
The Next BIG Thing Introduces Liz Allaire

GamingShogun.com writes: "Focus Home Interactive and Pendulo Studios have released a new trailer for their upcoming adventure game, The Next BIG Thing, introducing female protagonist Liz Allaire. Allaire is a young and talented journalist whom works alongside male..."

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Steam Deal Of The Day- The Next BIG Thing

Steam’s deal of the day for August 31st is The Next BIG Thing. Also the sale will end in 24 hours, hence the “deal of the day”, so you have until 1pm EST or 10am PST tomorrow to grab this deal. Below is a description on the game as well as some important information

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The Next Big Thing Review | Default Prime

Default Prime reviewer Tom Peeters takes a look at the newest point-and-click adventure from Pendulo Studios:

"The Next Big Thing pleasantly surprised me. Although it pretty much looked like a boring game at first sight, as it progressed, it was a lot of fun, and it gave some good laughs too."

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Diehard GameFAN: The Top Ten Games of Q2 2011

DHGF: Well, the second quarter of 2011 is in the can, and because the countdown of my ten favorite games from Q1 2011 proved to be popular with readers, I’ve decided to do the same thing with this one (and probably with Q3 and Q4 once they are finished). It’s hard to believe 2011 is halfway done, and it’s even harder for me to believe that I’ve played over sixty new releases this year – thirty seven in this quarter alone.

Like with all “Top Ten” lists, I like to add some caveats. The first is that, obviously, I am not you. That means my list will more than likely not look like your list. We all have different tastes, so don’t be offended if games you like aren’t on the list. As well, even though I managed to pack thirty-six games into twelve weeks, there were far more games than that released during that time frame, so if a game you played didn’t make the list, it could very well be that I just didn’t get to play it. Two examples of this are Wizardry and LA Noire – both games I really wanted to play, but that I just haven’t had the chance to yet. Hell, I STILL haven’t played the first Dragon Age or Fallout: New Vegas. At the same time, since I play a lot of obscure or indie games, this is a great chance for you, the reader, to discover some really fun games that you might have missed due to their lack of an advertising budget.

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