets to kill though. Character models are pretty big, and they don't move very quickly, so for the easy targets they make it wouldn't hurt the game to require a for more bullets to down someone. As it is, it takes some skill out of the game.

ITA_Mafia_Boy4972d ago

I believe the balancing of the classes has gone a long way. You are right, it would have been nice to get the preferred weapon from the start and go RAMBO on the enemies. This "new" approach, I believe, will "force" gamers to explore all the features of all the classes so to fully appreciate the pros and cons of them all.
I am not sure if you got the chance to play the close beta ... my favorite map was BILGARSK BOULEVARD the one with the Mechs (not sure on the name of the map) .. it was just a work of art.
As for the "easier" kills We are not at CoD levels were 2-3 bullets would make a kill so overall I do not complain too much.
One last thing .. I like the new leveling system where all the multipliers get into play when assigning the final score, those who will master the game inside out will have huge rewards.

showtimefolks4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

in my opinion KZ2 was the best FPS for me personally and with the 3rd GG have made almost every better so what's not to like

that reminds me i am in need of a ps3 soon any deals this week gamers?

Kleptic4972d ago

if you are in Europe, they just announced a PS3/KZ3 bundle today...with an olive green DS3...

elpresador4972d ago

...due to a blah story and a character having to swear every other word i woukdnt say the best OVERALL. Hands down multi is prob best but sp could be better story wise.

LukaX234972d ago

Erm... wrong word... ate* when BO saw the beta.

RedDead4972d ago

All you guys, just wait for Battlefield 3. The king is back this year.

BlackTar1874972d ago

i love me some killzone but BF3 on the PC will be the FPS to end them all.

To bad the Consoles won;t get the legit version or more legit version. if you never played BF on a PC you have no idea what your missing they basically made BFBC1 and BFBC2 look really really average.

lovestospoodge4972d ago

what else is new?

MarcusFenixITA4972d ago

Sorry, but Killzone 3 will never ever eat Call of Duty. The overall gameplay of COD is simply too good. The only thing KZ3 is better is the visuals but they don't make a game. I'm having a blast with Dead Space 2 right now and it PLAYS and looks like a dream.

BlackTar1874972d ago

I think the overall game play for COD MP is extremely easy but that's just me i still play i every now and then.

4972d ago
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Echo3074973d ago

If your friends are on their sixth or seventh prestige, then they likely don't want to pull away from a game they've invested so much time in to for a beta that has only one map.

Hopefully when Killzone 3 launches, they'll give the full game a shot.

Hitman07694973d ago

I agree with you on the prestige aspect but there is nothing to gain from the repetitiveness of the the game map packs will help COD revive but it will still pail in comparison to this release.

-Alpha4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

Actually, a LOT of COD players are enjoying Killzone 3. In fact, many Xbox players are likening what they see too. I've heard many Xbox fans claim they either want to or have bought a PS3 for K3.

There is a lot of good press by the COD community. Just check out Youtube videos. People who've never played K3 are coming in and absolutely enjoying things like brutal melees. I've played with many new players who have constantly praised the game and have claimed to be buying it based on the beta.

People are looking to get away from COD. They continue to play it because they just don't have anything else and Killzone 3 (as well as Crysis) is a huge option for them.

Ironically the lack of DLC for BO on PS3 has led many to try out Killzone. It's a great beta and a lot of people enjoy the game (except for the die-hard Killzone 2 fans).

However, there are some issues I hope GG addresses. I can only imagine that's what the beta is for, but there is a huge list of issues with the game that I question if they'll get to (at least on time).

The problem GG faces is balancing two completely opposite fanbases. I feel like the game is stuck trying to play one way, while it's supposed to be another-- faster death and shorter downtime is opposite in nature to the squad mechanics, for example. And I can't understand why they removed squads and are refusing to add them back.

There are some backsteps and sidesteps that I don't understand why GG did. I hate how I can't schedule clan matches anymore and how there is such an emphasis on kills rather than teamwork.

Pixel_Enemy4973d ago

I tried to get some of my friends to put down COD and download the FREE beta. None of them would. So I called them retarded and forgot about it while I shoot some faces in the beta myself.

YodaCracker4973d ago

That's nice of you to think that PS3 owners are dropping COD or that 360 owners are buying a PS3 just for KZ3, but it doesn't seem to be the reality of things. Killzone 3 is seeing miserable preorder numbers for an exclusive FPS. At this rate it will have lower opening week numbers than Killzone 2 back in early 2009, when the PS3's install base was less than half of what it is now.

It's also seeing lower reviews than its predecessor and overall considerably less hype in the gaming world. The graphics aren't as impressive compared to other PS3 titles as they were back in 2009 where they were undoubtedly the best we had seen yet on a console.

I hate to bring Gears of War 3 into this, but with no release date, its preorder numbers are almost two times higher than Killzone 3's, which releases in just a couple weeks. Even Bulletstorm on the 360 has surpassed KZ3 in preorders just because of the Gears 3 beta (I presume).

In the end, Killzone 3 will not "eat Black Ops for breakfast" with only 1/5 of the sales (on the PS3 alone), and a lower Metascore. There's really no way you can twist it that KZ3 wins, aside from in the graphics category.

dragon824972d ago

Or maybe people care more about actual gameplay than they do about sales and Metascore. In terms of gameplay, Killzone 3 does eat Black Ops for breakfast.

