
Top 5 Videogame Sex Scenes

In response to Fox News' claptrap, we take a look at just how unsexy videogame sex is, and have compiled a lovely top 5 list for you. Since it's VGM, we've thrown in some movies too. | VGM.tv

Warprincess1164911d ago

Ewww, i think sex scenes in videogames are weird.

Krypto4911d ago

My wife and I enjoyed the sex scene in Heavy Rain. It turned her on...

Istanbull4911d ago

The sex scene in Fahrenheit was also good.

Kon4911d ago

Some yes, some no. But the gay scene in DA is the worst. ever.

TheLastGuardian4911d ago

...says the girl with the twilight avatar.

BiggCMan4911d ago

Heavy Rain is the only game I know of to have ever done it properly. Its just like a sex scene from a movie, its quiet, romantic, and goes along with the story. Its not there to get a rise out of young teens like many other games. Its also not afraid to show more nudity than other games do, because it really is a game ment for mature audiences only, unlike other M rated games. I love Heavy Rain, my personal GOTY for 2010.

jeeves864911d ago

While I really enjoyed Heavy Rain, I thought the sex scene was pretty...superfluous. I mean it was well played and tastefully done, but there's just one thing standing in the way.

Ethan Mars' son is missing. He's chin-deep in rainwater, kidnapped by a person known to be the Origami Killer. Father of the Year right there, "Lemme just bone this stranger that totally lied to me about her involvement in the storyline while my son slowly drowns." lol

room4144911d ago

The game gives you the choice. If you think it's innapropriate for the story then don't do it. I don't see the problem.

sjaakiejj4911d ago


Surprisingly (or perhaps not so much), when humans are stressed, which Ethan definitely was, they resort to having sex.

JoySticksFTW4911d ago (Edited 4911d ago )


who uses the word... "superfluous"?

Stop being so smart!

on topic:

Heavy Rains and ME's were alright

I couldn't believe HR's went so far though. But it did keep it realistic-ish

jeeves864911d ago (Edited 4911d ago )

@ room414 - I totally get the point of choice in the game (obviously, I played through it) but the scene doesn't fit with Ethan Mars' character. It's not a problem, it just doesn't mesh well with how a parent would act if their kid was missing.

Besides, the first time playing the game, you didn't really know which action would do what, and how far the developers would take that scene. You really don't have any way of knowing until it's finished :)


And it's not one of those instances where she'll just leave if you flub too many times or just won't move, or get caught up on something ;)

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+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4910d ago
dabri54911d ago (Edited 4911d ago )

With all the prepubescent teens on N4G, I expect this to hit into the 1000 degrees. Funny thing is, it's the top 5 unsexy sex scenes.

rob_gamestribe4911d ago

Sexy sex scenes don't actually exist in videogames yet sadly!

NateNater4911d ago (Edited 4911d ago )

This will be the top story by the end of the day with over 1000 degrees. Silly N4G.

Edit: catguykyou beat me to it lol

femshep4911d ago

"A recent ‘report’ by Fox News claims video games are responsible for nearly all the rapes in America"

Thank you fox for making false reports and once again proving you do not deserve to be called a news station

moe844911d ago

Agreed, what I wonder though is what causes rapes before video games? I mean, did rapists suddenly get bored for a decade or two then one day they decide to go "Pong that person"?

femshep4911d ago

or maybe they see everyone as a blue alien that they have to save the Galaxy with.....in which case we can blame Avatar =p

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Any game you want to play.


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ApocalypseShadow426d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox426d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast425d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.