In terms of sales and Metascore, there are very few games that can compete with COD games.

DelbertGrady4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

@dragon82 - People who care about gameplay are most probably playing Halo Reach or BF BC 2, not Killzone 3 or COD.

@Alpha-Male22 - If possible I'd like to carry your child/children.

TKCMuzzer4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

Have you not considered the reasons. Bulletstorm is the only game the 360 has to offer at the moment and with 360 owners desperate for new games they are going to pre-order anything that looks good. It's the same with Gears, what else is there to pre-order on the 360?
I have a 360 but when I look at the schedule my choices are limited.
COD has become stale on all formats. Unfortunately due to peoples denial of this fact there is no need for Activision to try and do anything apart from continue to make it churn out cash. When ever I play COD all people do is moan about it, do what I did and move on.

@Delbert above, thanks for bringing some comedy to the proceedings, Halo Reach, funny.

dragon824972d ago

There are people who prefer Killzone over Halo you know. I am one of those people. I haven't enjoyed a Halo game since Halo 2.

Kalipekona4972d ago

Personally Haze is my favorite shooter ever. It's the best.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4972d ago
-Alpha4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

K3 is great, but boy does it have some balance issues, and I need to rant about it.

It destroys Black Ops in terms of performance but the game certainly has issues of its own that are ruining the game. GG has catered this game to COD fans and it shows in some areas. And before people spam the disagrees, I've played the crap out of the beta, I love the game, but GG needs to fix some urgent issues. A lot of people deny that its anything like COD, but there are far too many things that strip the game of its genre: A squad based, TACTICAL shooter reliant on teamwork and classes:

-One hit melees
-Lower health
-Issues with ability balance
-TSA placements

I disagree with it being more balanced than Black Ops, actually. BO is fairly balanced overall. So is K3, but less so than it ought to be.

In Killzone you get a lot of what would be killstreaks every moment of the game via abilities. The idea of leveling up classes is nice, but it forced the devs to give some insanely unbalanced and overpowered abilities as rewards. Virtually all the classes have turned into killing machines and teamwork is so undermined in comparison to K2. And spawn points truly can break an entire map. I know one map from the private beta that urgently needs a redesign. GG has promised that they added more TSAs, but I worry about the other maps.

Killzone 3 has one hit snipers, which, in the beta, people use to camp. 1 hit kills should be rewarded for players who get headshots yet people can sit back, stay invisible and get ridiculously lazy kills. Not only that but marksmen get assault rifles. They are a distance class, yet they get assault rifles, stay invisible, and there is nothing that counters them.

Infiltrators are like the Marathon, Lightweight, Commando class and the melee definitely needs some work done with it. It's gotten to a point that the class is indistinguishable and you end up shooting teammates. The tactitian's ability to see through walls is really cheap, I'd really like it if it went back to the Marksmen class and if it couldn't see through walls. I can turn on spot and scan and watch anybody come through corners with the exception of the Snipers.

And the ribbons ruin the game. The start is fun, but by the end people are killing you with M82's in two shots from across the map because of damage modifiers. In K2 it was impossible to use an M82 like that because of recoil and health.

In COD you get rewarded for kills, in Killzone they reward you for NOT getting kills-- the damage perk is earned through getting 5 assists. That practically rewards BAD players for not getting kills! That makes less sense than COD's killstreaks. It's absolutely confusing why they would do that.

The damage is already too low for a squad based shooter (with no squads), yet now you drop like flies and medics are useless to help you, nor does anyone care because it's much more run and gun, and then respawn again. Players need to be punished with longer down times, but of course, COD players complain about that, they want to just jump right back into the action after they die.

Again, I love the game, but it's far too evident that they've made sacrifices that didn't have to made in order to appease the wider audience.

Kon4973d ago

I like you. You are a neutral user. Bubs to you.

NukaCola4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

You like anything and anyone that/who presents itself/themself as a negative towards the PS3. Why like a neutral person when you are not one yourself?

Kalipekona4972d ago

Kon is pretty neutral. You just don't like him because he also says nice things about the 360. I've seen him make positive comments about the PS3. You, on the other hand, I have never seen you say anything positive about anything other than the PS3. You are the fanboy, so you can't stand anybody that is pretty neutral and fair to other platforms.

Thrillhouse4973d ago

See folks, THIS is how you comment on a games multiplayer, not "DIS SUX!"

GSpartan7774973d ago

Very intelligent post. I wish more people would post like you.

TooTall194973d ago

Amen. They need to make getting kills more difficult, C4 is abused, and turrets shooting rockets at people is a terrible idea. I do not understand what happened to GG cause they make such good games, yet a few design choices keep them from being legendary.

beavis4play4973d ago

HATE the turrets shooting rockets. that ruins the game.

at Chapulin - yea, same here. i end up shooting at everyone when i get killed a couple times by infiltrators. LOL

Chapulin4973d ago

I hate the Infiltrators. I always end up shooting my own team because I get so paranoid.

thehitman4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

You ever played Socom? If you have you wouldnt complain about half of what you are. However I do agree with that not ALWAYS snipers should kill you 1 hit like in the leg or arm or w/e but if you land a body shot or headshot 1 hit should be granted.

Infiltrator class is meant so you cant tell the difference its a stealth class what your complaining about defeats its purpose.

Guns are guns they all have bullets which are lethal all the sameway if a bullet reaches you it should kill you the same as any other gun. Only difference is the way it kills you whether its from halfway across the map or closs up and the difficulty to use that gun recoil,acurracy etc. That is balance. Complaining about dying fast just means your a noob.

Things that unbalance the game multiple air strikes upon air strikes, auto copters constant uv radars nukes, turrets, autobots. Also BO has maps where you can camp a spawn point where ppl spawn and you can constantly kill them over and over again thats just bull$hit I stopped playing the game after a couple days for that.

Edits:My complaints 1 hit melee always should be 1 hit in shooters since you should never bring a knife to a gun fight and if som1 gets close enough they should get the satisfaction of not having to worry if they killed the opponent because they didnt melee them 2-3 times.

Lower health is relative to weapon damage you should never live to long anyawy its a gun fight i hate when people run up and take my kill or get away after you land 2-3 bullets on them. Ability balance just means you dont know how to counter classes effeciently.

Im not saying the multiplayer is perfect but comparing it to BO is like wtf are u smoking.

-Alpha4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

First, what's wrong with my complaints and which ones?

And no, I'm not a noob if I die fast. I play very well and tend to kill well too. Don't resort to calling me a noob. The problem is that it counters the purpose of medics. You can now sit back and heal to 100% without the need of a medic and death basically has little consequence

Black Ops has an entire playlist dedicated to basic killstreaks and no killstreaks. You can spawn camp in Killzone 3 because people know where you spawn. Boosters such as extra damage are rewarded for being a bad player. It's pretty much a crutch for players: too many assists? Here, all your guns do 25% more damage.

Infiltrators in K2 were meant to give you the slight edge of surprise. In K3 you can run through opponents without them noticing you (if you melee).

The problem with infiltrators lies in the fact that it's two classes in one: The assault class and the saboteur.

Infinite speed and infinite stamina + the disguise and ability to plant twice as fast seems way too overpowered, combined with the fact that the class is given a shotgun.

There is a lunge when you melee and it locks on to enemies. With the ability to run, it's even easier to do.


But the infiltrator class is really popular because of how easy it is to use, so is the marksmen. I never said they were totally invisible. I am noticing an influx of players choosing those classes and when you have a significant amount of invisible players and disguised players it becomes very annoying.

I don't see how they offer anything to the team work aspect. In K2 they had C4, but now they are another lonewolf class.

thehitman4973d ago

I seen videos posted where that class was countered pretty easily and from a video I could identify when they were in stealth they arent totally invisible it just takes a bit of awareness each class always has its weakness.

-Alpha4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

Hitman, you are making circular arguments. And yes I'm comparing it to COD because that's what the article is about.

Lower health is low because the guns do damage? What? I'm not saying they need to crank it, but they need to get rid of the stupid ribbon that makes kills WAY too easy. It promotes camping: see the person first, put in a bullet, you win. With higher health you have the ability to outgun your opponent.

Instead of simply calling me a noob I'd like some actual responses: how is it balanced to constantly see enemies through walls? Or to be invisible with weapons like assault rifles? How does that make sense? You complain about killstreaks yet don't realize that they are pretty much available at the press of a button every time you spawn in K3.

As for 1 hit melees, why should they be one hit? Because you "earned" it for getting so close to an enemy? If you can turn a corner should you win by whoever presses R3 first and gets the lock on? If I am hitting you with bullets should you be able to run through them and simply punch me for a win?

They also don't give the freedom to do brutal melees: they should be done like in Halo Reach. Putting myself in the animation when I don't want that only screws me for no reason. And if I don't do it, the enemy will, so it just resorts to people pressing the melee button quickest.

thehitman4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

The ribbon is irrelevant is what I was pointing out. They could make it so the ribbon goes down slowly from less damage which would be no difference from it not being there at all.

People always pick what they think is the "easy class" what seperates the pros from the noobs is being able to destroy classes that are so called easy like I said its not an OP class none of them are and each of the classes can be used from like you said spawn point so everyone is at fair playing ground. You dont just drop in the game and have strikes coming down on you from no where and u are already starting off handicapped because your team sucked.

Also YES melee should be 1 hit because yes U SHOULD be rewarded for getting close to the enemy. The only thing I could see you have some point is a special button for the brutality melee but the animation isnt as bad as u make it seem out to be. And lol all games are is who can press the buttons the fastest.... ofc with some skill and accuracy as factors.

Like i said most of your complaints are seeming like you cant just handle the game if its not for u its not for you but dont complain about something that isnt something to complain about. I played it and seen vids where all classes were played and to a good extent as equally.

Also idk how u can honestly believe if you shoot at someone and they turn around on you they should have a chance to still outgun you and kill you. This isnt an arcade shooter dont mix my KZ with my Res.

Visari4973d ago


One hit kill melee is there because the melee in KZ2 was terrible. Sure, you could hit them twice quickly if you got lucky but it was a mess in that game.

Infiltrators can be countered by Tactician's spot & mark as well as common sense (all allies show up as green dots on the mini map, if someone is running towards you or way over at the enemies base with their disguise already on then it's an enemy). There are plenty of times where I melee'd an enemy Infiltrator before they could get me or I would just put a bullet in their head

Tacticians see through walls can be countered by the Marksman as the 2nd scramble upgrade can't detect Marksman nor the allies around near him.

Being cloaked with an assault rifle is nothing big as your cloak would be gone after you killed somebody with it. Even if it wasn't a starting weapon, you could pick it up from a someone who died. Sure, you could use the silenced ones to stay cloaked but once a cloaked Marksman moves a bit too much or start shooting then any turret can easily take them out if they're not careful (most aren't careful from what I've seen so far).

Low health is because you now regenerate health. It's still possible to fight back in a firefight and win (crouching increases accuracy and almost always wins against someone just standing there shooting). Not to mention you should hang around a medic so your health will recharge even faster.

NewShadow1014973d ago

@ Alpha-Male22
"As for 1 hit melees, why should they be one hit? Because you "earned" it for getting so close to an enemy? If you can turn a corner should you win by whoever presses R3 first and gets the lock on? If I am hitting you with bullets should you be able to run through them and simply punch me for a win?"

1 hit melees? killzone 3 does NOT have a lunge when you melee. COD has 1 hit melees, AND that stupid ass lunge. you forget about the knife? AND the lag. ill stab someone first, then on the killcam it shows that i didnt even swing my knife. WTF is THAT!!! at least in killzone 3 whoever clicks R3 first gets the kill. in COD 90% of the time you click R3 first, it doesnt mean shit, because apparently you didnt even swing your damn knife. sorry but for COD, i call bullshit.

jut4204972d ago

Thank you NewShadow101 for pointing out that Black Ops has a terrible host advantage making it worse than KZ3 will ever be. I can't tell you how many times I've been shooting at someone and then they kill me and it doesn't even show me shooting at them in the kill-cam. That kind of unbalancing is ridiculous because no matter how good you play or try you will always be at a disadvantage. Sure COD does a good job balancing guns and killstreaks, but lag that bad is something that shouldn't be tolerated. Worse than class balancing issues IMO.

"see the person first, put in a bullet, you win"
yup that is exactly how it's supposed to work

-Alpha4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )


Look, melee isn't a big deal, but the rest is.

My problem with melee being one hit is that people don't have a choice to choose between brutal melee and normal melee. I don't necessarily mind it in Killzone, but I was used to it in K2.

Melee has a lunge whether you know it or not. Compare it to Killzone 2 and you will see no lock on, but in K3 all you is press L1 or R3 and the game locks on to the enemy, I've done it numerous times and it feels cheap.

I know BO has insane host advantage, but there is advantages like that in Killzone too as a result of 1 hit melees. That's why I don't like it, I prefer Killzone to stay far away from COD as possible.

And yes hitman, with higher health people should turn around and be able to fight back. That's what made K2 great, and that's what counters campers who hide and, since they see the person first, get the kill. Higher health in a squad based game means less camping, less running and gunning, and more emphasis on medic and that's how it should play.

Your logic that first to see is first to kill is typical of arcade shooters, it shouldn't be the norm in a squad based shooter.

Most of my complaints are made by the community themselves. You didn't counter most of my arguments, just told me I'm not a good player. That's a poor way of brushing off some of the design flaws. I don't know how you can justify the abilities. At max most have terribly big advantages. Constantly seeing enemies in your radius, staying cloaked indefinitely with any silenced weapon, infinite health and running, they are all very overpowered abilities that are crying out to be balanced.

The problem with brutal melee is that it forces you into an animation that you may not want to enter. There are two types of melees in the game but you never have the choice to choose from them. BM's were supposed to be special but when they happen 99% of the time you melee it just feels like a normal melee.

Biggest4972d ago

I agree with Alpha-Male22 about the melee system. It feels cheap in Killzone 3 due to the unintentional camper perks. The other complaints are only there because the community spoke up in Killzone 2. I understand that serious Killzone 2 players are angry about the changes (like weapon allowances), but the greater community asked for it. The class perks aren't much different than they were to begin with. Cloaking has the same pros and cons as before. Infiltrators are countered the same way as in Killzone 2. Use your mini-map and weapon cursor. You're going out on an extra large limb to compare Infiltrator to Assault. Killzone 3 has nothing as imbalanced as that abomination. So while I agree with some of the complaints, I feel that Killzone 3 is as good as it gets right now. Call of Duty doesn't deserve the comparison.

thehitman4972d ago

lol alpha u keep saying the same thing over but you yet to realize that most of your arguments are not balance issues but problems with U. Like Biggest said most of the changes are from imbalances in KZ2 which are now mostly fixed that the KZ2 community spoke about. Camping is irrelevant in KZ if your doing it then you are not playing the game right most of the time because there are objectives that need to be done to win a match. If your camping means A. you are on a defensive game type or B. You dont know what your doing and just waiting for kills.

Like I said before the only argument you have is the brutal melee kills but even that isnt that big of an issue to call it imabalance or annoying because of the animation.

Never should a shooter aiming to be as real as killzone in terms of the gameplay should someone be able to turn around on you after you put a couple bullets on them. Find another game if thats your issue and stop QQing.

Kleptic4972d ago

I've yet to play any of killzone 3, still waiting on my PS3 being sent back...

but put hundreds of hours in killzone 2's multiplayer...

I'm sort of ignorant to what has changed (now a scout is marksman, more or less, and a saboteur is an 'infiltrator'?)...

but anyway, killzone 2 had PLENTY of players using these classes, or derivatives there of...and you DO get used to it, and learn how to adjust...I'm fairly confident that GG didn't radically change the disguise from killzone 2...They do appear different, their lights glow a little differently...and most people playing these classes aren't nearly as affective as they could be (normally doing the opposite of what a team mate would generally do; running the wrong direction all the time, etc.)...and quickly scanning teammates ALL THE TIME usually allows you to get a jump on them...put one bullet in them, and the disguise goes away...

if that changed...then I don't know...but I just got accustomed to dealing with it...and would use the class myself occasionally...and veteran players are usually ahead of the curve with those types of abilities...

this turret/rocket business worries me...the real problem in kz2 was the initial introduction of the assault with extra health, 15 seconds of boost, and 3 rockets...THAT was an unbalanced nightmare...which is now gone, but apparently turrets can now fire rockets at you and not just other turrets/sentrys?...

again i haven't played it yet...but will put my time in for sure in the next few weeks...I've always looked at classed based games like this differently than definitely will get killed, and annoyed with people possibly exploiting certain class abilities...but it will automatically change your playing tactics to counter them...on paper, and from watching the videos, I haven't seen any issues with balance other than the obvious learning curve that comes with a system like this...

-Alpha4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )


Im only saying the same things again because YOU keep saying the same things again. You are brushing off the issues as down to the fact that I am not a good player yet fail to understand that it's ME that's playing with the overpowered classes and killing players easily. You keep telling me "half" my arguments are irrelevant because I'm not a good player, it's a lazy excuse.

How can you say camping is irrelevant? Again, u brush it off without addressing the issue at all. That's like saying camping doesnt matter in COD because there are objectives to do. You are just making circular arguments. That doesnt change the fact that it happens and the game (with it's “First see first kill” health) promotes camping more than K2 did.

People didn't like heartbeat sensors yet have no problem with seeing enemies through walls? Huh? That makes no sense.

“Like I said before the only argument you have is the brutal melee kills but even that isnt that big of an issue to call it imabalance or annoying because of the animation. “

I didn't say brutal melees were imbalanced. I said that the inability to choose, even though you are supposed to be able to needs to be addressed. The lock on exists and that's what ruins the concept of CQC shooting/melee.

“Never should a shooter aiming to be as real as killzone"

Please stop right here. Killzone 2 NEVER had such low health. The arguments on realism are inconsistent. This is a game, it's about balance, not realism.

"in terms of the gameplay should someone be able to turn around on you after you put a couple bullets on them. Find another game if thats your issue and stop Qqing”

Funny, in K2 this was just the opposite. Did you leave Killzone 2? Thanks for repeating yourself after I already countered this comment: I didn't even ask for major health, I said that the game's health is low enough and the ribbon to boost health makes it even worse, and it's terribly overpowered and unbalanced to give BAD players a DAMAGE boost.

Players undeservedly get 25% extra damage, camp with invisibility/silenced weapons, or use mid-distance weapons like M82's to snipe across the map. You die in 2-3 shots with M82 across the map. If you haven't seen this problem then it's not my responsibility to continue proving it.

http://community.killzone.c... All you have to do is look at the well put arguments here.

thehitman4972d ago

alpha u still missing it im not brushing off the issue. THERE IS NO ISSUE PERIOD. The more you write the more it just seem like your QQing. Learn to get ahead of the curve or dont play at all simple. Thats how all games work Resistance you could see through walls with chimera yet humans could do nothing at all would I called that imbalance NO because it wasnt. Its knowing how to exploit classes strenghts as weakness which seems like you fail to even comprehend. Yes in KZ2 you could more outgun someone but that wasnt the core of the gameplay nor do I prefer to do that in a game like killzone. Also yes CAMPING is irrelevant I find spawn campers hilarious and ppl who complain about them even more hilarious. Lol complaining getting shot across the map what has gaming come to when ppl cry over ppl skills.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4972d ago
Tsalagi4973d ago

I agree something needs to be done about the respawn time. I went through all the trouble of leveling up my medic and no one waits for revives. They fall and instantly slam the respawn button. Make them wait at least 30 seconds to respawn and that should fix it though. Also, the medic should be able to revive people sooner than every 30 seconds

MonkeyBoy924972d ago

I agree, but maybe not as long as 30 seconds. That would drive me crazy, time seems to slow down when your waiting to respawn.

TKCMuzzer4972d ago

I think this shows the advantages of playing in squads. Players in squads ask to be revived making it easier to turn matches. Also if you play in a squad you usually know where your mates are making the opposing infiltrator class worthless. I mean , I am always talking to my squad mates so I know where they are, that means anyone who is disguised as them is easily taken down.
Plus if you plan your squad properly with people picking different classes you can usually counteract anybody on the other team.
find some mates, get a headset, squad up and then find your way home over the bodies of the Helghast.

Tsalagi4972d ago

You're right about playing in squads. The times i got on a team that worked together we were able to win the match easily. I could hang back and provide support and then rush in and revive any fallen teammates. Everyone played their role and we walked all over those who tried to run and gun solo.

Jezuz4973d ago

you're right but most people are in denial.

Dead_Cell4973d ago

Now I can agree with some of that but wow do you know how to hyperbole a game in a bad light.

Ducky4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

The one-hit melee is a pandemic on console shooters.
I'd prefer if they decrease the damage to about 25~30% of health from a front stab, and if desired, set it to one-hit-kill if stabbed from the back. (You'd get awkward moments where a frontal stab would sometimes get a one-hit kill, but for the most part, knifing would be a last-ditch effort to do when your clip is out)
Although I do like the auto-brutal-melee. I'm guessing it is there to infiltrators from just running around and quick-stabbing everything in sight.

Low health sucks. Don't know why killing seems to be getting easier and easier. It's why I avoided HardCore servers in BC2 (...but loved the medic-healing and friendly fire, so had to find custom servers).

Though, from the way you described it, it seems each class is over-powered (except for maybe the engineer) which is usually a sign of balance. =)

xXxSeTTriPxXx4973d ago

sorry but kz2 wasn't tactical at all i don't know where people get this kz2 you basically rushed to a objective threw a couple spawn grenades and watch the sloppiness accrue.

it was a cluster fuck in choke spots all the damn time there was know tactics in kz2.he who killed better won the game.

kz3 fixed that dumb shit and i for one welcome the new changes.

XabiTheHumble4973d ago

Alpha-male you make great points but I disagree with your melee point.
This isn't Cod, when you melee you don't lunge , when you are running at an enemy how has his sights on you and/or reticle depending on if he is hip firing or not you are going to are going to lose the fight because there is no lunge action going on, when you press R3, you have to actually be face to face with him to get the melee kill.

rezzah4973d ago

I really agree on the Health part. I think Im on of the few who still believe that KZ2 was perfect from the beginning until people started to complain.

Actually after GG made changes to the overall gameplay system thats when thigns got worse. Yet people seem to love it despite new issues arising when the old went away.


A few amount of people complained about spawn grenades. The fact that those who spawned from them were allowed 3 seconds invincibility. They complained and GG changed it. What they did was the removal of the invincibility for the few seconds. What this did was make those spawning completly vulnerable. What people did was literally stand around the spawn grenade and mash the melee button. Those who spawned there died instantaneously. The frustration grew after that.

a perfect example of a good change was the reduction of the Rocket Launcher class. Everyone knew about that one. Excessive speed for about 30 seconds, around 30% more health than all other classes, and finally the ability to use rocket launchers...that class was basically a walking tank.

I suggest GG carefully review the changes they will make (im sure they will be looking carefully at their MP. So that way any issue or problems they remove DO NOT bring new issues to the table.

espiritu6044972d ago

after a kill from a sniper ur basicly ganna get visible again and ppl are going tonotice where youa re just like any other game. A way to counter snipers is to use infiltrator far away or be a sniper, easy as that.

if being an infiltrator its best to stay middle to far range. everyones ganna know ur the enemy if your coming out of the enemy base looking like thier teammates. its logic. if yur a spy and go close theyr going to know that ur a spy cuz of the name.

nycrekid4972d ago

Alpha may be submitting a good neutral comment but it's just too much nitpicking. I have nothing against you but come on man you can't expect a perfect game catered to what you think would make a perfect game. It's smart business to cater to more than one kind of play style so your game will appeal to more players.

There will NEVER be a perfect game, and to expect that is foolish. The game is great. Are there improvements that can be made? Of course! Just like every game that has ever been made, there will be good decisions and some bad ones.

We just need to live with it and stop expecting perfect games. I guarantee you Alpha if you sat down, spend years making a game that includes all the good points you made in your comments, people will still find many things to complain about.

RealtorMDandDC4972d ago

BETA....I will recommend that you wait for the final product before listing all the issues that you believe needs to be fixed.

-I do not understand what you mean by there are no squads? When I play with my friends we are in a squad of three? It show an icon for how many people are in your squad..

-GG changed a few things in the game based on feedback form the gaming community. So you cannot fault GG for listening to your fellow gamers and trying to cater to them. How many developers do this?

PSN: ProPaperPusher
Xbox LIVE: KMJFNIGUY(no longer own one)

4972d ago
Drekken4972d ago

Once again Alpha Male's wall of text is full of nitpicking disguised as "neutral constructive criticism".

First off this is a beta. It's sole purpose is to fix netcode, glitches, and balancing issues. So suggestions are welcome... BUT:

You think: Breaking someones neck should not reward a kill. You think sniper rifle bullets should not kill people. Assists shouldn't give you rewards? Kills do give you awards in terms of higher multipliers to level up faster to get the new perks.

Not try to fool anyone with your "again, i love this game" BULL. You wouldn't have written War and Peace part 2 for dummies.

DanSolo4972d ago

You make some good points, but I personally disagree with the health issue... I don't like FPS's that give you too much health. When I shoot someone in the chest with a few bullets I expect them to die!

paladin_veltron4972d ago

I know the issues you are talking about alpha but they are easily countered if you know how, as far as classes go. You CAN choose what melee you can do, to do a normal melee you have to push r3 a little bit before you right next to the enemy. its kinda hard to judge that distance in the game but youll get the hang of it. BM only happens when your right next to the enemy thats how they are triggered. Its a little tough but i figured it out and got used to it and can now decide which melee is best for the situation. You have to remember most of the time enemies are shooting at you when your running towards them, so if that person sucks at aiming and allows you to get that close with the clip he just unloaded on you id better be able to kill him with one hit.

Infiltrators are easy for me to kill since i usually use the tactician class. But even with out the recon ability you can still see them on the mini map when they shoot and your crosshair will turn red when you aim at them also making their green name flash red.

Marksmen cannot just stay cloaked the entire time. Just moving makes the cloak ripple and reveals them. I like that the marksmen has AR now, its not like its silenced anyways.

Engineers are not abundant in any of the games ive played and many have not yet unlocked bots that shoot rockets yet so i rarely run into a turret that shoots a rocket at me. And if it does happen oh well its like walking into a proximity mine, avoid them.

So far im loving the beta. I am glad that they fixed the tacticians recon ability from the first beta. Before this beta recon would just stay on and the marks on your screen would not fade like they do now until another blue line drops down the screen.

I do agree that taking away squads and making the MP a little more run and gun is really disappointing, but you can still work as a team. Really hope they bring back squads.

Now comparing it to black ops, KZ3 crushes it in every single way i can think of. I have been busy my PS3 brothers, busy showing 360 folk this amazing gameplay and converting them. Sony should give me a free bravia 3d tv for all the 360 people i have sold on buying ps3's lol.

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GSpartan7774973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

Alpha-Male22 == win

Mr Tretton4973d ago

Funny that he doesn't do those rants on his beloved COD. He's ready to defend it at any chance.

"As for 1 hit melees, why should they be one hit? Because you "earned" it for getting so close to an enemy? If you can turn a corner should you win by whoever presses R3 first and gets the lock on? If I am hitting you with bullets should you be able to run through them and simply punch me for a win?"

haha, the irony. I smell your bullshit alpha male.

ComboBreaker4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )

the lesson you should learn from the posts from Alpha-Male22 is this:

Do not post a f*cking wall. No one's going to read that sh*t.

Reduce your post to a bare minimum while still being able to get the message across.

-Alpha4973d ago (Edited 4973d ago )


I like COD for being COD. I like Killzone for being Killzone. I enjoy COD's sense of speed, it's low health, and the knifing being one hit (though it has lock on issues that I hate) Why? Because COD is SUPPOSED to be an arcade-like shooter. If it suddenly had Halo health, I'd be upset.

I don't want COD in my Killzone and Killzone in my COD. They are two different styles and mixing them up is what I am against. Killzone is a SQUAD BASED SHOOTER. Having COD-like things in it is a problem. I don't like one hit melees in Killzone because it's reminiscent of COD and COD players are playing with that mentality. One hit melees isn't a big deal for me, but it's one of the things that IMO would be better if it was designed differently. I wouldn't mind one hit melees in the back, but at the front it's too often used as a reaction move

NukaCola4972d ago

AlphaMale22 is the middle ground troll. He will sit in the middle and has to argue everything. Quick to make a 20 page speach on why whatever your may like sucks, or visa versa. I don't get why you give him wellsaids? Is it because he already has 7 bubz that you think he is a wizard or genius? KZ3 has a few issues that are being resolved in the BETA, something COD never had. And it is shaping up to be a stellar experience. 90% of the problems he has, I have not encountered. And you want to talk about balance issues? Play NukeTown, Crysis, WMD, and half of the other damn maps on COD. Broken as hell and it's annoying to play on maps such as. I have a crappy internet connection and playing COD is a nightmare because the servers lag and the spawning is glitchy. In the KZ3 beta, I never experienced a situation in which a guy can run through my bullets to melee me or kill me in one shot after I dump a clip into him. It's a smooth game and probably the smoothest shooter on PS3 or any console for the matter of fact, next to Battlefield BC2. I haven't played Crysis 2 yet.

Oh and for calling COD anything other than crap...Bioshock 2's MP was and still is 10x more solid than Blops.

Drekken4972d ago

Alpha-Male22 == Stealthly, over-hyped troll.

He tries to skirt the line and get as many agrees and bubbles as he can, but he isn't doing anything that the more blatant trolls don't already do. At least they are honest about their intentions. Alpha tries to BS us with his 10 page essay answers which wreak of BS.

I would rather read 100 of Omega4's posts than 1 of Alpha's posts. I really don't get why anyone would praise his posts or give him +bubbles. Baffling.

NukaCola4972d ago

lol, I know he such a poison to N4G. AlphaMale22 will just fuel fire, take a well said for some stupid reason and then let the fanboys fight over it. he is a huge troll and has to argue and find fault in everything. and he only complains about kz3 because he sucks at it.

ComboBreaker4972d ago (Edited 4972d ago )

AlphaMale22 has no real opinion, or at lest, he's too afraid to truly voice his opinion for fear of losing bubbles.

He usually agrees with both side of the argument, just to get bubbles. Things he say are usually contradictory, like, "I love this, but, at the same time, I also hate it."

He actually have nothing to contribute to the discussion.

Lulabarbie4973d ago

I'll take the time to download!!

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20 Years of Guerrilla: The Story of a PlayStation Studio

The Amsterdam-based studio reflects on its humble beginnings, beloved franchises, and growth through the years.

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RaidenBlack506d ago
SullysCigar506d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor506d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar506d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg506d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149506d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138506d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim506d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC506d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.

So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138506d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle506d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76506d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

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REDGUM506d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730506d ago (Edited 506d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger506d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca506d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy506d ago (Edited 506d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal506d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright506d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

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Killzone 3 is playable with mouse & keyboard on PC via RPCS3 & KAMI

DSOGaming writes: "While Sony does not plan to release Killzone 3 on the PC, Yahfz shared a video that gives us a glimpse at what such a PC version could look like."

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bouzebbal1257d ago

Still looks secure 2 gens later... one of my favorite ps3 moments. With 3D and move the game is on another level

MadLad1257d ago

PC almost always ends up the best place to play games, even if it takes a while.

What would you rather play decades down the line? A game at a fixed resolution and frame, considering you have a working disc, and the hardware?
Or run it on an emulator that can update the experience all around, and let you use whatever control input you prefer?

If you insist on the former, it's really only for the sake of nostalgia.

Applejack1257d ago

I disagree. The main draw for consoles has always be the simplicity of just putting the disc in / downloading it and playing without worrying about anything else. The average person just wouldn’t want to deal with emulation even though it’s very important for preservation.

Terry_B1257d ago

Even emulators are super simple to use.

jukins1257d ago

Youre getting flak because people on here thibk of themselves as pc wizards. But honestly most poeple try and go get emulators and romz they end up with malware.. yes theyre "easy" if you know the basics but alot of people dont. That said the fact that its taken nearly 20 years to get a sustantially better experience for ps3 games than on its native system shows the complexity of getting bc to work. Sony, if they have any intention, should just invest in a vastly better psnow experience.

1257d ago
Vegamyster1257d ago


Most people who emulate don't get malware, you'd have to be going to some weird sites for that to happen, heck years ago people were getting sketchier ad's resulting in malware warning on this site if you didn't have a ad-blocker lol.

SinkingSage1257d ago

Can't get malware if you legally dump your own games, which you should.

Rachel_Alucard1257d ago (Edited 1257d ago )

That's fine if that's the main draw, but it doesn't make it a better experience, just a preference. Having the freedom to do the things you can do on PC is what the appeal of PC is. Buying a game on PC means you never have to worry about the console makers just deciding the next hardware shouldn't support the generation anymore, which means everything you bought is stuck on that hardware instead of moving up with everything else. Nintendo uses this tactic to keep reselling the same games over and over at inflated prices. Sony cut all previous gens off the PS4 and sold it back to people in a poor attempt with PSnow. While the PS5 supports PS4 games, that may not be the case in the next gen after this. No to mention shutting off all the previous stores and updates completely. Even MS stopped making new BC titles at some point, so now there's a big list with 17 pages of titles that are not playable on Xbone and are just trapped on older gen. That's not a problem on PC, the reverse happens where you only have to worry if your hardware can play the newest releases at ultra with no issue.

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AzubuFrost1257d ago

Shhh don't say that aloud! You're going to trigger a lot of console infidels here.

Shane Kim1257d ago

I rather play it when it's available then wait 10 years.

MadLad1256d ago

Did you purposely miss the entire point of my post?

Inverno1257d ago

Well that's the beauty of still owning a retro console tho. Those who usually complain about emulation are just being blindly loyal to a company. Emulation is great for many reason, but if I still owned the console then I disagree nothing beats plugging it back in and going down a nostalgia trip

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RevXM1257d ago

The RPCS3 devs are doing great work. And Kami works nicely with it too it seems.
Very neat.

Magatsuhi1257d ago

Been playing mgo on pc with mouse. It's not perfect but I can make it work.

Binarycode1257d ago

2 is the better game.

A Remake would be good. 60fps 2-4k

Omar3li1257d ago

60fps is peasant for FPS games now

1257d ago
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Top 10 PS3 Games We Hope Come Back On PS5

While Xbox has committed to backwards compatibility spanning four generations, PlayStation has continued their stance that the feature isn't important. Well, it is! I'm hoping these PlayStation 3 classics that skipped the PS4 entirely show up again on the PS5 for everyone to enjoy.

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Knightofelemia1435d ago

Resistance, Dead Space franchise, Splatterhouse, Lollipop Chainsaw, Brutal Legends, Alice Madness Returns, Enslaved Journey to the West, Mass Effect franchise. Also wouldn't mind seeing a new Wild Arms game remake or HD remaster, the Xenosaga trilogy, a new Parasite Eve, a new Dino Crisis just too many games to list that are forgotten and left in the dark now adays.

Sciurus_vulgaris1435d ago

The PS3 is difficult to emulate. PS3 backwards compatibility on PS5 would require translation from PowerPC to x86. Additionally the PS5 likely would have to mimic the PS3’s GPU and CPU.

ApocalypseShadow1435d ago

**Luster Network
Your privacy choices
We and our partners process personal data such as IP address, unique ID, browsing data. Some partners do not ask for your consent to process your data, instead, they rely on their legitimate business interest.**

This is what pops up on my web browser. So I can't even read the site. So, forget that. They don't need my data.

But let's get something straight. OG Xbox had around 1,001 games. How many are BC on Series X? **39** THIRTY NINE. Come on! That's wack BC. You can't tell me that's a complete list. Talking about commitment. Game preservation. Ridiculous. Covers nothing.

How many games released on Xbox 360? Around 2085. How many are BC?
568. That's it. Around 1,517 are **MISSING** Stop playing. Tired of that nonsense.

Anyway, the only games I really want from PS3 that would be awesome are Motorstorm and MGS4. I'll take BC. I'll take a remaster. I'll take a remake. If not those, then Killzone 2. And in VR, maybe Sports Champions, House of the Dead Overkill and the Time Crisis games.

That's all I need. But we've gone over BC again and again in every possible way. It wasn't that important because Sony sold 115 million consoles without it. That's proof enough with no outcry. And PS5 has damn near all 4,000+ PS4 games BC. It's not PS1,PS2 and PS3. But that's plenty. I'll take more but you get what you get.

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